Promoting World Missions: Index of pages
A sitemap of blogs, devotionals, published articles, local church world missions promotion
materials, help for mission trip organizers, bible reflections, course content learning activities
including word puzzles, exam study guides, and assignment instructions
Sitemap in plain text (.txt
Listed alphabetically, here's what's available on this missions-focused website.
Click on one of the buttons below or scroll down the listing of titles and subject matter to find
what interests you.
Or, go to my search page to find
documents with specific words or phrases.
- 10 ways to avoid becoming a missionary
- 10 ways to ruin your mission trip
- 10% Approved Special Giving in the Church of the Nazarene
- 10/40 Window / Circle of
Significance and Worlds A, B, and C: Explanations and world maps
- 15 Important Chapters of the Bible
- Academic success strategies plus statement on cheating
- Acrostics on this web site
- Alabaster: The Nazarene international building fund
- Alfredo Del Rosso: An Italian captivated by a vision (ebook)
1: Introduction
2: If this be Pentecostalism
3: Out under the stars
4: The Nazarenes
have landed and the situation is well in hand
5: Superintendent Del Rosso
6: Retirement? Not
quite 7:
Retirement? Finally
- Alfredo Del Rosso biography in PDF format
- Amateur radio inspirational thoughts
- Analyzing church statistical graphs
- Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed
- Apostles' missionary journeys (map in PDF format)
- Apple pickers parable
- Articles and books by Howard Culbertson
- Asian is not oriental (PDF format)
- Assimilating new people
- Attendance policy for NBC online course
- Attitudes to Use in Approaching Bible Study
- Authors quoted on this website
- Attendance reminder -- "Peanuts" cartoon (PDF format)
- Background and start of Nazarene global outreach
- Balloon animal instructions from
Pioneer National Latex (sold at Walmart) -- PDF format
- Beginning Nazarene work in
- Bible at a glance
- Bible course (introductory
- Bible passages on world missions:
500-word mini-essays published in Engage magazine
- Nothing left but the covers —
Genesis 1:1 (also Jonah 2:8, Acts 14:15, Romans 1:25, Revelation 4:11 and 14:7)
- More
than "a place in the country" — Genesis 12:1, 15:8 (also Exodus 19:6, Isaiah 42:6,
49:6 and Acts 13:47)
- Blessed to be a blessing
— Genesis 22:18 and Galatians 3:7 (also Genesis 3:15, 12:1-3, 17, 18, 22, Matthew
28:19-20, Galatians 3:8)
- A call to
mission at Sinai — Exodus 19:5-6 (also Genesis 12:1-3, 18:18, 22:18, 28:14, Exodus
28, Isaiah 49:6, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Galatians 3:7)
- Loving
all people -- even foreigners — Deuteronomy 10:19 (also Genesis 12:3 and 1 John
- Heart of God: Psalm 9:11 (also
Psalm 18:49, Psalm 105:1, John 3:16, and Matthew 28:19-20)
- Among
the Nations — Psalm 18:49 (also Matthew 28:19-20)
- Missions exist because worship
— Psalm 48:10
- Global
hope — Psalm 65:5 (also Acts 1:8 and Colossians 3:12)
- Recruiting for the heavenly choir
Psalm 68:32 (also Matthew 28:19-20 and Romans 10:14)
- Keeping track of everyone —
Psalm 87:6 (also Exodus 32:32, 1 Chronicles 16:24, Psalm 69:28, Matthew 24:14, Luke 12:7,
and Revelation 7:9)
- Make known among the nations
— Psalm 105:1
- From
farthest East to farthest West — Psalm 113:3
(also Exodus 19, Psalm 50:12, Isaiah 45:6, 59:19, Matthew 28:19-20)
- Proclaim to every island of the sea
— Isaiah 24:15 and Isaiah 42:12
- The way Isaiah ends —
Isaiah 66:18-19 (also Isaiah 6:1-8, Isaiah chapters 7, 9, 11, 35, 40, 53 and 65, Matthew 28:19-20,
Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8)
- Proclaim in the distant coastlands
— Jeremiah 31:10 (also Isaiah 42:12 and Psalm 97:1)
- Jonah's
attitude problem — Jonah 1:2-3 (also Jonah 4:11)
- For All
Peoples — Zephaniah 3:9 (also Genesis 12:3, Psalm 16:4, Hosea 2:17, John 3:16,
Acts 8, 10-11, 16, Romans 10:14 and Revelation 7:9)
- Your
Kingdom come — Matthew 6:10 (also Jonah 2:8, Matthew 9:38, and Matthew
- The
Mustard Seed Parable — Matthew 13:32
- No
room for "all nations" — Mark 11:17 ( also Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11, Mark 16:15,
Acts 1:8, 1 John 2:2)
- Signs of the coming End Times
— Matthew 24:14
- Missions declaration from the Cross?
— Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 ( also Psalm 22, Matthew 28:19-20) | en español
- The
Great Commission: Suggestion or Command? —
Matthew 28:19-20 (also Genesis 12:3, Isaiah 49:6 and Revelation 7:9)
- Tell
everyone, everywhere — Mark 16:15
(also Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:46-48, John 20:21 and Acts 1:8)
- Good
News to all people — Luke 2:10 (also Joshua 2, Psalm 67:2, 98:2-3, Isaiah 49:6,
52:10 and Luke 2:30-32)
- The
heart of God: His Lost Sheep — Luke 15:4 (also Acts 1:8)
- What's
the hurry? — John 4:35 (also references to Matthew 9 and Luke 10)
- I am
sending you — John 20:21 (also Luke 19:10, John 1:14, Galatians 2:20, and
Colossians 1:17)
- Is missions first local and then global
or all at once? — Acts 1:8 (also Matthew 28, Mark 16:15, Acts 8, Acts 15)
- Carrying out God's plans
— Acts 13:47 (also Isaiah 42:6, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, and Galatians 3:7, 29)
- Light
to the Gentiles — Acts 13:47 (also Isaiah 42:6, 49:6, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke
2:28-32 and Acts 1:8)
- How can they believe in whom they have
not heard? — Romans 10:14 (also Romans 10:12 and Isaiah 52)
- Unless
they are sent — Romans 10:15 (also Luke
10:2, Acts 13:2, and Romans 10:9-10 and 15:24)
- The
Regions Beyond — 2 Corinthians 10:16
- The
Purpose Driven Life — Galatians 3:14 (also Matthew 28:19-20)
- Looking
across the finish line — Revelation 7:9 (also Genesis 11, 12:3, 22:18, Isaiah 49:6,
Matthew 24:14 and Acts 1:8)
- Revelation's Promise —
Revelation 21:23-24 (also Genesis 12:3, 18:18, 28:14, Isaiah 60:3, John 8:12, Revelation 7:9,
7:9, and 14:6)
- Bible passages on caring for the poor
- Bible study principles
- Bible bloopers, trivia, and humor
- Biblical demon possession and Haitian loa possession -- a comparison
- Biblical foundations for missions |
PDF of Missions visualized in Scripture | view as
- Bibliography page -- Why? plus sample entries and documentation for information and quotations
- BibLit materials (Introduction to Biblical literature course at SNU)
Due dates Exam study
guides Bible
memorization passages
Bible reading assignment
- Biblical Perspectives course
- Bingo - a cultural anthropology
- Biographies of
- Biography: Howard
- Biographies of Susan Fitkin by
Melodie Sides and Stan Ingersol
- Biography: Wanda Knox
- Biography: Harmon
- Bread pledge for missions council
- Black history month: World
mission involvement by Black Americans
- Blog: My sabbatical in South
- Bulletin insert for Faith Promise
promotion (PDF format)
- Burning question form --
MCS (PDF format)
- Bwanda Fusa
Challenge game discussion guide
- Canaan: strategic land bridge at
Eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea
- Case studies -- In-depth looks at complex, multi-faceted issues
faced in real-life contexts
- Case Studies: A unique teaching tool
(PDF format) | view at
- Call to missions: How to know if
you're called
- Checklist for local presidents --
Nazarene Missions International
- Choruses in various
- Christian conversion
- Christian Thought course
- Christianity versus culture --
positions taken
- Church as missionary
- Church health and growth
course resources
- Church planting steps
- Classic scripture passages / historic
missions slogans -- handout sheet (PDF format)
- Cliff's Notes on the Bible: The
Bible in 50 words
- More than 240 Common Sayings Quoted From
the Bible
- Commitment African pastor's
- Compassionate Ministries giving
calendar for December
- Conflict: Strategies for Solving or at
least Managing It
- Connection problems: NBC
online statement
- Contract between professor and
- Conversion of Hudson Taylor --
missionary to China in the 1800s
- Conversion of the Barbarians,
400-800 AD
- Conversion of he Vikings,
800-1200 AD
- Coping with Culture Shock
- Creative Access Countries --
places with legal and political barriers to overt Christian missionary work
- Creative Teaching Activities (PDF
- Cross-cultural Worship Service
assignment -- Becoming a foreigner as a minority of one
- Crossword puzzles
- Developing, growing, deepening relationships (PDF format)
- Cultural Anthropology Alphabet (PDF format)
- Cultural Anthropology course resources
- Dante -- life of Italy's most important poet with photos and artwork
(PDF format) | Download as
- "Dear mission trip participants" --
- Death and Dying -- Suggestions on
How to Minister
- Decision-making Tower or
- Deputation -- Caring for
Missionary Speakers
- Developing Ways to Operate
Nazarene Global Missions Outreach -- a look back at history
- Devotional Blogs
- Devotional Blogs: Come Ye
- Devotional Blogs: Narf newsletter
- Sermon on the Mount -- Six devotional blogs (Matthew 5-
- Devotional blogss in
Standard, weekly reflections published in a take-home piece for adult Sunday
school classes
- Active faith, not fatalism -- Psalm
- "And a wee little man was he" --
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
- Moses Confronts Pharoah -- Exodus
10:1-9, 20-25
- An Appropriate humility -- Job
- Atmosphere of commercialism --
Construction financing for St. Peter's Basilica in Rome -- John 1:10-11l and Acts 8:20
- The Antichrist -- Luke
21:25-31, 34-36
- Blessed . . . Not so . . . -- Psalm
- Dancing arouind a golden calf -- Exodus
25:1-9a; 32:1-6a
- Discipleship doesn't come cheaply --
Luke 6
Bonhoeffer was
- Does the Colonel have something we
don't have? -- Luke 14:12-24
- "Don't throw your life away" -- Luke
9:23-25; 17:33; Matthew 16:24-27
- Easter: Christ is Risen! -- Luke
- Emptiness versus God's
presence -- Exodus 33:12-17
- Escaping mammon's golden
claws -- Matthew 6:24
- First things first -- Luke
- Fountain of joy -- Habakkuk 2:2-4; 3:1-2,
- Spiritual Renewal: The Fountain of
Youth -- Isaiah 40:31 and 41:10
- Getting the glory down -- Psalm
- God has visited His people -- Luke
- God's man under pressure -- Exodus
- He is my shepherd -- Psalm
- I sing because I'm free -- Exodus
14:10-16, 22-31
- Leaning on the everlasting
arms -- Psalm 37:1-11
- Live-and-share philosophy of
life -- Luke 5:17, 24, 27-39; 6:11
- Lord, teach us to pray -- Luke
- Love that destroys -- in a good
sense -- 1 Corinthians 13
- Measuring up -- Micah 6:8
- Moses' call from "I am Who I
am" -- Exodus 3:1-10, 13-15
- Non più
morte, non più duolo -- Revelation 21:4
- Perfect love -- Luke
- Power of the Savior's word -- Luke
4:31-36, 40-43; 5:1-6
- Satan's empty bag of tricks -- Luke
- Single-minded concern for the
Kingdom -- Philippians 4:19
- Spiritual Renewal: Fountain of
Youth -- Isaiah 40:31 and 41:10
- Sweet little baby Jesus -- Psalms
22:1-5; 23 and 24:7-10
- Swimming
upstream -- Exodus 20:12-20
- Telling tales -- Psalm 15;
- These hands I give to you -- Exodus
- To everyone that is thirsty (Isaiah's
vision) -- Isaiah 55:1-3
- Too sure of ourselves -- Luke 22:33,
- Trust the instruments: What
flighgt training taught me -- Joshua 1:5-9
- Unworthily? -- Exodus
- Watch thief -- Exodus
- We shall be changed -- 1
Corinthians 15:51-58
- Wet blanket (or joyless)
religion -- Luke 15:21-32
- What does God have in mind for your
kids? -- Exodus 2:1-15
- What kind of Way Preparer are
you? -- Luke 3:4, 15-18
- Where is your faith? -- Luke
- Where they did not belong -- Exodus
- Who cares? -- 1 John 4:7
- Who do you say He is? -- Luke
- Diamante (or diamond) poem
- Difficult group
- Discovering Missions book
advertisement (PDF format)
- Discussion Questions: Creating Good Ones
- Distinguished Service Award ( DSA )
order form (PDF format)
- Divorce: Statement by Nazarene
international General Assembly
- Does Jesus care if we cuss? -- Is
swearing okay for Christians?
- Does Satan exist?
- Doing Missions Well: Missionary
Biographies (Engage magazine articles)
- Enculturation and acculturation:
Two ways human beings acquire culture -- by David Hesselgrave
- Ethics of Change by Charles
- Ethnocentrism: What's bad about
it? How can we get moving on the path to multi-cultural appreciation and admiration
- Exam study sheets: see "Study guides"
- Exegesis paper in Theology of
Missions | |
Feedback on exegesis
papers (PDF format)
- Exit interviews: Guidelines
and suggestions for talking to people who have left a church
- Faith Promise giving for missions
- FAQs pages (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Fish Scale by Jamie Wood (PDF
- Frankfurt Declaration of the
Fundamental Crisis in Christian Mission -- authored by Peter Beyerhaus (PDF format)
- Fundraising ideas for short-term
mission trips
- Fundraising ideas from
- Fundraising principles
- General Education courses
- "Getting paid" for the BibLit
Bible dictionary report assignment (PDF format)
- Giving that transforms -- PDF
of book
- Giving your testimony of faith in
- Global Evangelism course materials
(NBC online)
- Glossolalia -- What is it?
- Goals of Nazarene Missions
- God's Bulgarian tapestry (ebook)
- Good Grades: How to get
- Good news for all people plus an
Advent devotional blog and how to say Merry Christmas in 99 languages
- Gospel-ready countries
- Grading rubric sample for written
assignments (PDF format)
- Gray matrix (PDF format)
| view as PowerPoint
- President Gresham's dream of
overseas volunteer service for new college graduates
- Groiup Members -- Unwelcome
- Gulliver's Travels,
McDonald's restaurants and Cultural anthropology |
PDF file of
- Haggai: Finding resources for
world evangelism (PDF format) |
view as
- Ham Radio Blog Illustrations
- Hand: A way to remember how to pray
for missionaries
- Hand of God at work in current
- Harvest time in Haiti!
- Heartwarming stories from the
SNU campus
- Hidden Bible book names puzzle
| 16 hidden Bible book names
solution | 30 hidden Bible book names
- History of Nazarene Missions
- Holiness and
Missions -- classic through-the-Bible booklet by Susan Fitkin
- Holiness Today articles (formerly known as Herald of
- Home page
- Homiletical reflections
- How "entire" is entire
How weekly Bible Reading assignments are graded
- I threw my life away
- Iceberg, concentric circles, and
onions: 3 analogies of culture
- Identifying receptive
- Illustrated Bible Life articles
- Inserts for Sunday bulletins (worship
- Inspirational writings: Nazarene
Amateur Radio Fellowship (NARF) newsletter
- Inspirational devotional blogs published in Standard
- Institutions: help or hindrance to
church health and growth?
- Introduction to Biblical Literature
- Introduction to Christian
Thought course
- Introduction to Christian Missions
course resources
- Internet pages: Examples of District
and local NMI websites
- Istwa Labib: Bible history
summary in Haitian Creole
- It happened today in world missions history
- Japan: History of Nazarene
- Jehovah's Witnesses PowerPoint
presentation on history and beliefs (PDF format)
- Jehovah's Witness: Questions and
- Jonah, the reluctant
missionary (ebook)
- Juggling instructions
(PDF format)
- Bible storyline and key
- The Kingdom strikes back: Signs of the Messiah at work:
Foreword 1. The
Kingdom strikes back 2. The blind are
seeing 3. The
lepers are being cured
4. The crippled are
walking 5. The
deaf are hearing 6.
The poor are hearing the Good News 7.
- Knox, Wanda -- biography
by Kimberly Jayne
- "Lab" reports for Ministry, Church
and Society course | PDF of PowerPoint explanation
- Leadership Survey (PDF
- Lessons from church health/growth
- Lessons from Italy
- Letters to Youth in Mission
- Life's legacy
- Lightbulb: what is it?
- Linguistics course
- Links: Caring for your adopted
- Listening productively to boring
- Litany for commissioning or
sending short-term mission trip teams
- Local church research
(PDF format)
- McGavran, Donald and the the
Church Growth movement (PDF format) |
view as PowerPoint
- Measuring compassion
advertisement (PDF format)
- Medical Plan giving
- Medical Plan giving
advertisement (PDF format)
- Membership in the Church of the
- Memorial Roll certificate order
form (PDF format)
- Memory passages for
- Messianic terminology and
definitions: some help in contextualization
- Milestones on the way to cross-cultural
- Ministry, Church and Society
course requirements (PDF format) |
view as PowerPpoint
- Ministry, Church and Society course
- Missiology
- Mission Briefing: Concepts affecting world mission outreach today
- Mission Call Coordinator (PDF
- Mission Corps
- Mission to the World -- History of Nazarene Missions
- Mission trip fund raising
- Missions Bible verses: 500-word
- Missionary biography
- Missionary interview assignment
- Missionary slogans
PDF of PowerPoint slides
view as
- Missionary songs -- list of titles
for use in missions services
- Missionary songs -- world
missions words set to familiar tunes
- Missionary statistics
- World missions in the Bible
- Missions dollars in the Church of
the Nazarene -- what they support
- Missions history course
- Missions history lecture
- Missions history timeline: Year-by-year
across the centuries
- Missions training exercise:
Getting out of your comfort zone
- Mobilizing local churches for world
- Modern Missionary Movement
course resources
- Mr. Missionary, I Have a Question
Hawaii, hoes and
Creole, Christopher Columbus and the
Regional Directors, demons and the
Dominican Republic
Mangoes, malnutrition and
Rice Christians, churches and
Missionaries, mail and men
- Monthly NMI emphases
- My Faith Story
worksheet ({PDF format)
- Nazarene Amateur Radio Fellowship
(NARF) devotional blogs with illustrations from ham radio
- Naarene Bible College course -
Global Evangelism
- Nazarene church
- Nazarene global expansion --
country by country
- Nazarene missions - brief
- Nazarene Missions course resources
- Nazarene Theological Education around the world (PDF format)
- New pastor welcome gift bag
- News Writing workshop notes
- Nine habits or characteristics of very fruitful churches
- NMI (Nazarene Missions
- NMI publicity advertisement
(PDF format)
- Online characters I've encountered while teaching online
- Online Learning: Good habits lead to good grades
- Opportunities for giving to world
missions (PDF format) |
view as PowerPoint
- Oral reports -- BibLit class
- Our balanced attack -- how Nazarenes finance world evangelism
PDF of book
Chapters online:
1. Football and missions giving
2. Budget: A bad word doing good things
3. We called it general, but it's very
specific 4.
Peanut butter and jelly
The Nazarene Construction Company
6. I was hungry, and you gave me something 7. Giving more with less pain
8. Doubling
and tripling our investments
9. Cleaning out attics and garages
- Our history: The Church of the Nazarene
- Outreach to the nations: 1600 to present
- Parables: How Can They Help Us?
- Pasta, pizza and Pinocchio
- Introduction
1. The Leaning
Tower, the Lira, and Women's Lib
2. Italian, Illegal Drugs, and Insulated
Buildings 3.
Fiats, Florence, and Furloughs
4. The Military,
Missionaries, and the Mafia 5. Marco Polo and
Ronald McDonald 6. The Cerratos, Alabaster
Churches, and Work Crews 7. Communism,
Catholicism, and the Charismatics 8. Sincerity,
Self-support, and Sowing the Seed 9. Books,
Broadcasting, and the Bible College 10.
Culture Shock and Carpeting 11. A Word
from My Heart
- Paul McGrady, Mr.
- Persecuted church
- Perspectives on the World Christian
Movement | Resources for Lesson 8
- Phases of short-term missions
- PowerPoint presentations
- Prayer for the world's
- Praying for missionaries
- Printed music and words for classic missions songs and hymns (PDF format)
- "A Missionary Cry"
- "A World-Wide Revival"
- "All the world for Jesus"
- "Arm of the Lord, Awake"
- "Called to all nations" -- an NMI
quadrennial theme song
- "Come, Labor On!"
- "Eternal God, Whose Power
- "Fill Up the Ranks"
- "Fling Out the Banner"
- "For My Sake and the
- "For the Whole Wide World"
- "Go!"
- "Go Ye Into All the World"
- "Go, Ye Messengers of God"
- "Hark! The Voice of Jesus
- "He Was Not Willing"
- "Heralds of Christ"
- "Here Am I, Send Me"
- "Imagine the Harvest" -- NMI
quadrennial theme song
- "Increase my vision"
- "I'll Go Where You Want Me to
- "Jesus Shall Reign"
- "Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of
- "Lord of the Living Harvest
- "Our God Reigns"
- "O Zion, Haste!"
- "Proclaim Our God of
- "Reach Your Arms Around the
World for Jesus"
- "Ready"
- "Redeem the Time"
- "Rescue the Perishing"
- "Roll On, Thou Mighty Ocean"
- "Saving and Serving"
- "Savior, Sprinkle Many
- "Speak, My Lord"
- "Speed Away"
- "Speed the Light"
- "Tell the Blessed Story"
- "The Battle Is the Lord's"
- "The Kingdom is Coming"
- "The Light of the World is
- "The Macedonian Cry"
- "The Morning Light is
- "The Regions Beyond"
- "The Whole Wide World for
- "Thou Whose Almighty Word"
- "Throw Out the Lifeline"
- "The Work Must Go On"
- "We'll Girdle the Globe with
Salvation" -- classic lyrics that mean
we'll go all the way around the globe or we'll cover the globe
- "When the whole
world lives for Him"
- "Ye Christian Heralds"
- "Your Mission"
- Questions for group
presentations -- theology of missions
- Question form --
Christian Thought class (PDF format)
- Questions Raised and Answered by the Old Testament
- Questions Raised and Answered by the New Testament
- Raising financial support for
short-term mission trips
- Recipe from Haiti
- Reentry from cross-cultural missions
experience -- Suggestions on how to bounce back
- Reflcting Christ in world missioins:
Cross-cultural Christlikeness
- My Responses to a Jehovah's
Witness Questions
- Responsive Bible Readings for global
missions events
PDF of PowerPoint
slides |
view as
- Risorgimento in Italy: The doors
open to Protestants
- Roman Catholic monastic missionary
- Rookie Notebook -- Our first nine months as missionaries in Italy
- Ruining a short-term mission
- Sample prayer card
- Sample support raising
- Sample assignment papers -- actual papers submitted by students
- Introduction to Missions and Global Evangelism
- Nazarene Missions
- Biography of Orpha Speicher --
medical missionary to India (PDF format)
- Sampling of "topic paper" ideas (PDF
for Mission Strategies course
- Scenarios for Theology of Missions
- Schmelzenbach biography --
pioneer missionary to Africa
- Scripture index: Bible passages used on this site
- Self-examination questions
from John Wesley
- Sermons on holiness --
audio by Dr. Scott Daniels
- Service project suggestions for
Ministry, Church, and Society course assignment
- Shepherd Community -- an urban
ministry center in Indianapolis
- Short-term mission trips
- "Silent Night" -- The story behind
the beloved Christmas carol
- Slogans promoting world
evangelism |
Slogans on PowerPoint
slides (PDF format)
- Slogans that awakened the
Church -- mini-essay series from Engage magazine
- Society for the Picking of Apples
-- a world missions parable
- Songs in other languages
- Speaking in tongues -- some
thoughts about glossolalia
- Speaking through an
- Spiritual priorities survey (PDF
view as PowerPoint
- Starter questions and candy
gifts for missions council or committee meetings
- Starving children appeals --
How to respond to appeals for donations
- Statistics: The world in the 21st
- Story of the Bible in pictures -- a
one-page story of the Bible in graphics (PDF format)
- Strategies of Missions Practices
syllabus (PDF)
- Strategy lecture for Global
Evangelism course (Part 1)
- Strategy lecture for Global
Evangelism course (Part 2)
- Strategy of missions course
- Study guides for exams (PDF format) -- What you need to know in order to do
- Introduction to Biblical literature (BibLit)
- Christian faith and life
- Christian thought
- Introduction to Christian missions
- Church health/growth and Christian missions
- Cultural anthropology
- Ministry, church and society (MCS)
- Regular semester
- May mini-term
- Modern missionary movement (History of missions)
- Mission strategies
- Nazarene Missions
- Theology of missions
- World's Living Religions
- Summary paper instructions --
Cultural Anthropology
- Supplementary Bible crossword
- Support money
- Survivor care kit for missions
council leaders
- Susanna Wesley defines sin
- Survivor kit for courses
- Syllabi for courses
- Syllabus: your course
road map
- Take courage! Pran
- Tate: Was that Adam's last
- Terms of Service
- Thanksgiving: What does the Bible
say? (PDF format)
- Theology of missions course
- Theology of missions questions for
group presentations
- Third-culture kids
- Three Missionary Profiles --
Readers' theatre script for Lottie Moon, C.T. Studd and Hudson Taylor and his two
wives (PDF format)
- Tips for online class
- Tips for safe travel
- Top 5 missions videos
- Top Ten ways to fix writing
- Traditional Religions course
- Travel checklist for short-term
mission trips
- Two churches' attitudes toward
world missions
- The unevangelized: Will they be
lost? Answers to an oft-asked question
- Used accordians needed in
- Using Theological Education by
Extension to teach Biblical theology in Haiti (PDF format)
- Unwelcome group
- Videos for NBC's Global Evangelism course
- Volunteer missions
- Voodoo spirit possession -- Is it
- Voodoo rara band in Haiti
- Welcome, New Pastors
- Wesleyan perspective article (PDF
- Wesleyan perspective study
- What do you see?
- What does a holiness minister
- What we believe and teach:
Questions and answers
- What Mks wish churches
- At what age do Americans become
Christian? Pie chart by age
- Who is the real Hindu? (PDF
- Why do we do responsive Bible readings
- Will the real me please stand
- William "Bill" Borden: No Reserve.
No Retreat. No Regret.
- Witnessing scenarios: How
would you respond?
- Word scramble puzzles
- Word search puzzles
- World Evangelism Broadcast
- World population as a village of 100
- World Week of Prayer (PDF
- World religions chart (PDF
- World Religions course
- Writing checklist
- Writings by Howard
- "Your will be done" -- World
Missions in the Lord's Prayer