Prepare little sacks in which you put a copy of the following note with one of each item named.
For a similar gift bag for pastors, go to Welcome, Pastors.
This kit was specially designed for your use at any time. Store in a handy place for occasional or daily use. This kit contains the following:
Paper clip - To keep
things together when they seem to be out of control
Rubber band - To remind you
that there is always a squeeze or hug when you need it
Kleenex - To wipe a tear or
blow a nose (yours or someone else's)
Candy kisses - Self-explanatory
Smooth stone - The end result of rough times that wind up improving and polishing
Eraser - To erase misunderstandings
Stationery - To send a
long-overdue note
Recipe - Something to share with a friend
Band-aid - To heal a hurt (yours or someone else's)
Bible promise - To
be read and believed daily
I do not know who should get credit for coming up with this idea. If you know, please e-mail me: I'd like to give credit to that person!
-- Howard Culbertson,