Video assignment instructions plus a simplified grading rubric
Note: Actual student samples can be found on the Nazarene Bible College course web pages.
Simplified grading rubric to use as a checklist prior to submitting your work
Was the assignment submitted on time? (by Sunday night of Week 1)
Does the submission contain ideas for two separate sermons on ends-of-the-earth world evangelism?
Did each sermon idea include all three items outlined in the instructions (scripture, title, thesis statement)?
Is it evident that each of the sermons will be a clear call for some kind of involvement in ends-of-the-earth gospel proclamation?
Is there a sense that the two sermon ideas were spawned by the biblical content of the Week 1 Reading and class discussions?
Is the submission relatively free of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage mistakes?
In terms of achieving assignment goals, is this work exceptional, excellent, good, acceptable, minimal or inadequate?
"I like the way the professor gives very clear instructions." -- José O., Nazarene Bible College student
Note: The course web pages on the official Nazarene Bible College site will contain expanded written instructions for this sermon ideas assignment.
-- Howard Culbertson,
A Sermon's Main Idea
The thesis of a sermon can also be called the "main idea," "central message," or "point of the sermon." It's the core concept or theme that the preacher aims toommiunicate through the sermon. This thesis typically encapsulates a spiritual or moral lesson, biblical teaching, and the practical application that the preacher wants the hearers to understand and apply.