"Many of the issues covered in the reading are relevant to us in our everyday life
because of how diverse America is." -- Shane M., Nazarene Bible College student
Grading rubric for writing and submitting weekly reading reports
Does the reflection have the required minimum number of words?
Was it posted on time (by Wednesday night)?
Is there a sense that ALL of the materials assigned to be read this week were read?
Does the reflection show understanding of and interaction with the assigned readings (as
opposed to being loosely associated comments that could have been written without the
pages having been read)?
Does the submission move beyond basic summarizing to displaying critical-thinking skills (conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating)
Is the submission acceptable for college-level reflective writing?
Is an end-of-the-chapter question from the textbook stated with a substantive
answer to that question given?:
Is the submission relatively free of proofreading, grammatical, and syntax errors?
In terms of achieving assignment goals, is this reading reflection exceptional, excellent,
good, acceptable, minimal, or inadequate?
Note: The course web pages on the official NBC site will contain expanded written
instructions for the weekly reading reports
"The textbook equipped me with a lot more knowledge than I came in with. It also
ignited a passion for world missions that I did not have before." -- Adam Wiid, Nazarene Bible
College student
"This is a great course that opened my eyes to the struggles Christians face around
the globe. It gave me an understanding of the real need for missionaries around the world. It's
still hard to fathom that there are over two billion people who have not heard about Jesus." --
student on course evaluation
What kind of online student are you? Do others think
of you as Busy or Wordy or Disconnected Dan? Do you sometimes come off to others as Oblivious or Trite-ly or even End-times Edith? . . [ more