Crossword Puzzle 1: Introduction to World Missions
A tool for learning about world missions
Based on material in chapter 1, Discovering Missions by Gailey and
Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book? If not, then
use this online PDF of Discovering
Missions to find the answers!

Word document with puzzle
2 | | The church historian who said that "when
everything is mission, nothing is mission." |
3 | | A missionary to Ireland who used a shamrock to talk
about the doctrine of the Trinity |
4 | | The theological study of the Church which John
Howard Yoder saw as inseparable from missiology |
8 | | The study of or conscious reflection upon the
practice of Christian mission |
9 | | Someone whom Ray Tallman defines as "a
ministering agent sent by God and His church to communicate the gospel message across any and
all cultural boundaries" |
1 | | A combination of two words that seeks to describe
the development around the world of differences within a mutually intelligible system |
5 | | The fulfilling of the Great Commission by
establishing communities of Christian faith within every culture |
6 | | An academic discipline dealing with the science of
verbal communication from which missiology gleans insights |
7 | | A missionary to India who is often called "the father of the modern missionary movement" |
Puzzle answers
-- Howard Culbertson,
Based on material in the book Discovering Missions by
Charles Gailey and Howard Culbertson, published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (now known as The Foundry)
What Are the Important Topics in Missiology Today?
The study of missiology covers a range of topics related to the theory and practice of cross-cultural Christian missions. Those include:
- Theology of Missions: This includes understanding
the biblical basis for missions and examining theological viewpoints on evangelism,
discipleship, and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
- Cross-Cultural Communication: Study of communication across cultural boundaries, including language learning, cultural anthropology, and contextualization of the gospel message.
- History of World Missions: Examination of the
historical development of Christian missions. This includes key figures, movements, and
strategies from early Christianity to contemporary missions efforts.
- Mission Strategy and Methods: Analysis of
different approaches to missions. This includes work in creative access areas, indigenous church
planting, holistic ministry, tentmaking, short-term missions, and long-term missionary work.
- Contextualization: Understanding how to present the
gospel message in culturally relevant ways without compromising its core truths.
- Globalization and Missions: Analysis of the impact
of globalization on missions. This includes the opportunities and challenges posed by global
migration, technology, and interconnectedness.
- Missionary Anthropology: Study of human cultures
and societies from a missionary perspective with a focus on understanding worldviews, social
structures, and existing religious beliefs.
- Missional Ecclesiology: Analysis of the
relationship between missions and the nature and purpose of the church. This includes the role
of local churches and denominations in sending and supporting missionaries.
- Ethics and Missions: Examination of ethical issues
related to missions. These include cultural sensitivity, empowerment, paternalism, social
justice, and responsible stewardship of resources.
- Missions and Community Development: Integration
of missiological principles with development work, including community development, poverty
alleviation, healthcare, education, and sustainable economic projects.
- Spiritual Formation and Discipleship: Focus on the
spiritual growth and formation of missionaries, as well as the discipleship of new believers and
church leaders in cross-cultural contexts.
- Missions and Evangelism in Urban Contexts: Understanding the unique challenges
and opportunities of urban environments for missions and evangelism. This includes looking at
strategies for engaging diverse urban populations.
Crossword puzzles for all other chapters:
3 | 4 |
| 6 | 7 | 8
| 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 |
13 | 14
"Thank you for adding the crossword puzzles as one of the learning skills!" --
Novella S., Nazarene Bible College student
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