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"Traditional religions" typically refer to belief systems, spiritual practices, and cultural customs that have been established over a long period within a particular community or society. These religions often have deep roots in the history and culture of a region or ethnic group and are passed down through generations via oral traditions, written texts, rituals, and ceremonies.
Traditional religions often include the following six charaterisrtics:
Examples of traditional religions include various forms of indigenous spirituality, such as Native American religions, African traditional religions, Australian Aboriginal religions, and the traditional religions of many indigenous peoples in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Additionally, certain forms of Hinduism, Shintoism , and Taoism could also be considered traditional religions due to their deep historical roots and cultural significance within their respective regions.
Additional materials will be available during the course. Students in Traditional Religions will study in detail those religions, usually of tribal peoples, that may also carry the label "animistic."
I have a very personal interest in this subject since we spent one term of service in Haiti, where the predominant religion is an animistic one called voodoo (variant spellings include voudun and vodou). [ e-book on Haiti ]
Case studies to be used in class:
Are you doing some of your research on the Internet? If so, be sure to cite those internet sources properly in your written work.
The letter grade for the course will generally be assigned according to the standard breakdown (A=90% or above, B=80% or above, etc.). The following percentages will be used to compute the course grade:
Assignments which come in late will be subject to a reduction in grade.
Jan. 24 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 March 5 March 7 March 12 March 14 March 26 March 28 April 2 April 4 April 9 April 11 April 16 April l8 April 23 April 25 April 30 May 2 May 7 May 9 May 15 | Worldview, "Flaw of the Excluded
Middle" Mysterium tremendum/ des Ganz Andre/ Majestas Religious myths, rituals, and ceremonies Animism and animatism Sorcery, diviners and magicians Magic, amulets, and charms Review day EXAM Sorcery Totemism and the manitou Individualistic cults Shamanistic cults Communal cults Ecclesiastical cults EXAM over pages 85-164 of Howells & Report #17 Spirit possession and glossolalia Voodoo Idols and images Syncretism Prophetic and nativistic movements Cargo cults Review day EXAM Folk churches Neopaganism in America (In "gods" we trust) Death, ghosts, and ancestor worship Magical treatment of illness Folk psychiatry Film Review and catchup (Wednesday) Final exam 8-9:50 |
This bibliography is not exhaustive. It is simply a sampling of what is available in the library.
Adeney, Miriam. "What is 'Natural' About Witchcraft and Sorcery?"
Missiology. l974: 377-95.
Atkinson, Jane Monnig. "The Effectiveness of Shamans in an Indonesian Ritual,"
American Anthropologist. June, l987, p. 342.
Booth, William. "Voodoo Science," Science. April 15, l988. p. 274.
Brown, Kenneth I. "Worshiping with the Church of the Lord (Aladura)," Practical
Anthropology.l966: 59-84.
_______. "Forms of Baptism in the African Independent Churches of Tropical Africa,"
Practical Anthropology. l972: l69-l92.
Carpenter, Mark. "The Bible vs 'Brazilian Reality'," Christianity Today. December
13, l985, p. 50.
Devillers, Carole. "Haiti's Voodoo Pilgrimages of Spirits and Saints," National
Geographic. March,l985, p. 395.
Gilliland, Dean. "Phenomenology as Mission Method," Missiology. l979,
Hiebert, Paul G.
"The Flaw of the Excluded Middle," Missiology. l982, l:35.
Holmes, Lowell D. "Cults, Cargo and Christianity: Samoan Responses to Western
Religion,"Missiology. l980, 4:471-487.
Kapenzi, G.Z. "Shona and Navaho: A Comparative Study of Beliefs and Practices,"
Missiology.l974, 4:489-95.
Katz, Susan. "A Pantheon of Spirits: Haiti's Voodoo Mixes Faith and Magic,"
Newsweek. February 24, l986, p. 64.
Levine, Art. "Mystics on Main Street: While Skeptics Cast Doubts, Psychics Count Dollars,"
U.S.News and World Report. February 9, l987, p. 67.
Loewen, Jacob A. "Mythology and Missions," Practical Anthropology. l969:
McGregor, Donald E. "New Guinea Myths and Scriptural Similarities," Missiology.
l974, l:35.
O'Brien, Patricia. "Prehistoric Evidence for Pawnee Cosmology," American
Anthropologist. Vol.88o, 939-946.
Osborne, Kenneth B. "A Christian Graveyard Cult in the New Guinea Highlands,"
Practical Anthropology. l970: l0-15.
Partain, Jack. "Christians and Their Ancestors: A Dilemma of African Theology,"
Christian Century.November 26, l986, p. l066.
Roberts, John M., Saburo Morita and L. Keith Brown. "Personal Categories for Japanese Sacred
Places and Gods," American Anthropologist. Vol. 88. Dec., l986, pages
Saliba, John A. "Myth and Religious Man in Contemporary Anthropology."
Missiology. l973, 3:281.
Sass, Louis. "Voodoo Therapy: Do you believe in magic?" Vogue. Sept., l986, p.
Shaw, Daniel. "Every Person a Shaman," Missiology. l98l, 3:359-366.
Singleton, Michael. "Signs and Spiritual Direction: the Pastoral Counseling of the
Possessed," Missiology. l977, 2:l85-l94.
Taber, Floyd W. "How Real are Dreams," Practical Anthropology. l972: l08-l09.
Thornton, John K. "On the trail of voodoo: African Christianity in Africa and the Americas,"
The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History, v. 44, Jan.,
l988, p. 261.
Tippett, Alan R. "The Evangelization of Animists," in Perspectives on the World Christian
Movement, ed. by Ralph Winter and Steven C.
Hawthorne. pages 629-640.
Toliver, Ralph. "Syncretism: A Specter Among Philippine Protestants," Practical
Anthropology.l970: 210-219.
Turner, Harold W. "Old and New Religions Among North American Indians,"
Missiology. l973,2:47.
Turner, Charles V. "The Sinasina Stone Bowl Cult," Practical Anthropology. l970:
Van Rheenen, Gailyn. "Cultural Conceptions of Power in Biblical Perspective"
Missiology, January 1993
Welton, Michael. "Themes in African Traditional Belief and Ritual," Practical
Anthropology. l97l:l-l8.
Wright, Michael. "Some Observations on Thai Animism," Practical Anthropology.
l968: l-7.
Yancey, Philip. "Tree Trunks and Other Trivial Pursuits," Christianity Today, May
17, l985, p. 8.
In microform:
"Christian response to the phenomenon of witchcraft in Ghana," an MA thesis by Vincent
"Elements of a strategy for the evangelization of Rastafarians with special reference to Jamaica,"
an MA thesis by Laurie Lind
Beals, Ralph L. and Harry Hoijer. An Introduction to Anthropology. pages
Bessy, Maurice. A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural.
Conn, Harvie. Eternal Word and Changing Worlds.
De Waal Malefijt, Annemarie. Religion and Culture.
Durkheim, Emile. Elementary Forms of Religious Life.
Diederich, Bernard and Al Burt. Papa Doc and the Tonton Macoutes. pages
Eliade, Mircea. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy.
Frazer, James George. The New Golden Bough. (Found in "reference" section)
Gehman, Richard J. African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective.
Haviland, William A. Anthropology. pages 535-560.
Hiebert, Paul G. Cultural Anthropology. pages 371-396.
Keesing, Roger M. Cultural Anthropology. pages 385-405.
Kottak, Conrad Phillip. Cultural Anthropology. pages 260-284.
Leach, Maria, ed. Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and
Legend, l972. (Located in
"Reference" section)
Leslie, Charles, ed. Anthropology of Folk Religion.
Lessa, W. A. and E.Z. Vogt, editors, Reader in Comparative Religions.
Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. Primitives and the Supernatural.
Lowie, Robert. Primitive Religion.
Melton, J. Gordon. Magic, Witchcraft and Paganism in America. ("Reference"
Nevius, John L. Demon Possession.
Nida, Eugene A. and William A. Smalley. Introducing Animism.
Taylor, Robert B. Cultural Ways. pages 229-246.
Check also the 20-volume series Peoples of the Earth located in the "reference" section.
![]() | The gospel can never become contextualized until it is expressed in a people's native (or heart) language. [ more ] |
Writing Standards Most courses at SNU contain a writing component. I expect students to produce written work that is focused, well-developed, organized, and relatively free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Papers falling short of this standard will not be graded. That work will be returned to the students for further revision and resubmission. See my writing checklist. |
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