Blog: Who do you say Jesus is? Do you agree with Peter?

What can we learn from Peter's declaration that Jesus was the Christ

Commentary on Luke 9

Luke 9:18-20

9 18 Once, when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, "Who do the crowds say I am?"

19 They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life."

20 "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

Peter answered, "God's Messiah."

Week 8 (February)

Some Italians believed Benito Mussolini had the right answers for moving their country forward. Because they so fully believed in Mussolini, many Italians threw their lives unreservedly into helping him achieve his dreams.

For more than 20 years, Mussolini was the virtual dictator of Italy. He took on a special titleIl Duce: "the supreme leader or head." The Roman Catholic Pope in 1929, Pius XI (himself an Italian), said that Mussolini was a man whom "Providence has ordained," a man "halfway between heaven and earth."

The people's faith in Mussolini proved to be a false hope. He did not do all that he claimed he would do. Because Mussolini was not all that his loyal followers believed him to be, his dreams came crashing down on him in the ruin of World War 2.

To think about the followers of Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, and other evil political figures makes us shudder. People have so believed in such men that they unquestioningly dedicated their lives to helping each fulfill his particular ambitions.

But it also ought to cause us -- who claim to believe, with Peter, that Jesus is the Christ ("the anointed one") of God -- to reflect on our level of commitment and willingness to sacrifice.

Some dedicated Italian Christians in the 1930s were convinced that Jesus Christ, not Mussolini, had the ultimate answers for our world. They even wrote a song about "Christ, our Duce." For their courageous outspokenness about who was their Supreme Leader, they paid a steep price. Some spent time in prison for their witness. A few even died as a direct result of their deep conviction that Jesus, and Jesus alone, was the one anointed by God.

Their belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the long-awaited Messiah would allow them to do no less than throw their lives into helping Him fulfill His desires for the world. From this commitment growing out of their belief in Jesus, Italian Protestants emerged from the years of Fascism stronger than before.

I sometimes wonder if our belief in Jesus as the anointed or chosen one is as profound and deep as we say it is. Do we really understand what Jesus being the Christ really means in terms of His divine majesty? Do we understand that if we actually believe the words of the songs we sing in church, our lifestyles will be markedly different from those of the non-Christians around us?

If we were formally charged in a court of law with being believers in Jesus as the Promised Messiah, would there be enough evidence in our way of life to produce a conviction? Or would we have trouble convincing the court that we really did believe in Jesus as God's Anointed One?

A band of dedicated Christians who really believe that Jesus is the Christ of God must strike fear in Hell itself. If believers in political figures can bring about change in the structure of our world, shouldn't believers in Jesus Christ be able to do at least as much?

Maybe we don't stop often enough to let the wonder that Jesus of Nazareth was the anointed Messiah prophesied from the beginning of the world sink in on us. Jesus was more than the imagined fulfillment of a couple of vague prophecies. He is the Messiah or Christ down to the last prophetic detail.

One of the confirmations of that came a week after Peter had acknowledged Jesus to be the Christ (the Anointed One). We've come to call this historical event the Transfiguration. Shortly thereafter, a storm would break in on the men who had witnessed that glorious occasion, but even in that storm, the Transfiguration memory would serve as a revelation of hope. For us today, it confirms as well the glory awaiting believers after death -- a glory that will be ours because Jesus was, and is, truly the Anointed One of God.

I wrote this devotional blog when Barbara and I were serving as missionaries in Italy. They were published in Standard, a weekly take-home Faith Connections curriculum piece for adult Sunday school classes published by The Foundry.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Reflection Questions

  1. What does it mean to believe that Jesus is the Christ? How should that belief affect the way we live?
  2. Are there ways we can be sure that our expressions of belief in Jesus are genuine and not just lip service?
  3. By using examples like that of Italian Christians (who declared that Jesus rather than Mussolini was their ultimate leader), can we successfully challenge people to live by what they say they believe about Jesus?
  4. In what ways can the Transfiguration event confirm Jesus' identity as the Anointed One of God?
  5. How can a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ help us be fruitful in our witness and ministry?

Afterword: How should we describe Jesus?

Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and the Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament. They believe Jesus was born of a virgin through miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that Jesus lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and taught about the kingdom of God. He ultimately died on a cross to atone for humanity's sins.

According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Three days later, he rose from the dead. It was a clear demonstration of victory over sin and death. Jesus' resurrection is central to the Christian faith and is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

Christians also believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, people can be forgiven of their sins, reconciled with God, and have eternal life. Jesus is considered the Savior. He is the mediator between humanity and God who offers salvation to all who believe in Him.

"Who do You Say I Am?" -- Answers all over the place

People today think of Jesus in at least seven different ways. These include:

  1. Many people, including some non-Christian scholars, say Jesus was a moral and ethical teacher whose teachings have had a lasting impact on human values and ethics.
  2. Some people view Jesus as a revolutionary who challenged the social and political norms of his time and spoke up for justice and compassion.
  3. Certain skeptics say that the story of Jesus lacks historical basis and is largely mythological.
  4. Some people see Jesus as a guru whose teachings are guides to spiritual enlightenment.
  5. In popular culture, Jesus gets reduced to a symbol of peace, love, and forgiveness.
  6. In some New Age and pantheistic beliefs, Jesus is a symbol of the divine presence and a representation of universal love and consciousness.
  7. For Christians, Jesus is . . .

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