Why do pastors in the USA/Canada resign from their churches?
- Pastors in the USA and Canada often face short tenures, internal conflicts, and the need for affirmation and rest.
- Pastors considering resignation need to ask themselves some tough questions
- The qualities that define successful pastors include strong
spiritual grounding, leadership skills, and the ability to prioritize the congregation's well-being over external pressures.
- Pastor-congregation relationships must be built on acceptance, empathy, and trust.
Clergy attrition
Like most college professors, I've seen many hilarious errors in student-written
papers. Here is a recent one: "The church I attend is just great. I love the pasture."
Church health analysts say sustained church health and growth is more likely when a pastor
stays long-term. So, why is the average tenure for a Nazarene pastor just over 3 years? Why such
short stays even when there had been a certain sense at the beginning this was where God had
called them? Why does the pastoral attrition rate seem so high? Why are the dropout numbers so high?
At a conference on the campus of Southern Nazarene University, H.B. London said the top five reasons pastors give for resigning their churches and moving to a new place or even dropping out of the ministry altogether are:
- "I can't see any progress being made."
- "I'm not able to use my gifts."
"I can't do what I do best very often."
- "I'm facing some difficult members."
- "I need affirmation that I'm not getting."
- "I need rest and refreshment."
When should a pastor resign?
London said pastors should resist resigning unless there is clear and unequivocal divine
When a pastor is tempted to resign, he or she should ask these questions:
- Am I free here to pursue the core fundamentals of ministry? If so, it may be worth staying.
- Have I already internally left this place?
- Has a desire to leave been building in me for a long time?
- Do my gifts and philosophy of ministry match this congregation's needs? If so, maybe I should stay and work through the problems.
- How do I normally react to tough situations? Do I normally shy away? If so, is this the time to break that pattern?
- With God's grace and help, can I summon the emotional and physical strength to stay?
- How much can my family endure?
"Love us and accept us" |
"A few years
ago we had someone come and interview at our church for the position of pastor. My husband
was the board secretary at the time. So we took this man and his wife out to dinner before taking
them to see our congregation's facilities. Once the man walked into the church building, his
mind seemed to go into a fast-forward mode. He tuned out everything we were saying and just
started looking underneath and behind things. His reaction to the sanctuary was to start talking
about how it could be remodeled to make it better. I remember his actions made us feel like our
church building was not good enough.
"I have thought of that episode several times recently and reflected on how the man's actions
paralleled someone going to a new culture and trying to change everything right away. This is
very uncomfortable for people who have worked to make things the way they are. I understand
we need to be open to change, but I want pastors to love and accept me just the way I am before I will trust them to suggest changes."
— Linda J.
Calling a new pastor: Interviewing someone?
Questions you might consider asking a pastoral candidate
- Biographical
- When did you receive your call to ministry? How did that happen?
- Is your spouse supportive of:
- Your call to ministry?
- The Church of the Nazarene (or whatever your denominational connection
- What are you called to do in ministry?
- Leadership
- Apart from preaching and teaching, what are some things you do to pastor or shepherd the people of a congregation?
- Tell us about the worst conflict situation you have been involved with in a church.
- What is the best thing you have brought to the table in a leadership position you are currently in?
- Theological
- If someone asked you to explain sanctification, what would you say to them?
- What is the difference between sanctification and holiness?
- What is your view of a fundamentalist understanding of scripture? How is the view of the Church of the Nazarene (or whatever your denomination is) different from a fundamentalist view?
- Ethical / Character / Ecclesiastic
li>What concerns you about the expression of Christianity in this part of the country?
- What is the worst thing you've seen a pastor do? If you had been a close confidant of that
person, how would you have tried to help that person avoid making that mistake?
- What concerns you or what would you like to change in order to make the Church of the
Nazarene (or whatever your denomination is) more fruitful in Kingdom work?
- Functional
- Worship
- What is the objective of worship?
- What creates meaningful worship experiences?
- What is the process you generally follow in designing/leading worship?
- Discipleship
- If someone asked how they could grow in Christ, how would you guide them?
- What do you do to grow in Christ?
Are the days of the small church numbered?
Recently, someone wrote on an Internet community forum: "There must ultimately be
enough people to support the programs of the church. The days of the small church are
numbered because of this. Church budgets are stretched too thin when there aren't enough giving members."
In response, Nazarene pastor Ray Mann wrote:
"I would never start any ministry or program until I see that we had (a) a
perceived need, and (b) burdened leadership for meeting that need.
"In other words, just because we may have 10 children, I would not start a children's "scouting"-
type program until someone saw the need, was burdened by it, and was willing and able to lead
it. In that context, God will provide the resources for the program.
"I think a mistake some small churches make is trying to cover all the bases with a large variety
of programs to reach every group. Sometimes, you have to intentionally limit yourself until you
grow to the point that you can support the extra programs with the needed time, money,
space, and people.
"One of the most difficult decisions that a small church and its pastor can make is to prayerfully
and explicitly define their philosophy of ministry and target population group and then stick with it.
"I may have now dug myself a hole, so let me explain: If the population group being served by
your church is group X, and your philosophy of ministry is formed by that, and everything you
have done is structured to minister to group X, then when two or three people from group Y walk
in the door, you don't change things around just to accommodate those two or three. If you do,
you can become, in the picture painted by James 1:6, a pastor (or church) driven by every wave
and tossed by the wind. This is a much bigger temptation in a small church than in even a
medium-sized church. And it can lead to frustration and burnout."
Another List of Why Pastors Resign
Pastors resign from their churches for various reasons. Those range from personal to professional.
Some common reasons include:
- Personal health issues: Pastors may resign due to
physical or mental health concerns that affect their ability to fulfill their duties.
- Burnout: The demands of pastoral ministry can be
overwhelming. Pastors may resign to take time to rest and recover or to seek a less demanding role.
- Conflict within the congregation: Internal conflicts, disagreements, or power struggles within the congregation can lead a pastor to resign in an attempt to preserve peace or avoid further confrontation.
- Moral or ethical issues: If a pastor is involved in
misconduct or ethical violations, they will likely resign to either take responsibility for their
actions or asbecause of pressure from the congregation or denominational authorities.
- Family reasons: Family considerations such as the
need to relocate for a spouse's job, children's education, or caring for aging parents may lead a pastor to resign.
- Feeling called to a new ministry: Sometimes pastors
feel called to pursue new opportunities or challenges in ministry, such as planting a new church,
serving in a different denomination, or engaging in cross-cultural missionary work.
- Dissatisfaction with the direction of the church: When pastors disagree with the direction the church is taking or feel unable to lead the congregation, they may choose to resign rather than continue in a role they find unfulfilling.
- Financial concerns: Economic factors such as budget constraints or a decline in giving may lead to layoffs or downsizing within the church staff, causing a pastor to resign due to financial insecurity.
- Denominational restructuring: Changes within the
denomination, such as mergers, reorganizations, or shifts in theological emphasis, may lead pastors to resign if they no longer agree with the direction of the denomination.
- Personal calling or life change: A pastor may resign to pursue further education, consider non-ministry career opportunities, or respond to a sense of calling to a different vocation or lifestyle.
A week of reflecting on what the Bible has to say about pastors
Day 1
Scripture Reading -- 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6
"We speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying
to please people but God, who tests our hearts." (1 Thessalonians 2:4, NIV).
A Faithful Pastor
Having the "mind of Christ" (Philippians 2:5) is the only adequate antidote to the
ego-building poison of people-pleasing. But the unhurried solitude necessary for spiritual growth
and heart testing is too often squeezed out of the pastor's schedule. Having been robbed of his spiritual
refueling, the pastor can easily succumb to the flattery of his own parishioners . . . and, in the process,
is unfaithful to his divine calling.
My favorite pastors are those who I knew had spent hours on the mountaintop alone with
God before they ever stepped into the pulpit. What flowed out was not a few things scraped
together on Saturday evening but the overflow of a rich devotional life.
A study by sociologist Samuel Blizzard showed that the typical American minister devotes 50 percent of his time and energy to his work as an "executive." Every pastor is tempted to use this time-gobbler to excuse inadequate Bible study and intercessory prayer.
David Livingstone wrote in his journal at the age of 39 that he had long made it a habit to
"approach God in secret with as much reverence as in public." That's the key to being a faithful
pastor. Lay leaders must insist on it.
A prayer for your pastor: "Lord, help my pastor this week to enter an even richer relationship with You in unhurried meditation, Bible study, and prayer. Help my pastor to concentrate on pleasing You instead of me."
Rewflection Questions
- Why might it be important for pastors to have unhurried time alone for spiritual growth and heart testing? What might be some negative consequences of pastors not having this time in their schedules?
- How can pastors balance the desire to serve their congregation while staying true to their divine calling?
- What might lay leaders do to make sure pastors have adequate time for Bible study, meditation, and prayer?
- What can pastors do to make certain that their sermons are the overflow of a rich devotional life rather than just a few things scraped together on
Saturday evening?
- What are some practical steps pastors can take to deepen their relationship with God and improve their devotional life?
Takeaways from 1 Thessalonians 2:4
- Divine Approval: Paul declared that his mission and message had been instigated by God. This approval indicates divine commissioning,
underscoring the legitimacy and authority of his ministry.
- Stewardship of the Gospel: Being "entrusted with
the gospel" implies a responsibility and duty to faithfully deliver the message of Jesus Christ.
This stewardship is taken seriously and with great reverence.
- Audience of One: Paul and his companions speak to
please God, not humans. Their primary focus is on fulfilling God's will rather than seeking human approval or popularity.
- Divine Examination: The phrase "God who tests our hearts" suggests that God examines intentions and motivations. This divine scrutiny helps make sure that our ministry is carried out with purity and sincerity.
- Integrity in Ministry: This verse speaks of the importance of integrity and authenticity in ministry. The apostles are motivated by a genuine desire to serve God, not by ulterior motives or the desire for human accolades.
- Encouragement for Believers: For contemporary believers, this verse serves as an encouragement to seek God's approval above all and to be faithful in their witness and service, knowing that God sees and tests the heart.
In short, 1 Thessalonians 2:4 calls attention to the ne commissioning, the responsibility of gospel stewardship, the priority of pleasing God over people, and the importance of integrity in ministry. It calls uss to maintain a God-centered focus in our lives.
Day 2
Scripture Reading -- I Thessalonians 2:7-12
"With such yearning love we chose to impart to you not only the gospel of God but our very selves, so dear had you become to us" (1 Thessalonians 2:8, NEB).
An Exemplary Pastor
Years ago, a delightful book titled The Peter Principle spoke of the
leadership disease of "structurophilia"--an obsessive concern with buildings, their planning,
construction, maintenance, and reconstruction, coupled with an increasing unconcern with the
work that is going on (or is supposed to be going on) inside them. Buildings have oft been hailed
as the savior of a church. "If we can just get more space or a new building, our attendance will
jump," comes the persistent cry from pastors and lay leaders afflicted with this disease. In the face of a bit of incompetence in leadership -- whether lay or ministerial -- decisions are made to invest in buildings rather than people and programs.
Ministry to individuals is what the church is all about, however. And the exemplary pastor is
the one who gives himself away -- and in so doing finds himself (Matthew 10:39). I discovered
quickly in my ministry that I could whip up a lot of statistical success through my own efforts,
but that the real purpose of my ministry (Ephesians 4: 11-16) could be fulfilled only as I allowed
the living, loving Saviour to think with my mind, walk with my feet, talk with my lips, and work with my hands.
A prayer for your pastor: "Father, may my pastor's ministry focus be centered on
improving the quality of human behavior rather than on the building of large edifices."
Discussion questions
- Why do some pastors and church leaders focus more on building projects than ministry to individuals?
- How does giving oneself away, as described in the essay, benefit both the pastor and the congregation?
- In what ways might a church's building projects detract from its mission to spread the gospel?
- How can members of a congregation get their pastor to prioritize ministry to people rather than other "necessary" things?
Takeaways from 1 Thessalonians 2:8
- Deep Affection and Love: The verse calls attention to the deep affection and love that Paul and his companions had for the Thessalonians. This level of care and love is a fundamental aspect of Christian relationships and ministry. It declares the importance of loving others genuinely and selflessly.
- Mb Paul and his
companions did not just share the gospel message; they also shared their lives with the
Thessalonians. This suggests that fruitful ministry involves more than just preaching or
teaching; it involves building relationships, investing time, and sharing personal experiences.
- Holistic Ministry: 1 Thessalonians 2:8 points to a holistic approach to ministry, where spiritual care is accompanied by personal involvement and
support. It calls for a balance between verbal proclamation of the gospel and practical demonstrations of love and care.
- Community and Fellowship: By sharing their lives,
Paul and his companions created a sense of community and fellowship. This makes for a strong, supportive faith community where members are strongly connected and care for one another.
- Sacrificial Love: The willingness to share not only
the gospel but also their lives points to a sacrificial love. This serves as a model for pastors to get out of their comfort zones, even when it requires personal sacrifice.
- Personal Involvement in Ministry: The verse calls
pastors to be personally involved in the lives of those they minister to. It reminds us tha ministry often requires more than distant or detached engagement. It requires personal involvement and genuine relationships.
To put it briefly, 1 Thessalonians 2:8 points to a ministry lifestyle defined by genuine love, personal sacrifice, and deep relational involvement, reflecting the heart of Christian fellowship and discipleship.
Day 3
Scripture Reading --1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
"We also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you
heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God." (1 Thessalonians 2:13, NIV)
A Pastor's Hope and Joy
For some people, their hope is wealth, security, or personal ambition. Their hopes
terminate in this world. With the hear of a pastor, the Apostle Paul points us to a better
hope, one that transforms his frequent physical sufferings. That hope centers on his beloved
spiritual children and grandchildren, whom he has presented to Christ as trophies of grace. Their
spiritual growth and progress rather than statistical charts are what makes his heart leap for joy.
Solemn responsibility rests on those who hear the Word of God mediated through
Spirit-filled preachers. It is tragically possible for those in the congregation to be so preoccupied
with the person of the preacher or so prejudiced by proud and obstinate thoughts that the Word
becomes only words. To be sure, pastors are only fellow human beings. But they have been divinely chosen by God to proclaim His Word.
The proof of the authenticity of preaching lies in its results. A strong, biblically-based
ministry will be received by a growing congregation as the Word of God. To be sure, Satan will
feverishly erect barricades. But God has promised that these barricades will not "prevail"
against the Church (Matthew 16:18), and that a pastor's true hope and joy will be vindicated.
A prayer for your pastor: "Father, help my pastor to carry out ministry in ways that
produce spiritual children and grandchildren. Fill my pastor with hope and joy on this day."
Reflection Questions
- What are some things implied in the passage from 1 Thessalonians about the role of pastors and their relationship with their congregations?
- What might it mean for a pastor to refer to his "spiritual children and grandchildren"? How does this relate to the hope that Paul expresses to the Thessalonians
- How might pastors' attitudes about preaching affect the way in which their congregations receive and respond to their sermons?
- On what basis should one judge the authenticity of a person's preaching? How might this be relevant to contemporary discussions about the role and effectiveness of preaching?
- Could the prayer given at the end of the devotional blogs serve as a guide for Christians in their relationship with their pastors?
Afterword: Insights into the Nature of Pastoral Ministry
- Gratitude for Receptivity to the Word: Paul expresses gratitude that the Thessalonians received the message not as human words but as the word of God (v. 13). Pastors should be impressed to continually thank God when their congregation receives and embraces the gospel message as divine truth.
- Acknowledgment of Spiritual Transformation:
1 Thessalonians 2:13 declares that the word of God is at work in believers. Pastors should acknowledge and celebrate the transformative power of God's word in the lives of their congregants.
- Identification with Believers in Suffering: Paul notes
that the Thessalonians became imitators of the churches in Judea, enduring persecution for their
faith (v. 14). Pastors should empathize with and support their congregations, especially when
they face suffering or opposition because of their faith.
- Focus on Authentic Ministry: Paul's ministry among
the Thessalonians was marked by integrity and genuine care. He reminds them that he did not
seek to please men but God, who tests hearts. Pastors should be mindful to maintain integrity and
seek God's approval rather than human accolades.
- Pastoral Affection and Longing: Paul expresses
deep affection and a strong desire to see the Thessalonians againl He called them his hope, joy, and
pride that he could brag about before Jesus at His coming (vv. 17-20). Pastors should develop a sincere love
and longing for their congregation, viewing their spiritual well-being as a source of joy and pride.
- Spiritual Warfare Awareness: Paul mentions that
Satan thwarted his attempts to visit the Thessalonians (v. 18). Pastors should be aware of the
reality of spiritual opposition and be prepared to persevere despite obstacles.
- Eternal Viewpoint: Paul views his relationship with the Thessalonians in the
context of eternity, seeing them as his "glory and joy" in the presence of Jesus at His coming (v.
19). Pastors should keep an eternal mindset, understanding that their ministry has lasting significance in God's kingdom.
Day 4
Scripture Reading -- I Thessalonians 3:1-13
"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow . . . May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy" (I Thessalonians 3: 12-13).
A Pastor's Longing
Dallas minister George W. Truett pastored a congregation of 8,000 members that made use of a huge building complex. A staff of paid associates and a host of talented volunteer lay workersworked under his supervision. But he never stopped carrying a burden for specific individuals.
One Sunday evening, he preached on prayer. The next day, he met a well-known lawyer on the
street. The lawyer, who was not a Christian, referred to the sermon, which he had heard. Then he
asked if the minister ever prayed for an unbelieving lawyer. Truett reached into his pocket, took
out a notebook, and showed the lawyer his own name on a prayer list he had kept for years.
The term "pastor's heart" has come to mean increasingly more to me the longer I serve a local
congregation. There is a real yearning and anxiety for every person on the responsibility list of
that church, a yearning that every person will come to know all of the abundant life for which
they were created. Too often, pastors and laypeople content themselves with light, empty banter
about the weather when they need to long, as Paul did, for a personal word about spiritual life.
A prayer for your pastor: "Help me, Lord, to understand the deep longing and desire my
pastor has for my own spiritual welfare. Remind me to respond to my pastor with heartfelt love and caring."
Discussion questions
- How would you explain the phrase "a pastor's heart"? Why is it important for pastors to have this quality?
- What does the story about George W. Truett say about the importance of prayer in a pastor's life and ministry?
- What does the passage from I Thessalonians 3:1-13 teach us about the role of love in spiritual growth and Christian community?
- What would you say are some common misconceptions that people have about pastors and their responsibilities? What are some ways these misconceptions can be dealt with?
Takeaways about pastors from 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13
- Development of Love: Pray that your pastor will actively work on increasing love within your community and extending it beyond to all people. This might involve acts of kindness, patience, forgiveness, and service.
- Seeking Inner Strength:>/b> Pray that your pastor will
develop inner strength to maintain integrity and faithfulness, especially in challenging times.
- Aiming for Holiness and Blamelessness: Pray that
your pastor will live a life that reflects God's holiness and is free from blame. This includes
ethical behavior, purity of heart, and matching up actions with biblical teachings.
- Living with an Eternal Mindset: Prompt your pastor to keep in mind the return of Jesus Christ. Let that thought influence daily decisions and priorities. Lewt iot help you form a lifestyle that honors God and anticipates His coming.
- Depending on God: Remind your pastor that spiritual growth and the ability to live a holy life result from God's work in people. Push your pastor to regularly seek God's guidance, strength, and transformation through prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Day 5
Scripture Reading -- Ezekiel 34:11-16
"I will search for the lost, recover the straggler, bandage the hurt, strengthen the sick,
leave the healthy and strong to play, and give them their proper food " (Ezekiel 34: 16, NEB).
A Pastor's Work
Don had been a Christian only about eight months. I often had morning coffee in the drive-in
across the street from where he worked. Although he attended another denomination, we talked
about spiritual things many times. One morning, he said to me in a low voice of desperation, "I go to
services Sunday after Sunday, and all my pastor does is preach to sinners that they ought to get
converted. I'm dying spiritually."
Unwittingly, Don had stumbled onto the fact that in American churches, the roles of pastor
and evangelist became inverted about a century ago. This strange reversal has deprived churches of the biblical ministry of a pastor and has resulted in grossly impoverished
and untaught people. Although they may not voice it as clearly as Don, multitudes of believers
today feel the same gnawing hunger. If these saints are not led on into a deeper and clearer
understanding of the great provisions of life and power available to them through the Spirit, they
will grow dull and bored with the gospel which they hear every week and will fall into apathy,
criticism, quarreling, bickering, divisions, and schisms and eventually may collapse into
dissolute living and the double standards of hypocrisy.
A prayer for your pastor: "Lord, may my pastor know what it means to be so fully possessed by the Great Shepherd. May my pastor be a true shepherd of our flock."
Reflection Questions
- What is the difference between the roles of a pastor and an evangelist? In what ways can an inverted role of pastor and evangelist negatively impact the spiritual growth of believers?
- Would pastors better serve their congregations by focusing on a deeper understanding of the life and power available through the Spirit? If so, why?
- What can believers do to support and assist their pastors in their role as shepherds of a flock of Christ-followers?
- What are some practical ways that pastors can apply the principles of Ezekiel 34:11-16 in their ministry to their congregations?
Day 6
Scripture Reading -- l Timothy 3:l-7
"... a man of the highest principles" (l Timothy 3:4, NEB).
A Pastor's Qualifications
Your pastor desperately wants to see your church grow numerically, spiritually, and
financially. Satan uses this natural desire to tempt pastors to take shortcuts so they can give glowing reports at district assemblies.
The use of questionable means to attain honorable goals is amply illustrated in a U.S. political scandal. Years ago, at the Senate Watergate hearings, Jeb Stuart Magruder testified, "When these subjects [burglary, illegal and wiretapping] came up, although I was aware they were illegal, we had become somewhat inured to using some activities that would help us accomplish what we thought was a cause, a legitimate cause."
Actually, the qualifications for a pastor are quite similar to those for any important leadership position. Paul mentions nothing here of persuasive ability, public-speaking talent, or charming personality. Rather, he says God looks for leaders who are sober, temperate, courteous,
hospitable, good teachers, and good parents. It is this kind of person who will be able to live clean and holy in our moral cesspool of a world and who will be able, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to equip others to do the same.
A prayer for your pastor: "May pastors like mine determine what You have called them to do, and, laying aside all excess baggage, do it.
Discussion questions
- Why do pastors sometimes feel pressured to take shortcuts to achieve visible growth in their churches? What should they do to resist these temptations?
- How are the qualifications for a pastor similar to those for any important leadership position? Why do you think Paul did not mention persuasive ability or public-speaking talent?
- What are some practical ways that pastors can equip themselves to live clean and holy in today's morally challenged world? How can they help others do the same?
- What can congregations do to assist and support their pastors in maintaining high principles and in resisting pressures to take shortcuts or compromise their integrity?
- How can prayer be a tool for pastors wanting to stay focused on their calling while resisting the temptations that come with the desire to see "progress" and growth?
Day 7
Scripture Reading -- I Peter 5:l-5
You should aim not at being "little tin gods" but as examples of Christian living in the eyes of the flock committed to your charge (I Peter 5:3, Phillips).
A Pastor's Responsibility
"Little tin gods" is a colorful, contemporary expression for the Greek "exercising lordship over assignments."
This is a radically different Peter from the brash disciple we see in the Gospel accounts.
Here, he is older and seems wiser and more humble as he seeks to fulfill the commission the
Lord Jesus gave him following the Resurrection when He asked Peter, "Do you love Me?" and gave
him the command, Feed My sheep. California pastor Ray Stedman put it this way, "Peter
has now learned that the task of the shepherd is to feed the sheep, not to fleece them."
Peter had learned to be a servant to -- and not a lord over -- God's people. Pastors must
remember that they are not called to be bosses. They are instruments, servants, and examples.
Jesus said, "When the good shepherd puts forth his sheep, he goes before them." That is, the shepherd does everything first. No teacher has the right to teach whose life does not exemplify his teaching.
A prayer for your pastor: "May through my pastor's life and example I be led into a deeper and clearer understanding of the great provisions of life and power available to me through the Holy Spirit."
Discussion questions
- What is the significance of the phrase "little tin gods" in the context of pastoral ministry?
- How did Peter's transformation from a brash disciple to a humbled servant tailor his teachings on pastoral responsibilities in I Peter 5:1-5?
- What does it mean for pastors to be examples of Christian living for the flock? How does this relate to their role as a servant rather than a lord over God's people?
- What does Jesus' post-Resurrection command to Peter to "Feed My sheep" mean about the responsibilities of a pastor today?
- What role does the Holy Spirit play in a pastor's life? How can a pastor's example lead a congregation to a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit's power?
-- Howard Culbertson, hculbert@snu.edu
The Come Ye Apart" is now published quarterly as
Reflecting God by the Word Action Publishing Company and available through The Foundry.
Using "pastor" as the title for those who lead church congregations
The use of the word "pastor" in the Bible to describe those who lead church congregations
carries several important meanings, reflecting the role and responsibilities of church leaders in
Christian communities. Here are some things the word "pastor" should communicate to us:
- Shepherding Role: The term "pastor" comes from
the Latin word "pastor," which means "shepherd." This reflects the biblical imagery of leaders as
shepherds who care for their flock, guiding, protecting, and nurturing them. In John 10:11, Jesus
describes himself as the "good shepherd," setting a model for church leaders to follow. The
metaphor of shepherding implies a personal and relational approach to leadership. It puts emphasis on care, compassion, and guidance for the spiritual well-being of the congregation.
- Spiritual Guidance and Teaching: Pastors are spiritual leaders and teachers. Ephesians 4:11-12 states that Christ gave some to be "pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built
up."This dual role involves not only leading the congregation but also teaching biblical truths,
helping believers to grow in their faith and understanding of the Scriptures.
- Oversight and Responsibility: The role of a pastor
includes oversight of the congregation. That involves governance, decision-making, and making certain that church activities are in sync with biblical principles and the mission of the church. This follows the principle in 1 Peter 5:2-3 that instructs elders to "shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have
you." This responsibility includes maintaining doctrinal purity, tackling issues within the congregation, and providing pastoral care through counseling and support.
A Dozen Memorable Quotes About Pastors
- N.T. Wright: "Pastors are called to be living examples of the
beauty and power of the gospel, showing through their own lives the transformative grace of God."
- Charles Stanley: "A pastor's heart will break when they see
the congregation failing to grow spiritually and falling into sin. A pastor's joy comes from seeing
lives transformed by the Gospel."
- Billy Graham: "The test of a preacher is that the the
congregation goes away saying, not 'What a lovely sermon,' but 'I will do something!'"
- John Calvin: "A good pastor should have two voices: one for
gathering the sheep and another for driving away wolves and thieves."
- Rick Warren: "The role of the pastor is not to be the best on
the team, but to inspire others to be their best for the team."
- Paul Washer: "A pastor's primary responsibility is to feed the
flock, not entertain the goats."
- John Piper: "A pastor who does not pray daily for the
congregation is a shepherd who does not care about the flock."
- Eugene Peterson: "The task of the pastor is not to make a
living, but to make a life."
- Chuck Swindoll: "A pastor must be a shepherd who tenderly
cares for the flock and guides them to safe pastures."
- Randy Alcorn: "Pastors are messengers, not massage
therapists. They are to deliver the truth of God's Word, not pander to people's desires."
- David Platt: "A pastor's greatest ministry is not preaching but praying."
- John MacArthur: "Pastors must feed, lead, and protect the
flock of God, knowing that they will give an account to the Chief Shepherd."
Statistical data on Nazarene pastors in the USA and Canada
Kenneth Crow was a church health/growth researcher for the Church of the Nazarene. One of his research projects produced the following:
Circuit rider pastors
Twenty-seven Nazarene pastors in the USA and Canada were pastoring more than one church. That is about a half of one percent of the pastors. Twenty-six of those pastored two churches. One was the pastor of three congregations.
Bi-Vocational pastors
Thirty-one percent of Nazarene pastors in the USA and Canada said they are bi-vocational. This was very similar to the 30% of Southern Baptist pastors who are bi-vocational.
Women pastors
Recent data showed that, in the USA and Canada, about nine percent of Nazarene churches are now led by female pastors. That is up from about three percent a few years ago.
Age of pastors
In 2019, the median age of Nazarene pastors in the USA and Canada was 54 years. That was six years older than the median of 48 years reported twenty years earlier.
The average age of newly licensed ministers in the USA and Canada remained about the same in a recent five-year period -- with a mean age of 37 and a median of 36.
How do you deal with conflict?
 | Conflicts are inevitable. The question is not what to do "if" we encounter conflict, but what to do "when" we encounter conflict.[ more ] |
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