Brief history of Nazarene Missions International (NMI)
- Nazarene Missions International is the mobilizer of
passion, prayer, and financial support for the ends-of-the-earth outreach of the Church of the Nazarene.
- Susan Fitkin was the early leader of what is now Nazarene Missions International
- Names of the organization have included Women's Foreign Missionary Society, Nazarene
Foreign Missionary Society, and Nazarene World Missionary Society
"A church without missions is a church without a mission. A church that is not
reaching out is passing out." -- Victor Patterson, Northwest Nazarene University student
Susan Fitkin |
Story of what is now called Nazarene Missions International
NMI mobilizes passion. prayer, and financial support for theChurch of the Nazarene's ends-
of-the-earth outreach.. At the global level, the NMI holds an
international convention in conjunction with the quadrennial (once every four years) Nazarene
General Assembly. While the NMI has its own Global Council composed of representatives
from all world regions, it operates within the World Mission Office structure of the General Board.
Every local Nazarene church is urged to have a functioning NMI organization. Each
geographical district of Nazarene churches has a functioning NMI organization. At the local and
district levels, all NMI officers are volunteers.
- 1899 -- Women's Foreign Missionary Society organized in Providence, Rhode Island.
Susan Fitkin (whose biography and story of a call to missions are
inspiring) was one of the eight charter members. That first year, the society raised $6.05 for world missions.
- 1915 -- General Missionary Committee authorized by Nazarene General Assembly. Susan Fitkin was one of the three original members. The others were Ada Bresee from Los Angeles and Mrs. J.T. Benson from Nashville.
- 1919 -- Susan Fitkin elected general president
Relief and Retirement Fund (now Medical Plan) offering instituted
Memorial Roll begun to honor deceased loved ones and friends
- 1921 -- Box Work (now called Links) initiated to get local churches to ship personal items and ministry supplies to missionaries [ more on Links ]
First Nazarene missionary picture set produced
- 1923 -- Women's Missionary Society Constitution placed in Nazarene Manual, initially without the qualifying word "foreign".
General Budget (now called World Evangelism Fund) set up to unify denominational fundraising efforts
- 1924 -- Prayer and Fasting League launched with an article in the April Other Sheep. Members were asked to give 25 cents per week.
Requirements for Standard and Superior Societies established
- 1925 -- Board of General Superintendents asks that the Prayer and Fasting League be devoted specifically to world missions
- 1927 -- First adult missionary study book, Latin Americans, Our Southern
Neighbors, published. That avenue of missions information is now a weekly email newsletter called
NMI Central."
- 1928 -- First General Convention. The name changed to Women's Foreign Missionary Society
Indian Head penny and nickel offerings begun
- 1934 -- Missionary Training Course launched (forerunner of current annual NMI mission books)
- 1936 -- Foreign added to name to distinguish the area of focus
- 1940 -- Emma Word named first full-time general secretary
25th Anniversary Offering for Reynolds Memorial Bible School
- 1946 -- First issue of General Council Tidings (later called Focus)
- 1948 -- Louise Robinson Chapman succeeds Susan Fitkin as general president
Louise Robinson Chapman |
- 1949 -- Alabaster Offering and "10%" emphasis launched [ Alabaster info ] [ more on 10%
giving ]
- 1950 -- Mary Scott becomes executive secretary of the organization
Mary Scott |
- 1952 -- Name changed to Nazarene Foreign Missionary Society. Men are invited to join.
Star Society emphasis begun (replacing Standard Society)
- 1953 -- Spanish radio broadcast offering begun (now World Evangelism broadcast offering)
Prayer Chart introduced with requests being written on a printed chart posted in local churches and then answers noted when news was received
- 1954 -- Denomination-wide offering to open work in Papua New Guinea
- 1958 -- Saturday night SKYWATCH promoted during the denomination's 50th anniversary year. People were asked to pray for one hour on Saturday night: 30 minutes for work on mission fields and 30 minutes for an unsaved loved one.
Children's missionary lessons appear in Junior Topics
- 1959 -- Denomination-wide children's offering to open work in Samoa
- 1964 -- Name changed to Nazarene World Missionary Society
50th Anniversary Offering to build Papua New Guineahospital
- 1965 -- Mission books in recorded audio format for the first time
- 1966 -- Denomination's first-ever construction mission trip (from Southern Nazarene University to Muzquiz, Mexico)
- 1975 -- Wanda Knox succeeds Mary Scott [ Knox biography ]
"The church needs more Wanda Knoxes because our work is not finished. Without future
Wandas that are obedient to God, we will not finish the Great Commission of taking the Gospel
to the ends of the world." -- Robert Holloway, Northwest Nazarene University student
Wanda Knox, NMI director |
"Reading the biography of Wanda Knox made a huge impact on me. She had a passion for global missions but didn't hear a clear call until after she was married. She had such a tender heart and a love for people groups who don't know the Lord." -- Joy Phinney, Nazarene Bible College student
- 1972 -- Paul Gamertsfelder is the first male elected to what is now the General NMI council
- 1974 -- Men in Missions (now called Work & Witness) program introduced [ more on Work & Witness ]
- 1975 -- The Other Sheep magazine is re-named World Mission.
- 1976 -- Distinguished Service Award introduced
Star Society program changed to
Mission Award
Number of international representatives on General Council expanded
- 1980 -- Name changed to Nazarene World Mission Society
Phyllis Hartley Brown Perkins succeeds Wanda Knox as director  |
Phyllis Perkins |
- 1981 -- Telephone Prayer Mobilization Line inaugurated (now a weekly email page called "NMI Central")
- 1982 -- Denomination-wide offering to begin work in Venezuela
- 1986 -- Nina Gunter named to succeed Phyllis Hartley Brown Perkins as general director [
photo and passion statement ]
issue of HeartLine
Ministries added to the calendar of emphases
- 1989 -- One Million Hours of Prayer plan for General Assembly and Conventions
- 1990 -- Denomination-wide offering for evangelism in Hong
Kong/Chinese communities worldwide in celebration of NMI's 75th anniversary
Global Glimpses, a Sunday bulletin insert, introduced
- 1991 -- First Youth Mission Commitment Day sponsored jointly by NMI and NYI
Award of Excellence for World Evangelism Fund overpayment launched
Bibles for Russia project
- 1992 -- Special World Mission Radio offering in honor of Louise Robinson Chapman's 100th birthday
- 1994 -- MedCare Pak program formed with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, first
shipment goes to Mozambique
- 1995 -- World Mission Video Magazine begins production
Mobilization Line expands to e-mail delivery
Casa Robles missionary retirement home 50th Anniversary Project
- 1996 -- Nazarene World Week of p\Prayer begun annually in March
- 1997 -- Children's "Wings for the Gospel" project to purchase an airplane
Budget changed to World Evangelism Fund
Bev Borbe
elected as general president
Denominational participation in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
- 2001 -- Organization name changed to Nazarene Missions International; Former missionary
Eunice Brubaker elected as General President
- 2005 -- Following the election of Nina Gunter as a Nazarene General Superintendent,
missionary Dan Ketchum is named NMI General Director
- 2009 -- Jennifer Brown from Jamaica becomes the first non-USA citizen to be elected NMI General President
- 2013 -- Philip Weatherill from the British Isles North District is elected as global NMI president
- 2015 -- Lola Brickey becomes global NMI director
- 2022 -- Mission books, together with the Prayer Mobilization Line, morph into the weekly
NMI Central email publication
"I have a link on our church website to your pages. You have lots of information. You are a blessing and an encouragement." --Marge R., California, USA |
-- Howard Culbertson,
Afterword: What You Should Know About NMI
Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is an organization within the global Church of the
Nazarene dedicated to mobilizing and supporting missions efforts around the world. Here are six things you need to know about NMI:
- Mission Statement: The mission of NMI is to
mobilize the church global in mission through praying, discipling, giving, and educating. NMI
aims to engage every member of the Church of the Nazarene in the work of world missions.
- History: Nazarene Missions International has its
roots in the early days of the Church of the Nazarene. It was formally organized in 1915.
- NMI operates at various levels within the
Church of the Nazarene, including local churches, districts, regions, and globally. Each level of
organization has a leadership structure to handle world missions activities and initiatives.
- NMI coordinates and supports a wide range of missions-related activities and programs, including:
- Prayer initiatives for missionaries and global mission needs.
- Fundraising efforts to support missionaries and projects around the world.
- Educational resources to raise awareness about global missions and cultural sensitivity.
- Short-term mission trips and other volunteer opportunities for church members.
- Global Reach: Nazarene Missions International operates in churches in over 165 world area, supporting missionaries, church planting efforts,
community development projects, disaster relief, and other mission initiatives
- Financial Support: NMI plays a major role in raising financial support for missions through offerings, pledges, and fundraising events organized at the local, district, and
global levels.
In a nutshell, Nazarene Missions International serves as a vital link between local congregations and missions efforts worldwide. It mobilizes and equips church members to participate
in fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations.
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