Jesus' words to John's disciples: God has visited His people

Do Jesus' words to John's disciples in Luke 7 have any meaning for us today?

Week 6 (February)

Luke 7:18-22

7 18 John's disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, 19 he sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?"

20 When the men came to Jesus, they said, "John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?'"

21 At that very time, Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind. 22 So he replied to the messengers, "Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."

Wouldn't the last sentence in Luke 7:22 be a great sign on a church building? I've thought how dramatic it would look splashed in giant letters across the end of a building so all could see

I would not put it there to imply that we had a "miracles show" going on in that building. I just feel that, in some dramatic way, we need to shout to the twenty-first-century world that God has visited His people.

To the worshipers coming to such a building, these phrases would draw attention to the celebration that their worship should be — the celebration of a personal relationship with a Creator who cares about His people.

Of course, my huge sign might have very little impact. Today, the idea of miracle — a word which ought to send a tingle up our spines — has become blunted and dulled. Everything today is a miracle.. We've even got a "miracle" salad dressing!

It was to His ministry of compassionate miracles that Jesus pointed to answer John's question about Jesus' Messiahship. John's two followers witnessed an ordinary day in Jesus' ministry. He didn't slyly let them in on some secret revelation. Jesus simply told these two men to go back to where John was in prison and report to him on these happenings of "ordinary day," That makes me wonder if the events of an "ordinary day" of ministry by my church today would be evidence of the Lord's presence in our midst.

The ministry of compassionate healing that Jesus had during his earthly ministry is carried on today by His Holy Spirit. Healings, such as those that confirmed Jesus as the awaited Messiah to John and his two followers serve today to confirm our belief in Jesus as the Christ.

During our first home assignment from Italy, I saw a walking demonstration of the powerful visitation of God to His people. In May of that year, I spoke in an evening service of the Mansfield, AR church where Johnny Lee Self was pastoring. Over dinner in the parsonage before service, Pastor Self told me part of his life's story.

Years prior, injuries while serving in the military had paralyzed his left side. He became a wheelchair pastor and served the Lord faithfully for years. Then, not long ago, his health worsened, and he had to be hospitalized. It was his heart. The days of hospitalization stretched into weeks and then months.

All this never dampened Pastor Self's passionate Christian faith. It never crushed his faith. He just kept on loving Jesus and praising the Lord.

The doctors finally decided to try to replace a valve in his heart. Not long before that surgery, the Lord revealed to Pastor Self that he would recover from the operation and would also begin to walk again.

He shared that vision with his medical doctor. "I'm sorry, Rev. Self," said the surgeon, "but you're only creating a false hope for yourself. There's no way this particular operation will have any effect on your paralysis. Please be realistic."

But Johnny Lee Self knew he had heard from the Lord. Within days after the heart surgery, movement returned to his left side. Today, a once-lame preacher walks around Mansfield, AR. The wheelchair has been thrown away.

God has visited His people! Alleluia!

Discussion questions

  1. What is the significance of Jesus' response to John's disciples in Luke 7:22, and how does it demonstrate the compassionate ministry of Jesus?
  2. Is there a tendency today to use the term "miracle" in a trivial or casual manner? How can Christians rekindle the sense of awe and wonder associated with God's presence?
  3. In what ways can worship gatherings nurture a person's relationship with a Creator who cares about His people?
  4. How can the compassionate healing ministry of Jesus, as demonstrated in Luke 7 and elsewhere in the Gospels, be carried on by Christians today through the power of the Holy Spirit?
  5. Do we need to be reminded today that "God has visited His people"? What might be the impact of such a reminder?

I wrote this devotional blog while Barbara and I were serving as missionaries in Italy. They were published in Standard, a weekly Faith Connections take-home curriculum piece for adult Sunday school classes published by The Foundry.

Note: Writing this particular blog post gave birth to the basic outline of a Nazarene mission book: The Kingdom Strikes Back!

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Afterword: Five Things Luke 7:18-22 Can Teach Us

In Luke 7:18-22, John the Baptist sent some of his followers to Jesus to ask him if he was the Messiah or if they should expect someone else. Here are five lessons we can take away from this passage:

  1. John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin, is a prominent figure in the Gospels. Even he experienced moments of doubt. This passage reminds us that doubt can be a natural part of our pilgrimage of faith. This story in Luke 7 teaches us that we can and should seek answers and clarity about those doubts rather than letting them consume us.
  2. John the Baptist sent messengers to Jesus seeking confirmation of his messianic identity. Similarly, when we have questions or doubts, we can and should look for guidance and answers from reliable sources, such as scripture, prayer, and other believers.
  3. Jesus doesn't chastise His cousin John for his doubts. He demonstrated compassion and patience by pointing to evidence of his messianic identity. He cited the fulfillment of prophecies and the miraculous works he was performing.
  4. Jesus uses the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies as evidence of his identity. This demonstrates the importance of understanding scripture and realizing how Jesus fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament.
  5. Jesus concludes his response by reassuring John's messengers. He affirms that those who know him and don't stumble because of him will be blessed. The episode is a powerful reminder that those who have faith in Jesus and accept him as the Messiah will receive assurance and blessings.

To summarize, this passage in Luke 7 should move us to seek clarity in our faith. It calls us to trust in Jesus despite moments of doubt. It points us to Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises.

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