How do you speak through an interpreter?

Tips for using translators during mission trips or other occasions

Having to speak through a translator or interpreter can be a good experience . . . or it can be a frustrating one.

Cross-cultural experiences: Speaking or preaching when listeners need your words translated into another language

There are more than 6,000 languages spoken throughout the world. Thus, even a very multi-lingual person will know only a few of them. While we say English is widely spoken, there are billions of people in the world who do not know it. So, the chances of your needing an interpreter on your next overseas mission trip are fairly high!

Using an interpreter in cross-cultural Christian mission

If you are going to be speaking with the help of an interpreter, heed these 12 guidelines:

Ahead of time
1. Pray with your interpreter beforehand. Prayer has a way of bonding people together.
2. Go over scripture passages and main points with your translator beforehand. That gives your interpreter time to think about how to express what you're going to say.
3. Familiarize yourself with basic cultural norms of the people to whom you will be speaking so you can be culturally sensitive.
During your presentation
1. Speak in complete thoughts. Grammar and syntax vary from language to language. So, unless you give complete thoughts, you can leave an interpreter hanging and unsure of which direction to go in terms of translating.
2. Avoid complex sentences and parenthetical "rabbit trails." Translators will forget parts of complex sentences. Audiences will be confused by the "rabbit trails."
3. Realize that translators occasionally must backtrack to clarify something.
4. Do not recite poems. It is impossible to translate poetry "on the fly."
5. Avoid using slang words and idiomatic expressions.
6. Realize that humor which depends on specific words likely will not translate well.
7. Be visual. Draw word pictures.
8. When you pause for translation, maintain eye contact with the audience rather than turning to watch your interpreter. Your goal is to speak to the audience and not to the translator.
When You Are Finished
Warmly thank your translator. Apologize for the fact that you did not know the heart language of the listeners. Express appreciation for the fact that interpreters generally expend more mental energy than do the speakers they are translating.

    -- Howard Culbertson,


Speaking through a translator requires clear and concise communication coupled with patience and understanding. Begin by organizing your thoughts and messages into straightforward, easily translatable phrases. Speak at a moderate pace, allowing the translator to accurately interpret your words. Maintain eye contact and engage with both the translator and the individual or audience you're addressing. Respect cultural nuances and be open to clarifications or repetitions as necessary. Avoid idiomatic expressions or colloquialisms that may not translate well. Lastly, express gratitude to both the translator and your audience for their cooperation and understanding throughout the communication process.

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