Meeting the weekly response posts requirement

Global Evangelism assignment instructions video

"The discussions have been helpful." -- José O., Nazarene Bible College student

A discussion board in an online class is where ideas and insights are shared and celebrated. Sometimes called forums, these discussion boards are places where students express their views on course content as well as respond to what other students have posted.

The ability to share our thoughts and ideas even though we were online made it feel like a "class setting." I love that the instructor helps encourages this. -- NBC student on end-of-course evaluation

Are you struggling with meeting the expectations for the required online response or "participation" notes? Here are five levels or categories of online response posts. This list may help you improve. Use this material as a rubric when writing a response post.

Explanation of "substantive" response posts

Quality levels of written online response posts

Develop your critical-thinking skills. Make your online response posts be at least Level 2 quality. Level 3 is even better!

When used correctly, online class forums and discussion boards will help you:

  1. Connect meaningfully with other class members
  2. Engage profitably with course content
  3. Exercise communication skills
  4. Practice building cases for your ideas
  5. Sharpen your critical thinking ability.

What is a substantive response post?

How to write a discussion board post

Quality contributions to online discussion threads

With thanks to my Old Testament scholar friend Marty Michelson

Most online classes have a participation or response post requirement. That is not just another "hoop to jump through." Writing response posts can be an enjoyable part of your learning journey.

Turn your online studies into true virtual classrooms by having extended conversations about course content. Do what you can to strengthen critical thinking among by others in the class. Use the following suggestions to compose what you write on a discussion board.

General principles for fruitful online discussions

  1. Ask questions that are open-ended. Questions that can be answered by binary yes/no answers tend to be conversational dead-ends.
  2. Good response posts invite continuing thought and/or additional research by the other students unless they are summary statements meant to conclude long discussions.
  3. To politely point out apparent flaws in others' thinking indirectly, ask the person to explain further or gently point out "possible" contradictions (perhaps even as a "misunderstanding" on your part).
  4. Good response posts are gracious rather than curt and brittle, even when you strongly disagree.
  5. Be inquisitive rather than confrontational.

Discussion board prompts

Try calling for a display of thinking or feeling by asking:

  1. To what extent would you agree that ...?
  2. What are some ways ...?
  3. What evidence do you have for ...?
  4. What are your reasons for ...?
  5. How would you answer the objection that ...?
  6. What examples would you cite to support your statement that ...?
  7. What sources would you cite to support your statement that ...?
  8. How do you see your idea about ... working out in ... situation?
  9. How do you feel about ...? [Name something in the readings, current events, or the class postings.]
  10. What reasons do you have for saying ...?
  11. Why do you agree (or disagree) on that point?
  12. What definition are you using for the term "..." that you just used?
  13. What do you mean by that expression "..."?
  14. How is what you are saying here consistent with what you said before?
  15. Please clarify what you mean by "...".
  16. What are you implying when you say "..."?
  17. It appears that you and ... are contradicting each other. Please expand your remarks to show how you agree. Or, explain the basis of your disagreement.
  18. It seems like you are contradicting yourself on the issue of .... Please explain how you are able to resolve the tension between ... and

Extending or summarizing statements:

  1. I think I would summarize our discussion here by saying . . ..
  2. Another issue we should discuss here is .... [Now make an opening statement on that issue.]
  3. Another resource I found helpful on this topic is .... [Now explain why and how it is helpful.]
  4. What we are discussing here seems to apply to [name some current event in your church/area/country/world]. [Now state how you see it applying.]
  5. Is the converse of this also true/valid? It seems to me that . ...
  6. Another position with some validity could be . . ..

Calls for clarification

  1. Will someone please help me understand the distinction between ... and ...?
  2. I don't understand what you mean by _______________________. Will you please explain?

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Note: The course web pages on the official NBC site will contain expanded written instructions for the required response posts.

"I found this class very helpful in helping me gain new knowledge regarding missions in the Church. Before this class, I had little first-hand experience with much of the information we discussed. I appreciated the feedback from the various levels of experience of the instructor and each of my classmates." -- student on the course evaluation"

Afterword: What does a good discussion board post look like?

Good online discussion board posts make possible meaningful conversations. That helps all class members get engaged. Here are 11 characteristics of good discussion board response posts:

  1. Relevance: Reply posts should zero in on a topic or issue mentioned in the post to which you are responding. Irrelevant contributions can derail conversations.
  2. Clarity: Clear and concise writing increases comprehension. It helps you communicate clearly.
  3. Substance: Posts should be substantive with insights, opinions, evidence, or questions that add to the discussion and stimulate further dialogue.
  4. Respectfulness: Respectful tone and language are necessary for the the discussion board to be a safe place for people to express themselves. So, even when you disagree with what someone else has written, express your views respectfully.
  5. Engagement: Good response posts spur further interaction. They can do this by asking questions, responding reflectively to others' comments, or providing links to additional resources.
  6. Critical Thinking: This means presenting well-reasoned arguments, supporting claims with evidence, and considering alternative positions in ways that improve discussion and promote intellectual growth.
  7. Timeliness: Posting in a timely manner means that your contributions will be relevant to the ongoing conversation. Responding promptly to others' comments also signals that you are actively engaged in the course.
  8. Organization: Well-organized posts with clear structure (e.g., using paragraphs, bullet points, or headings) aid readability and comprehension.
  9. Originality: Providing unique insights or viewpoints trggers diversity of thought and keeps discussions from becoming repetitive or stale.
  10. Constructive Feedback: Deliver criticism or negative feedback in a respectful manner. It is never okau to attack anolther student in an online discussion board.
  11. Acknowledgment of Others: Demonstrate active listening by acknowledging and building upon others' contributions. That can produce a sense of community among class members.

By writing response posts with these characteristics, you will contribute to animated and meaningful online discussions that promote learning and the free exchange of ideas.

drawing of talkative personWhat kind of online student are you? Do others think of you as Busy or Wordy or Disconnected Dan? Do you sometimes come off to others as Oblivious or Trite-ly or even End-times Edith? [ more ]

Acrostic: Discussion Posts -- Writing Good Ones

D – Develop clear and concise arguments.
I – Include evidence or examples to support your points.
S – Stay on topic and follow the discussion prompt.
C – Cite credible sources when referencing information.
U – Use respectful and professional language.
S – Summarize key ideas to reinforce your perspective.
S – Seek to engage with classmates by asking thoughtful questions.
I – Interpret and analyze rather than simply agree or disagree.
O – Offer constructive feedback and build on others’ ideas.
N – Nurture a collaborative and thoughtful learning environment.

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Other videos with assignment instructions

More course materials

Note: The course web pages on the official Nazarene Bible College site will contain expanded written instructions for each of the assignments.

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