Missionaries from all six continents to all six continents

A tool for learning about world missions

Crossword Puzzle: Introduction to World Missions

Based on material in chapter 6, Discovering Missions by Gailey and Culbertson

cover of Discovering

"From everywhere to everyone." -- Samuel Escobar

Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book? If not, then use this online PDF of Discovering Missions to find the answers!

crossword puzzle graphic

Word document with puzzle grid

2 Since a large number of its own citizens serve as cross-cultural missionaries within its borders, this 10/40 Window country may well be the world's second-largest missionary-sending country
6 The number of cultures that David Hesselgrave said will always affect how expatriate missionaries communicate the gospel
7 The city in which a missions covenant was signed by Christian leaders from all over the world urging missionaries to start flowing "ever more freely from and to all six continents"
10 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit; it has significant ramifications for the missionary call and "gift"
11 A Frenchman who took the gospel message to Denmark
1 The 19th-century system in which each mission board was given the exclusive right and responsibility for ministry in a defined geographic area
3 A man from Syria who may have been the first to take the gospel to China
4 The title given to missionary work in areas where churches are already established
5 A word other than "frontier" for mission efforts within people groups where the Church has not yet been planted or is quite small
8 The first single female missionary in modern history (who also happened to be a former slave)
9 The man who compared the planting of the Church to a construction project in which the missionaries were the scaffolding

"I appreciate this additional avenue to review our reading assignment. It was helpful." -- Kevin Campbell

Crossword puzzle answers

"If God's love is for anybody anywhere, it is for everybody everywhere" . . . [ more ]

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Based on material in the book Discovering Missions by Charles Gailey and Howard Culbertson, published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (now known as The Foundry)


There are still many unreached ethnolinguistic people groups around the world. This is particularly true in remote or restricted regions where access to the Gospel message is limited or non-existent. These groups can be found in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Additionally, there are unreached ethnolinguistic people groups within larger cities. Cultural and language barriers often hamper getting the Gospel to these minority groups.

Crossword puzzles: Click on numbers to retrieve sheets

1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14

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