"All posts read" affirmation in end-of-week reflections

NBC online Global Evangelism course videos

Note: Having you write "all posts read" at the top of every end-of-the-week reflection is an accountability feature I ask you to do to demonstrate you have fulfilled a requirement that is in every NBC online course.

While a question on the "weekly report" does ask whether all posts submitted by everyone in that week have been read, that particular report is designed to serve mainly as a checklist to help students.

Grading rubric

In terms of a grading rubric, this one is simple:

  1. Is there an "all posts read" affirmation at the beginning of the end-of-the-week reflection?
  2. Does it say "all" rather than "most" or "90%" of something like that?
cartoon drawing
of talkative personWhat kind of online student are you? Do others think of you as Busy or Wordy or Disconnected Dan? Do you sometimes come off to others as Oblivious or Trite-ly or even End- times Edith? [ read more ]

    -- Howard Culbertson,

How to write good discussion board posts

"I have been able to use what I have learned in class through discussion with members of my congregation to spark their interest as well." -- student on course evaluation


Reading everything that fellow students post on the course discussion boards can be very beneficial. Thie course requirement can foster a sense of community and collaboration as students engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas and perspectives. By immersing themselves in the diverse range of their peer's opinions and insights, online students can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Reading others' posts exposes students to alternative viewpoints and approaches to issues and problem-solving. Evaluating and responding to classmates' contributions encourages critical thinking and helps students develop stronger analytical skills. Finally, active participation in discussions enhances communication skills.

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