Blog: Mission-fit -- mission briefing

Ideas Affecting World Missions Today

Is what you are doing match with your stated core cause?

Two or three decades ago, "to make Christlike disciples in the nations"1 became the officially stated mission of the Church of the Nazarene. Of course, while that exact wording may be somewhat recent, what it says is not. Global outreach has been in Nazarene DNA from the very beginning.

Our mission statement announces that we go beyond counting "decisions for Christ." Our stated core value of being a "holiness people" suggests the Christlikeness theme of the mission statement. In addition, we Nazarenes have never been isolationists. From the start, we have been involved in disciple-making around the world as well as in our own neighborhoods.

That mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations is not something just for global missionaries sent out by the World Mission office. Money, manpower, and plan-making at every level of the denomination should "fit" or be synchronized with both phrases of that mission statement. There must be coherency between what we do and what we say our mission is. Our actions must contribute to the end result we have in mind. For this reason, every Nazarene should be involved in some way with both phrases:

On the local, district, regional, and global levels, we must allow the mission statement to determine what we do, when we do it, and how we do it. We must be prayerfully asking: Does this activity or emphasis or decision fit who we are? Do the core values and vision of people in my church congregation match up our mission statement? Is what we are doing and how we do it consistent with the objective of making Christlike disciples in the nations? Can we say that we don't just do things because we can or simply because an opportunity presents itself? Do we, as a church, do things because they have meaning for us regarding our stated mission?

Organizations, businesses, and churches used to say there was "good chemistry" when people, programs, and resources came together to accomplish the group's stated goals. In recent years, organizational leaders have moved past the touchy-feely chemistry reference to using "mission fit" to express conformity with a group's ultimate goal. This includes making sure that positions in the church are filled by people who "fit" the needed qualifications and skills and whose core values and vision are in line with those of the church.

If we are to carry out our church's mission, the following items need to be "mission-fit" for us:

If some of these things fail "mission-fit" inspection, we may have settled for things that are inconsistent and perhaps even incompatible with our denomination's stated mission. We need to ask:

  1. Is our vision-casting, strategizing, and planning determined by our stated mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations?
  2. Do we openly call new believers to "buy in" to the mission statement?
  3. Do we ask "mission-fit" questions of the men and women applying to be ordained as Nazarene ministers?

There are lots of words that ought to describe what we do to carry out our God-given mission. Words that come quickly to mind include God-centered, transformative, sustainable, culturally appropriate, transparent, reproducible, and empowering. Wouldn't the "icing on the cake," though, be having "mission-fit" stamped on everything from how our church spends money to the activities we seem to be the most passionate about?

1Note: In the Bible, the word "nations" does not mean political entities like China, India, and the USA. Rather, it means people groups or societies in which people speak the same language, have the same culture, and live in or have originated in the same area. "Nations" is synonymous with the plural word "peoples." In other words, nations in the Bible means all of the world's people groups other than the people of Israel.

Reflection Questions

  1. What does "mission-fit" mean, and why might it be important in our attempts to fulfill the mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations?
  2. How can individuals and organizations make sure that their programs, people, and resources match up with their stated mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations?
  3. Why should every Christian be involved in some way with both phrases of the statement, "Making Christlike disciples" and "In the nations"?
  4. How can churches and organizations make certain that their leaders, policies, and procedures are in "mission-fit" alignment with their stated mission?
  5. What challenges may you face in making sure things are aligned with a stated mission?

Afterword: Unpacking "Mission-Fit"

Other ways to express the concept of "mnission-fit" include:

Something is considered to be "mission-fit" when it conforms closely with the objectives, values, and goals of a project or organization. "Mission-fit" means that something or somebody embodies the qualities or characteristics that directly contribute to fulfilling that mission or advancing its objectives. This alignment can include skill sets, values, attitudes, and approaches. For an individual, being mission-fit means possessing the skills, mindset, and dedication necessary to excel in a given role within the organization or on a project. For a project or initiative, being mission-fit means that it will serve the intended purpose and help achieve the goals. Ultimately, mission-fit makes certain that whatever it may be -- whether a person, project, or strategy -- can be integrated into things in ways that will contribute to the intended objective.

To achieve the mission of making Christlike disciples in the nations, we must check the"mission-fit" harmony of everything we do. Programs, people, and resources must contribute toward the goal of disciple-making. Every Christian must be engaged in some way in making Christlike disciples locally as well as globally. Challenges will arise as we work toward cultural relevance and sustainability. However, insisting that our ministry activities be "mission-fit" will improve the chances of their being impactful, transformative, and God-pleasing.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

This blog on a key issue in world missions outreach is one of 12 articles in the "Mission briefing" published in Engage magazine. Articles in that series dealt with issues such as unreached people groups, contextualization, indigenous churches, dependency, sustainability, leadership development, go-ers/senders, culture shock, and globalization.

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