Bible crossword puzzle: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Bible puzzle 21: Based on material in chapter 27 of Discovering the Bible by Alex Varughese
Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book by Varughese?

- 6 -- Letters written to a predominantly Gentile audience to answer the question: How shall Christians live until the second coming of Christ? Readers are urged to remain
faithful in the midst of their suffering for Christ
- 1 -- A biblical concept that says God's will for His people includes
separation from the world and complete belonging to God; this concept includes the idea of
Holy-Spirit-empowered conformity to the character and likeness of God
- 2 -- A seaport city about 90 miles west of Philippi
- 3 -- The Thessalonian believers were very concerned when this event, also called
the Parousia, was going to happen
- 4 -- Included in the concept of ___________ is a call for moral and ethical integrity
in the area of one's sexual conduct
- 5 -- The city where the Apostle Paul likely was when he wrote the two New Testament letters to the Thessalonians
This crossword puzzle was created for use in Introduction to Biblical Literature. The words and clues come from the textbook Discovering the Bible: Story and Faith of the Biblical Communities edited by Alex Varughese and published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, now called The Foundry.
-- Howard Culbertson,
Takeaways from Paul's two letters to the Thessalonians
- Encouragement in Persecution: In both letters, Paul exhorts the Thessalonian believers to stand firm in the face of persecution and hardship. He
reminds them that suffering is to be expected for those who follow Christ. He also assures them of God's faithfulness and the hope of Christ's return.
- Instruction on Christian Living: Paul provides
practical instructions for Christian living. These include exhortations to love one another, live in
holiness, and work diligently. He notes the importance of maintaining a good reputation
among outsiders. He warns against idleness and disorder within the community.
- Eschatological Hope: Paul responds to questions and concerns about the return of Christ and the end times. He assures the Thessalonians that those who have died in Christ will be raised to new life. He provides insight into the events surrounding Christ's return, including the coming of the "man of lawlessness" and the final judgment.
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