God's spokespersons to the community -- Nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah. and Malachi
Bible crossword puzzle
Based on material in chapter 16, Discovering the Bible by Alex Varughese, textbook for Introduction to Biblical Literature
Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book by Varughese?
- 2 A prophet who called on people to rebuild their ruined Temple
- 4 In saying that several nations will be judged for their hostility toward God and
His people, this prophet speaks much of "the Day of the Lord"
- 5 The English translation of Yahweh Zebaoth, a name that declares God's power and sovereignty in the world and a reminder that God can handle any and all situations
- 6 A prophet whose message challenges us to go on trusting God amid severe adversities and trials of life. The book contains the statement quoted by Paul in his letter to the Romans: "The just shall live by faith"
- 1 The final book of the Old Testament. Among other things, it describes the act of withholding tithe as "robbing God"
- 3 Nineveh's imminent judgment is the subject of the written speeches of this minor prophet
- 4 A minor prophet who had a series of eight visions of the future in symbols reminiscent of John's Revelation; he anticipated the final triumph of God and His ultimate rule over all the earth
This crossword puzzle was created for use in Introduction to Biblical Literature. The words and clues come from the textbook Discovering the Bible: Story and Faith of the Biblical Communities edited by Alex Varughese and published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, now called The Foundry.
-- Howard Culbertson,
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