Expatriate missionaries as vision casters

Missionary ministry that reflects Christ

"Your daughters will prophesy . . . Your young men will see visions." -- Joel 2:28

Jesus was a vision caster. For instance, early in His ministry, He challenged two Galilean fishermen to leave their nets and become "fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). Jesus spoke so powerfully that Simon Peter and Andrew immediately followed Him.

To those two men and to multitudes of others, Jesus cast a vision of what life in the Kingdom of God could be like. In one of His first sermons, Jesus' pithy "beatitudes" in Matthew 5 point to God's design for human beings. Jesus talked about how relationships should work. He challenged people to make good choices. He told His followers to go and make disciples in every people group. He laid out for them how some things in the future would unfold.

Thre other examples of Jesus casting a vision include:

Sometimes, people didn't immediately understand the vision Jesus cast before them. He talked about high ideals and such radical transformation that people still respond: "That's not possible."

The truth is that what Jesus said wasn't pie-in-the-sky stuff that will never happen. Jesus was realistic about the way things were. However, He also knew that things could be different through the transforming and energizing power of the Holy Spirit, and He painted a vision of that for His listeners.

While He was here on earth, Jesus sought to lead people toward realizing that vision. The vision struck such a responsive chord in people that it did not fade with His Ascension. Through the centuries, millions have found Jesus' vision believable and have committed their lives to it.

A few decades ago, Burt Nanus wrote a book titled Visionary Leadership. That book defines a leader's vision as the picture of a "realistic, credible, attractive future. . . . a future that is better . . . or more desirable."

"Casting a vision" means presenting a clear and powerful picture of a desired future state or goal. It involves articulating an idea, dream, or direction in a way that inspires and motivates others to work toward achieving it. This phrase is often used in leadership, business, or team settings, where a leader "casts" the vision to unify and energize others around a common purpose.

Missionaries would do well to follow Jesus' example of casting vision. That vision needs to captivate people because, just as in the case of Jesus, the day will come when the missionary will no longer be there. If missionaries are not casting a vision, the risk is that their ministry will wind up being nothing more than "sticking a finger in the water," as my Italian friends say. In saying that phrase, Italians refer to the fact that a finger withdrawn from water leaves no lasting sign it was ever there.

Vision casting. It's important.

Reflectcion Questions

  1. How can missionaries cast an inspiring vision for the future of their cross-cultural ministry?
  2. What might be some possible outcomes of missionary work without a vision for the future?
  3. In what ways can it be said that Jesus' vision casting challenged societal norms and expectations of his time on earth?
  4. How can missionaries balance the realism of current circumstances with the vision of a better future, similar to Jesus' approach?
  5. What practical strategies can missionaries implement to make certain that their vision continues to inspire and have a lasting impact even after they have left?

    -- Howard Culbertson,

This blog post on Christlike attitudes and actions that need to be present in cross-cultural missionary service is one of a dozen articles in the "Missionary ministry that Missionary Ministry that Reflects Christ" series published in Engage, a monthly online magazine.

Acrostic: Vision

V - Viewing possibilities with an open mind,
I - Interpreting clues the present leaves behind.
S - Seeing beyond the present day,,
I - Innovating where new paths turn.
O - Open to change, embracing the unknown,
N - Nurturing wisdom as foresight is grown.

Afterword: What Could Be

Describing the act of casting a vision of what could be as a reflection of Jesus Christ's ministry calls to mind aspects of his teachings and actions recorded in the Bible.

  1. Jesus often spoke of hope and redemption. He offered a vision of a better future not only for individuals but for society as a whole. He preached about the Kingdom of God as a kingdom of justice, love, and peace.
  2. Jesus frequently engaged in transformative actions. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and uplifted the marginalized. While these acts responded to immediate needs, they also demonstrated what life could be like if it is filled with compassion, justice, and love.
  3. Jesus challenged societal norms and injustices of his time. He helped people envision a world where people treated each other with dignity and respect regardless of social status, ethnicity, or background. His teachings and actions inspired change and turned his followers into change agents.
  4. Casting a vision of what could be and should be requires faith and imagination. Those are qualities that Jesus expects in his followers. His parables were a way of helping us envision a different way of living.

In effect, by casting a vision of what could be, we can emulate the essence of Jesus Christ's ministry by inspiring hope, promoting transformation, challenging injustices, nurturing faith and imagination.

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