What does a local NMI president do?
- Here is a 15-point checklist for Nazarene Missions International presidents that gives a roadmap of responsibilities and goals.
- The checklist will guide local church missions presidents in fulfilling the purpose of the local church missionary program
- The checklist items points to the importance of communication, teamwork, goal-setting, and creative world missions promotion within a church congregation.
Thank you so much for this website. I became a missions director at our church two
years ago, and this site has helped me. Whenever I ask, "What now?", I go to your
website. -- Herbert Masters
What is the job description of a church's world missions group leader?
"Help! My local church just elected me Nazarene Missions International
president. What am I supposed to do?"
One key function of a local NMI president is to see that the congregation embraces its
responsibility for ends-of-the-earth outreach as well as making disciples locally. Church
members should be exhorted to give joyfully to the denomination's World Evangelism Fund and to
engage in prayer support for the Nazarene missionaries deployed worldwide from many different
An NMI president should be a conduit of information to the local church about Nazarene
world missions activity, including the denomination's response to human suffering from national
disasters, civil disorders, and wars between nations.
An NMI president should continually remind the local church what Jesus said in John 6:35:
"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." Note that
"fields" is a plural word. The Church of the Nazarene is involved in the harvest of souls in fields
all around the world. So, a local church should be concerned not just about the field where they
are located but all the fields all around the world where the Gospel needs to be proclaimed.
How do you know if you are fulfilling the purpose of a congregation's global missionary
program? Well, use this checklist to determine if you are doing what church missions leaders are
expected to do.
With God's help, I will
- Build rapport with my pastor, local council, and other local world missions presidents.
- Communicate regularly with my pastor and world missions committee or council concerning
major emphases and upcoming events.
- Enlist the aid of my district missions president and district NMI
council when I need information, inspiration, or advice. I will work at being a "team player" on myzone and district.
- Pass along exciting missions news from my church to area and denominational church leaders.
- Submit year-end reports on time.
- Prepare for missions council meetings with an eye to reporting and input, vision casting, team-building, planning, and implementation [ starting a council meeting ]
- Hold missions council members accountable for their
assigned promotional emphases and other tasks.
- Provide ongoing training to council members, giving them written job descriptions and
furnishing resource materials, including examples of what has been successful elsewhere.
- Draw attention to the importance of Mission Priority One, urging my church to exceed expectations in:
- Spreading missions information
- Mobilizing prayer support [ praying for world missions ]
- Funding missions efforts through sacrificial giving
- Involving children and youth in missions activities
- Set goals for my church -- with the input of the pastor and council -- for each
of the major NMI missions emphases and then keep those goals before my congregation.
- Assure my church's participation in each special emphasis, making sure that all world missions offerings are sent in on time.
[ Monthly NMI emphases ]
- Support the goals that have been set for Nazarene children and youth and challenge my church to include the young people of the church in our mission plans
- Work with the missions council to guarantee informative, exciting, fast-paced, people-involved regular missions services.
- Assure that our church has places for raising awareness of world missions (website, bulletin board, newsletter, and table displays) and that world missions is presented creatively to our congregation in an attention-getting manner. [ Sunday
bulletin inserts ]
- Ask God daily for passion, wisdom, creativity, and strength for my missions task.
"Thank you for your awesome website. It has helped this NMI President a great deal with suggestions and information." -- Dorine L., New Jersey, USA
-- Howard Culbertson,
The task of a world missions leader in a local church involves coordinating and aiding the church's efforts to support missions work on a global scale. Here are some of the key responsibilities of a world missions leader:
- Missionary Support: Coordinating financial, spiritual, and practical support for missionaries. This may involve organizing fundraising efforts, providing prayer support, and communicating with missionaries to find out their needs and challenges.
- Education and Awareness: Educating the congregation about global missions, including sharing stories from missionaries, providing information about different cultures and countries, and raising awareness about global issues that the church is engaging with through its global mission involvement.
- Strategic Planning: Developing and implementing plans for the church's involvement in world missions. This includes setting goals and evaluating the fruitfulness of attempts to create passion for world evangelism efforts in the congregation.
- Missionary Care: Providing care and support for missionaries and their families, including regular communication and assistance with reentry and adjustment when missionaries return from the field.
- Advocacy: Shining a ling on world missions within the church, encouraging members to prioritize world missions in their prayer and giving, and working to instill a global missions mindset that permeates every facet of the church's life.
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