"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." -- Deuteronomy 32:2
Dictionaries often use the phrase "brief statement" in defining syllabus. In reality, most course syllabi (at least mine) tend to be multi-page documents. A good syllabus is a gold mine of information about how to do assignments, due dates and standards to be applied in assigning grades.
A good description of syllabi1 at schools like Southern Nazarene University appeared some time ago in the Journal of Education for Business. In describing a syllabus, Greg Kearsley and William Lynch wrote:
"The single most important instrument of structure in a course is the SYLLABUS, [a document] which outlines the goals and objectives of a course, prerequisites, the grading/evaluation scheme, materials to be used (textbooks, software), topics to be covered, a schedule, and a bibliography. Each of these components defines the nature of the learning experience:
- "Goals and objectives identify the expected outcomes and scope of the course as determined by the instructor or course designer.
- "Prerequisites limit the student population to those with certain kinds of learning experiences, usually other courses.
- "The grading or evaluation scheme tells students what kind of learning activities are to be valued (e.g., assignments, tests, papers, projects), that is, the currency of learning in this particular course.
- "Topics to be covered specify the content that the instructor feels is important.
- "The schedule provides a timetable for learning, usually with milestones in the form of due dates or tests."1
1Note: Syllabi is the plural form of syllabus.
Online students I've met -- Caricatures of annoying behavior in online classes
-- Howard Culbertson,
The word "syllabus" has an interesting origin. It comes from the Latin word "sittybas," which itself is derived from the Greek word "sittybos" or "sittybos." That word means a label or table of contents. In ancient Greece, "sittybos" referred to a label on a manuscript or a scroll that indicates its contents.
So, the concept of a syllabus has its roots in what ancient scholars used to keep track of written materials. Then, as education systems developed, "syllabus" came to refer to a summary or outline of topics covered in a course or a curriculum. Today, a syllabus typically outlines the objectives, topics, assignments, readings, projects, due dates, and other important course information.