Missions crossword Puzzle

Based on material regarding the global context for world evangelism in chapter 12, Discovering Missions by Gailey and Culbertson

cover of Discovering

Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book? If not, then use this online PDF of Discovering Missions to find the answers!

crossword puzzle grid

Word document with puzzle grid

2 A term that Walter Brueggemann used to talk about "nominal" Christians
4 The point of view that says because God cannot divorce Himself from His goodness and, therefore, all people will ultimately be saved
6 The kind of language or vocabulary that a Consultation on Mission Language and Metaphors warned against using
7 What church leaders need to do concerning the surrounding culture
8 A convenient acronym used to remember the large blocks of unreached peoples (in terms of religious orientation)
9 One of the contextual challenges to world mission efforts today
1 The point of view that says people will have the possibility to hear about Christ and accept Him at the time of death or at some point thereafter.
3 An umbrella term used for religious beliefs focused on a belief in spirits and people's daily interactions with them
5 A Chinese city that is one of the world's most densely populated cities

Crossword puzzle answers

    -- Howard Culbertson,

"I'm not too fond of word puzzles, but I tried it this week. I see that it is an interesting way to find answers to my questions." -- Carlos C., Nazarene Bible College student

Based on material in the book Discovering Missions by Charles Gailey and Howard Culbertson, published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (now known as The Foundry)

More puzzles: Crosswords, word searches, and word scrambles

Missions crossword puzzles: Click on numbers to retrieve sheets

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