Sharing your Christian faith: Four scenarios
How would you respond to these people?
"He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are, therefore, Christ's
ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us." — 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
When was the last time someone in your life space asked you about your belief in and relationship with God?
Here are four scenarios Doug Samples created for teaching a course in evangelism.
Scenario 1
"I have always felt that Christianity was an ideal that was too difficult for me to achieve. I
feel like I would never be able to live up to all of the expectations, rules, and demands in order to be
considered a true follower of Christ. Being a follower of Christ places impossible demands and
expectations that aren't realistic for humans. I'm not interested in being rejected or feeling like a
failure again."
Scenario 2
"I'm not sure why I'm not a Christian. I believe in God, but I am just not ready for a
commitment. I have enough commitments with getting married and with getting into medical
school. There are so many rules in my life already. I don't need any more. There are already tons
of people trying to tell me how to live my life."
Scenario 3
A twenty-year-old guy claims to be a Wiccan witch. He believes he is the highest power and
that he chooses his own fate. Wiccans meet in sacred circles to perform sacred rituals. They also
have large "gatherings." He says that "spells" work if you know what you are doing and you have
the right incantations. He believes that the human body is dead from birth. He explained, "From
the minute you are born, your body grows, but really, you are starting to die. All of your living
days, you feed your body to become a food buffet for worms and insects." Life is, therefore, worthless.
He is very Gothic and says he lives a depressed life. To him,
he can't believe in a God for whom there is no proof. He also feels that the Bible contradicts itself
the whole way through. He said that he likes being depressed and that he doesn't want to change.
He has a lot of doubts and feels trapped in a lifestyle. He told me that Christ didn't die for him,
that Christ died because he got caught and his captors killed him.
He then dropped a bomb on me. "Where was God when my six-month-old sister died?" he asked.
Scenario 4
This is a 17-year-old guy from California. I asked why he didn't believe in God, and he told me it was because it got in his way. He said there was a certain way he wanted to live his life and that God and Jesus and all of that got in the way.
He told me that to believe in God and Jesus takes a full
commitment. He said it is something you should do with all that you are and that he couldn't do
that. He even quoted the Bible where Jesus talked about counting the cost before you
join. He said he wasn't ready, but maybe he would be someday. He had "things to do" before he could give up his life.
"Friends, we have nothing to do but save souls. We have nothing to do but offer new
life through Christ. That's our calling, whoever we are. That's our response of faith to the joy of
Christ's resurrection." — John Wesley
Reflection questions
- How would you respond the concerns of someone who feels that being a follower of Christ comes with impossible demands and expectations?
- What approach would you take in engaging with someone who believes in God but is not ready for a daily commitment due to other priorities and the perception of too many rules?
- How would you respond to a person who identifies as a Wiccan and expresses a deep skepticism toward the existence of a personal God, feeling trapped in a lifestyle and questioning
God's presence in the face of personal tragedy?
- How might you handle a conversation with teenagers who ses faith in God as an obstacle to people living life on their own terms? What direction would you setter to conversation when talking to someone unprepared to make a full commitment to faith?
- How can the message of reconciliation and the offer of new life through Christ be communicated to individuals with different backgrounds, doubts, and varying levels of readiness to embrace Christianity?
-- Howard Culbertson,
Sharing our faith in Jesus Christ can be a extremely personal experience. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:
- Respect Others' Beliefs: Understand that not everyone embraces the same beliefs that you do. Approach conversations about spiritual matters with respect for other people's beliefs and views.
- Listen: Communication involves not only speaking. It also involves listening. So, listen attentively to people's ideas, questions, and concerns about faith. Do not interrupt people or abruptly dismiss what they say.
- Be Authentic: Share your faith in a genuine and authentic ways. Be sure that your words and actions reflect the love, compassion, and joy that you say comes from your relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, tell people that you sometimes fall short of your highest ideals.
- Be Sensitive: Discussing religious faith can be uncomfortable for some people. Don't try to be a super salesperson for Jesus. Be mindful of the context and timing of your conversations. Avoid giving the impression that you want to force people to believe like you do.
- Use Language Wisely: Speak in ways that are clear and understandable. Avoid insider jargon or complex theological wording that might not be familiar to people.
- Share Your Story: The story of your spiritual pilgrimage may be the most powerful thing you can do to share your faith. Describe how your relationship with Jesus Christ has impacted and transformed you.
- Show Love and Compassion: Let love and compassion permeate your interactions with others. Demonstrate care and empathy toward people who are struggling spiritually or questioning their faith.
- Respect Boundaries: Respect other people's boundaries and autonomy. Be aware that not everyone may be open at that moment to discuss matters of faith.
- Be Open to Questions: Answer questions willingluy. Engage in honest dialogue about your faith. If you don't know the answer to a question, admit it and offer to get more information.
- Pray: Ask God for wisdom, guidance, and opportunities to share your faith. Trust in God's timing and leading as you try to communicate the Gospel to others.
Remember that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to open hearts and minds to faith. Your role is to share your beliefs and experiences. Trust that God will work in the lives of people you encounter.
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