World missions strategies course

A course in missions methodology

Open Educational Resources

This page and the resources linked from it are Open Educational Resources (OER)

This is a course in the methodology of missions. It will cover all kinds of issues. Sometimes I've even told students that it is subtitled "Coffee Break on the Mission Field" since we will talk about many of the things that missionaries talk about when they get together:

Course resources

In the "What-will-they-think-of-next?" department

Check out the new bullet-proof polo shirts at (Just go to and search for "polo shirts".) These might seem like the latest fashion-conscious missionary garments. However, check out the price tag.

Writing Standards

Most courses at SNU contain a writing component.
I expect students' written work to be focused, well-developed, organized, and relatively free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Papers falling far short of this standard may simply be returned without a grade to the students for revision and resubmission.
See my writing checklist.

LinksLinks to websites with helpful material for Great Commission fulfillment

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Seeking God's will?

How to do well in class

Tempted to cheat on some schoolwork? Before you do, read SNU's academic integrity policy