Jesus' question: Where is your faith?

Do I, too, need to hear Jesus' probing question to his disciples regarding their faith?

Luke 8:22-25

22 One day, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out. 23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"

He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 25 "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.

In fear and amazement, they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."

Week 7 (February)

The crashing waves spilled water into the boat. The high winds threatened to tear away the sails. Then, a Man stood up in the bow of that fishing boat and ordered the storm to cease.

Ordered? What a puny gesture that must have seemed to the rest of the men in the boat. They were experienced seamen working desperately to stay afloat. They sensed how much at the mercy of that storm they were.

But scarcely had the orders left that Man's mouth when the storm ended like a curtain coming down at the end of a play.

In that eerie stillness, the Man turned to the others in the boat and asked: Where is your faith?

He asked "is" and not "was," for even at that moment, some of the men were whispering to each other: What manner of man is this?

Question: Where is your faith?

We, too, sometimes want to demand of those men: "Where was and is your faith?" After all, they'd been with Jesus for some time now. They'd seen something of His extraordinary, supernatural abilities, power, and wisdom.

Yet I'm afraid that far too often, we're as guilty as they were in being afraid of perishing in life's storms and problems.

We know of Jesus' power over the devils of Gadarea, of how a woman touched only His garment and yet was healed. Those miracles hadn't yet occurred for the men in the boat that day. We know of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. His disciples didn't yet. Even so, Jesus seemed to think they had seen and experienced enough already. So, without hesitation, He asked them: "Where is your faith?"

From our point of view, we should expect His miracle-working presence and power today. Through His Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to do things that cause us to be surprised.

Yet, aren't there times when this Lord of nature, this mighty Healer, this Master over demonic power must ask even us: "Where is your faith?"

The Holy Spirit once used a youth group president to put that question to me.

We were in a church board meeting grappling with having to pay the interest on a short-term loan. A few months before, the little congregation had taken a giant leap of faith in purchasing a home for the pastoral family to live in. Now, in the storms of life, Satan was making that decision look like a foolhardy one.

In a moment of quiet, we all sat looking at the floor. Then Nita Alderson said firmly: "I believe the Lord would have us pay off the whole loan this year."

I began to think of all the reasons why our little church couldn't do that. We didn't even have the money to pay the interest! Then I heard a quiet little voice inside me asking, "Where is your faith?"

Nita had been more in touch with the Lord than the rest of us. In less than a year, that loan had been miraculously paid off.

Jesus is still the miracle-working Christ in the storms and problems of life. Where is your faith? Is it really in Him? The more we trust our lives to Him, the more He'll inspire in us a confidence in God that will banish demoralizing fear from our lives and bring assurance to our souls.

I remember singing what was then a hundred-year-old short chorus in Southeastern Oklahoma Nazarene District youth camps. The tabernacle at Robbers' Cave State Park near Wilburton, Oklahoma used to reverberate with: "I can, I will, I do believe . . ."

I want the affirmation of those short phrases to be the theme of my walk (or boat ride) with Jesus.

Reflection Questions

  1. Why did Jesus ask his disciples, "Where is your faith?" during the storm on the lake? In what ways might this question be relevant to us today?
  2. What role does faith play in overcoming the storms and problems of life? How can our faith in Jesus Christ be developed, strengthened, and built up?
  3. How can we avoid being like the disciples, who seemed to underestimate Jesus' power in the midst of their crisis, and instead trust in Him in the face of difficulties and gut-wrenching uncertainties?
  4. What are some ways we can deepen our relationship with Jesus and develop a strong faith in Him that will withstand every adversity?
  5. Can you share a personal experience when you felt challenged to trust in Jesus and how you responded to that challenge? Did you learn lessons from that experience that you apply to your life today?

    -- Howard Culbertson,

I wrote this devotional blog when Barbara and I were serving as missionaries in Italy. This article was published in The Standard, a weekly Faith Connections take-home curriculum piece for adult Sunday school classes produced by The Foundry.

What did Jesus mean when He talked about faith?

In Luke 8:25, Jesus asks his disciples, "Where is your faith?" after calming a storm on the Sea of Galilee. This question comes in response to their fearfulness and seeming lack of trust in his ability to protect them during the storm. Jesus' question challenged them to reflect on their level of faith in him and his power. He used the storm as a teaching moment to demonstrate that even in the face of chaos and danger, we can have faith and trust in him. It is a lesson we need to learn today.

Bible Verses Where Jesus Spoke of Faith

Afterword: Digging Deeper Into Faith

Faith is something that transcends mere belief. The classic biblical definition in Hebrews 11:1 is rendered by J. B. Phillips as: "Faith means putting our full confidence in the things we hope for, it means being certain of things we cannot see."

Faith grows out of trust and deep-seated confidence in something beyond tangible evidence. Faith is a guiding force in our lives. Faith gives us consolation, comfort, support, direction, and meaning in the face of uncertainty. Faith is the foundation upon which people build their worldview.

For Christ-followers, faith is central to believers' relationship with God. Our faith demonstrates trust in the teachings of Jesus Christ and in the truth of the Bible. Our faith does involve intellectual assent to doctrinal truths. However, it is also a deep, personal reliance on God's promises and guidance. It is through faith that we find salvation. Faith is not blind. Rather, it is based on the revelation of God's love and grace, experienced through prayer, scripture, community, and personal encounters with the divine.

An Acrostic from the word "Faith"

F -- Finding hope in every challenge,
A -- Aspiring to overcome with courage,
I -- Inner strength guides the way,
T -- Trust for the journey, come what may,
H -- Holding on to light each day.

More for you from Luke

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