Bible crossword puzzle: Acts of the Apostles
Printable word puzzle based on material in chapter 22, Discovering the Bible, textbook for Introduction to Biblical Literature
Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book by Varughese?

'I had to scour the chapter to find some answers. I enjoyed doing classwork a little differently!" -- Shari A., Nazarene Bible College student
- 1 -- The Apostle Paul's companion on his second missionary trip that
included the miraculous deliverance from prison
- 3 --- The Apostle whose sermon on the Day of Pentecost resulted in 3,000
- 5 -- The leader of the Jerusalem church
- 7 -- The church which commissioned Paul and Barnabas as missionaries to the
Gentiles (non-Jews) and where disciples of Jesus first came to be called "Christians"
- 10 -- A city in which Paul and Silas were miraculously set free from prison
- 12 -- The city where Paul stood on Mars Hill (Aeropagus) and spoke to a crowd about the nature and existence of the one true living God
- 13 -- The Apostolic Council, whose proceedings are described in Acts 15 when the
issue of the relationship of Gentile believers to Jewish customs and practices was discussed
- 14 -- A native of Cyprus who wound up in Antioch as a key leader, introducing Paul
to believers there and even accompanying Paul on his first missionary journey
- 15 -- The evangelist whose three missionary trips are recorded in the book of
Acts and who is described as a "ringleader of the Nazarene sect"
- 2 -- The Old Testament prophet from whom the Ethiopian was reading when Philip
encountered him on the road to Gaza
- 4 -- The coastal city in which Paul saw a vision of a man from Macedonia
- 6 -- This man's death by stoning made him the first Christian martyr
- 8 -- A Hellenist colleague of Stephen's who wound up preaching in Samaria
- 9 -- The one to whom the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are addressed
- 11 -- A Jewish festival during which the Holy Spirit descended on 120 people; the
event is often considered the birth of the Christian Church
This crossword puzzle was created for use in the course Introduction to Biblical Literature. The words and clues come from the textbook Discovering the Bible: Story and Faith of the Biblical Communities, edited by Alex Varughese and published by what is now called The Foundry.
-- Howard Culbertson,
Can the Book of Acts Help Us Today?
The New Testament Book of Acts provides a historical account of the early Church and its growth in the first century. It also contains timeless principles and lessons that are relevant to believers today. Here are a few lessons we can learn from Acts:
- The Power of the Holy Spirit: Acts vividly portrays the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering and guiding the early believers. Today, we can also rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, strength, and empowerment.
- Boldness in Being Witnesses: The early Christians described in Acts demonstrated boldness and courage in sharing the gospel despite facing
opposition and persecution. This should challenge us to boldly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ today.
- Unity in Diversity: The Early Church included people from various backgrounds, cultures, and social statuses. Despite their differences, they
were united in their faith in Christ. We can learn from their example to seek unity in diversity.
- Commitment to Prayer and Fellowship: The Book of Acts describes the importance of prayer and fellowship among believers. These practices are important for spiritual growth, community building, and understanding God's will.
- Missionary Zeal: The early Church was marked by a fervent passion for spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Similarly, we
are called to be active participants in the Great Commission. We must share the love of Christ with those around us and far beyond.
- Perseverance in the Face of Adversity: Despite facing numerous challenges, including persecution and internal conflicts, the early Church persevered in
its faith and mission. This should push us to remain steadfast in our commitment to Christ during difficult times.
Bottom line: For us, the Acts of the Apostle can be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance. It can point us to truths and principles that should guide the life of the Church of Jesus Christ.
More for you on Acts of the Apostles
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