Fundraising for a mission trip?
Ideas to get financial support for short-term mission trip teams and individuals
Guiding thoughts
1. Begin by being an intercessor. 2. Devote yourself to the task. Give time to it.
3. Be confident (If God has called you; He has also called the resources). 4. See
yourself as a vision setter, not a fundraiser. Be an educator.
* --
Adapted from material by Rob Martin of the First Fruits Foundation |
Fundraiser ideas based on material by Kevin
Paszalek, Houston (TX) Southway Community Church
This is the short form. More details are on an
expanded form
Building financial support through the mail
- On average, $2500 can be raised through well-written letters sent to about 75 people
who know you: family members and friends
- Some groups prepare a fundraising letter in an electronic format so participants can easily
personalize it [ more info ] [ sample letters ]
- Spread the word widely; don't limit the letters to Christian friends and family.
- Send thank-you letters for every financial gift. Sometimes, "thank you" notes will even
bring follow-up financial gifts
How local churches can help come up with the needed money
- Give official blessing or sanction
- Provide letters of
endorsement on church
- Let individuals share with the congregation in services
- Allow pleas for donations during services
- Host informational meetings about the trip
- Publicize the trip
- Information in the congregation's monthly newsletter
- Inserts in the weekly church bulletin
- Call attention to those who get involved in local ministry when they return or decide to go
long-term afer going on a short-term trip
- Provide direct financial support
- Organize fundraising events within the church
Other ideas
- Car Wash: Sell car wash
- Percentage of purchases people make
through an online site
- Organize dinners or dinner theaters and sell tickets
- Chicken catching
- Hold a giant garage/rummage sale
- Sell barbecue
- Organize and teach an Internet beginners' course
- Sell tubs of frozen cookie dough
- Find a restaurant that will donate part of the cost of a meal or provide meal
- Sell restaurant restaurant meal
- Sell discount cards
- Car-hopping for tips
- Sell soap and other fair trade items made by
African villagers or contact ]
"Going on a short-term mission trip is an ideal way to see the world through a new
set of lenses." -- Dee Kelley
The joy of giving
 | One story of how giving to
people going on mission trips brings joy [ more ] |
-- Howard Culbertson,
Embarking on a short-term mission trip is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others while you yourself experience personal growth and cultural exchange. If you need of financial support to make this trip a reality, rest assured that your mission is greater than any obstacle.
Rally your community. Share your passion, and let them be part of something
transformative. Whether it's reaching out to family, friends, or local organizations, don't hesitate
to spread the word about your mission trip and the impact you hope the event will make.
Every contribution, no matter how small, brings you one step closer to realizing your goal.
Together with others, you can make meaningful change by spreading God's love and
compassion across cultural and national borders. Your commitment to serving others will inspire
people to support you.
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