Bible cross puzzle: Ezra, Nehemiah, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Daniel
Crossword puzzle from Sacred Scripture
Draws on material in chapters 10, 12, 14, and 17 of Discovering the Bible by,
Alex Varughese
Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the book by
- 3 -- Son of Iddo mentioned by Ezra as a prophet
- 6 -- A prophet who lived in Exile in Babylon and who had some strange visions,
including one involving a valley of dry bones and another a "wheel within a wheel"
- 7 -- The man whom God protected in the lions' den in Babylon. The document in
the Bible that bears his name has some End-Times prophetic visions
- 1 -- Persian king who let the Jewish Exiles go home and rebuild the Temple in
- 2 -- A foreign king's "cup-bearer" who returned to Jerusalem to become its governor
and supervise the rebuilding of its defensive walls
- 4 -- Prophet mentioned in Ezra's book
- 5 -- Jewish priest and scribe who was instrumental in aiding the return of the Exiles
and in re-instituting the public reading of the Book of the Law of God.
This crossword puzzle was created for use in the course Introduction to Biblical Literature.
The words and clues come from the textbook Discovering the Bible: Story and Faith of the
Biblical Communities edited by Alex Varughese and published by Beacon Hill Press of
Kansas City, now called The Foundry.
-- Howard Culbertson,
Bible reading for this assignment: Daniel 1-6; Ezekiel 1-4, 8, 6, 37; Ezra 1, 3-7; Nehemiah
1-5, 8, 9; Psalms 1-2, 22, 51, 118, 137-138, 150
What can we learn from Ezra, Nehemiah, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Daniel?
The Old Testament books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Daniel can teach us important lessons about faithfulness, prayer, perseverance, and trust in God's providence,
even in the face of adversity and uncertainty. They offer timeless wisdom and guidance for
navigating life's challenges and remaining steadfast in one's commitment to God. There are some
common threads among them include:
- Restoration and Rebuilding: Both Ezra and
Nehemiah focus on the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple after the
Babylonian exile.
- Divine Providence: Throughout all five of these books,
there's a recurring theme of God's providential care and guidance over His people. Despite facing
challenges and opposition, leaders like Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel trusted in God's sovereignty and leading.
- Prayer and Worship: The Psalms, Ezra, Nehemiah,
and Daniel all demonstratge the importance of prayer and worship in the life of believers. The use of various forms of prayer, including praise, confession, lament, and intercession, focuses attention on the possibility of an intimate relationship between God and His people.
- Faithfulness in Exile: Ezekiel and Daniel offer insights into maintaining faithfulness to God even amid exile and foreign captivity. They tell us to persevere, obey, and trust in God's promises, even when circumstances seem bleak.
- Prophecy and Vision: Ezekiel and Daniel contain vivid visions and prophetic messages about the future and the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom. These books should inspire hope and confidence in God's plan for redemption and
- Leadership and Service: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel exemplify qualities of leadership, courage, and service to God and His people. Their stories should cause us to stand firm in our convictions, lead with integrity, and seek the welfare of others.
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