The upside-down Kingdom: Leaders as Servants

Missionary ministry that reflects Christ

Jesus approached leadership far differently than many people do. Think, for instance, about what Jesus did the evening before His arrest and crucifixion. With the excitement of the "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem a few days before still in the air, Jesus stunned His disciples by washing their feet. Peter protested, no doubt thinking of the status and privileges usually accorded leaders. Leaders, and especially messiahs, didn't do menial tasks like washing someone's feet!

Peter and the other disciples should have caught on much earlier to Jesus' servanthood approach to leadership. During Jesus' three years of ministry, there was nothing pompous, self-promoting, or power-seeking about Him. Jesus did not expect the best seat. He almost seemed more comfortable hanging out with poor people than hobnobbing with the wealthy and powerful. He never sought headlines. He never "tooted His own horn." Indeed, on more than one occasion, after healing a sick person or casting out a demon from someone, Jesus said, "Don't tell anyone."

The Kingdom that Jesus talked about is an "upside-down kingdom." At least, that is how Donald Kraybill labeled it. Kraybill used that phrase as a book title, saying it captured the essence of Jesus' words like, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first" (Matthew 20:16).

Sadly, Christian leaders sometimes fail to digest what Jesus said and did. Some assume that church leaders (including missionaries) are owed certain privileges and the "finer things of life" because they are "ambassadors of Christ" and "children of the King." That's not true. We represent the king of an "upside-down kingdom" in which this world's ambassadorial privileges and trappings are out of place. Leaders (especially cross-cultural missionaries) in the upside-down kingdom must emulate Jesus in assuming a servant role like He did that long-ago night in the Upper Room.

Being a servant leader doesn't come naturally. It requires a conscious effort. However, missionaries who consistently follow Jesus' model of servant-leadership will nurture and develop Christ-ward movements in which Jesus truly reigns as Lord and King.

Discussion questions

  1. In what ways did Jesus challenge traditional notions of leadership and power by washing his disciples' feet?
  2. How does the concept of the "upside-down kingdom" challenge the prevailing societal norms and expectations of leaders?
  3. What are some possible outcomes when Christian leaders, including missionaries, expect worldly privileges or status rather than living as servant leaders?
  4. How can adopting a servant role contribute to the development of Christ-centered movements in missionary ministry?
  5. What are some difficulties or barriers that Christian leaders may encounter in trying to be servant leaders? How can these be overcome?

    -- Howard Culbertson,

This blog on Christlike attitudes and actions that need to be present in cross-cultural missionary service is one of a dozen articles in the "Missionary Ministry that Reflects Christ" series published in Engage, an online magazine.

Why is it an "upside-down kingdom"?

Some Afterwords

The kingdom Jesus talked about radically differs from earthly kingdoms led by human beings. Here are five reasons why the Kingdom of God is so different from kingdoms led by human beings:

  1. In the Kingdom of God, values and priorities are often reversed from what is common elsewhere. For example, Jesus taught that the first shall be last and the last shall be first (Matthew 20:16). He said that the greatest among his followers should be servants of all (Mark 10:43-45). Those words run counter to the emphasis placed on power, wealth, and status in the kingdoms of this world.
  2. Christ lifted up humility as a virtue. In the Kingdom of God, humility rather than worldly arrogance is the expected norm for leaders.
  3. The Kingdom of God invites everyone to become a citizen. It seeks to include those who are marginalized, oppressed, or overlooked by society. Jesus often ministered to the outcasts of his time. These included tax collectors, adulterers, non-Jews, and the poor. By word and deed, He showed that everyone is valued and welcomed in God's kingdom.
  4. The upside-down nature of the Kingdom of God also refers to the transformation it brings to people. Instead of human leaders imposing their will, God's Kingdom challenges us to allow the Holy Spirit to reorder priorities, attitudes, and behaviors.
  5. Rather than exalting earthly power and material wealth, the Kingdom of God focuses on spiritual realities and eternal values. Those who want to follow Christ are expected to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

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