At what age do Americans become Christian?

Evangelism statistics: How old are people when they get saved?

"I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." -- 2 Timothy 1:5

Ages at which Americans say they initially placed their belief and faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah and became evangelical, born-again Christians

pie chart illustrating the ages
at which people became Christ-followers

The data in the pie graph or chart comes from research done at the Global Ministry Center of the Church of the Nazarene.

Another survey cited by the International Bible Society indicated that 83% of Christians make their first commitment to Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14 when they are children or early youth. Surveys done by the Barna Research Group indicate that American children aged 5 to 13 have a 32% probability of accepting Christ, while the probability of youth aged 14 to 18 becoming Christians falls to 14%. Unbelieving adults ages 19 and over have just a 6% probability of becoming Christians.

This data illustrates the importance of influencing children to consider following Christ and welcoming Him as Savior and Lord.

Because the 4-14 age period slice of the pie is so large, many have started talking about a "4-14 Window." Many people serving as career cross-cultural missionaries have testified that they first felt God calling them to missionary service during that 4-14 age period.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -- Matthew 19:14

How do you start a conversation in which you talk about your own spiritual pilgrimage and of the divine invitation for us to put our trust in Jesus of Nazareth as Savior and Lord?

Next"How do I become a Christian? How long does it take to become a Christian?" More on the process of Christian conversion

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Afterword -- Other Studies

The results of studies looking at the age at which Americans become Christians vary depending on the denomination, religious background, and specific criteria used. However, some general patterns have been observed in surveys and research on religious conversion and affiliation.

Bottom Line: The most common time for Americans to become Christians is well before the age of 18. A smaller percentage convert or deepen their faith in late teens, early adulthood or later in life.

Reflecction Questions

  1. What challenges or barriers might make it harder for American adults to embrace faith in Christ compared to children or teenagers?
  2. Why do you think young children and pre-teens are often receptive to sensing a call to vocational ministry? How can churches and parents nurture and affirm such callings at an early age?
  3. How significant is the role of family in shaping a child's spiritual journey? What can families do to create an environment where children are more likely to place their faith in Christ?
  4. What evangelistic strategies could be effective in reaching adults who have a lower probability of conversion?
  5. How might life events, such as crises or major transitions, open the door for faith conversations with adults?

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