Howard Culbertson: personal stuff

photo of Howard and
Barbara Culbertson

Brief biographical Sketch

Howard Culbertson was born in the front bedroom of a Nazarene parsonage in Arkansas. He grew up in Oklahoma and graduated from what is now Southern Nazarene University, where he met his wife, Barbara.

After graduating from Nazarene Theological Seminary, the Culbertsons moved to south Texas, where they pastored the Uvalde Church of the Nazarene for two years. While they were there, their son Matthew became part of their family. Then, they were sent to Italy as Nazarene missionaries. Their daughter Rachele was born there. Ten years later, they were redeployed to Haiti, where they served for five years. Howard finished a Doctor of Ministry degree in missions from Denver Seminary during that period.

Howard taught missions classes at Southern Nazarene University during a home assignment year after their first term of service in Haiti. That one year turned into 25 years. At SNU, he also promoted and organized overseas mission trips for students and their families. He and Barbara spent two sabbatical semesters in Ecuador with a semester-abroad program.

Now retired from classroom teaching, Howard teaches online classes for Nazarene Bible College and European Nazarene College.

Howard has written books on Nazarene missions outreach in Italy and Haiti that local churches used to promote world evangelism. He also authored Discovering Missions, a college-level textbook on world missions.

The "official" biographical sketch

Dr. Howard Culbertson spent 25 years as a missionary-in-residence at Southern Nazarene University, where he taught missions. In addition, Dr. Culbertson was involved with many of the university's short-term missions efforts. He directed Commission Unto Mexico, a large annual evangelistic/medical/construction thrust. In 2013, Dr. Culbertson and his wife Barbara went for a second four-month stint in Ecuador, South America.

A veteran missionary for the Church of the Nazarene, Dr. Culbertson spent nearly 15 years overseas. The Culbertsons served for almost a decade in Europe. Most of that time, they lived in Florence, Italy.

In l984, they went to the Caribbean. Dr. Culbertson became mission director in Haiti, where Christianity has seen explosive growth. Besides evangelistic thrusts, hundreds of Haitian Nazarene churches run economic and farming aid projects, medical work, and elementary schools.

A native Arkansan, Dr. Culbertson grew up in Oklahoma. He graduated from Southern Nazarene University and Nazarene Theological Seminary. In l986, while a missionary to Haiti, he completed a doctorate in missions at Denver Seminary. Widely known for his missionary writings, Dr. Culbertson's most recent books are Giving That Transforms and Discovering Missions. Earlier ones include The Kingdom Strikes Back and Our Balanced Attack: How Nazarenes Finance World Evangelism. While still in seminary, he wrote Paul McGrady: Mr. Evanmgelism, the biographical sketch of a college professor who had died in an automobile accident.

The Culbertsons began their missionary service in Italy in l974. During their nearly ten years of service there, the Italian Nazarenes moved to full self-government. After moving to Haiti in 1984, the Culbertsons lived through the revolution that overthrew the oppressive Duvalier dictatorship.

At SNU Dr. Culbertson taught missions, including courses in anthropology, linguistics, the global expansion of Christianity, and world religions. He has also taught online classes for European Nazarene College, Nazarene Bible College, and Nazarene Theological Seminary.

Besides English, the Culbertsons speak Italian, French, Haitian Creole, and Spanish.

Trivia note: The name of Dr. Culbertson's D.Min. project thesis is "Using Theological Education by Extension to Teach Biblical Theology In Haiti."

I sat down to breakfast some time ago with then Nazarene General Superintendent Jerry Porter. He silently handed me a note. It said: "I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Stuff I've written

    -- Howard Culbertson,