Word puzzles as a learning tool
- Research shows that word puzzles -- crossword puzzles,
word searches, and word scrambles -- can improve learning and boost confidence.
- Word puzzles can be more than a pastime. They can be a learning tool that increases motivation and knowledge acquisition.
- Various kinds of word puzzles, such as those linked from this page, have educational possibilities, including building vocabulary and self-confidence.
"Let me tell you a riddle" — Judges 14:12
Word puzzles used in classes and seminars and in the promotion of world evangelism
Some people like to solve word puzzles as a pastime. If you do, use these as a learning tool
while you are enjoying the challenge of solving them.
"A highly
cited study by Robert S. Weisskirch found that students enjoyed doing crossword puzzles as a
way to review the material. He states that when students identify the answers of a crossword
puzzle correctly, they may experience an increase in self-confidence. This can have a ripple
effect. First, entertaining study materials can increase self-motivation in students to learn and
study more. Plus, educational crossword puzzles can ease the anxiety produced by other
assessments. Success breeds success by convincing students of
their ability.
"In [another study], researchers similarly found that students perceive themselves to be better
equipped to handle concepts due to the crossword puzzle exercise. A 2013 study came to a
similar conclusion, finding that crossword puzzles can help students improve their knowledge of
vocabulary, while also increasing their motivation to learn."
-- Kristen Seikaly |
"This is a great way to learn and have fun with it." -- Richard Slusser, Nazarene Bible
College student
Biblical Perspectives
Cultural Anthropology
Mirror for Humanity textbook
Introducing Cultural Anthropology textbook
Introduction to Biblical Literature
Bible word search and word scramble puzzles
- Hidden
Bible book names -- Find Bible book names hidden within a seemingly unrelated
- Crossword puzzles based on material in Discovering
the Bible by Alex Varughese
- Chapters 1-2: How should one read the
- Chapters 3-5: Genesis and
- Chapter 6: Leviticus, Numbers and
- Chapters 7-8: Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
and 1 and 2 Samuel
- Chapter 9: 1 and 2 Kings
- Chapter 10: Chronicles, Ezra,
Nehemiah, and Esther
- Chapter 11: Job, Proverbs and
- Chapter 12: Psalms, Song of Songs,
and Lamentations
- Chapters 13-14: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and
- Chapter 15: Some of the minor
- Chapter 16: Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, and Malachi
- Chapter 17: Apocalyptic visions of
- Chapter 18: The world of the New
- Chapter 19: Jesus the mediator of the
new covenant
- Chapter 20: Jesus in the Gospels of
Matthew and Mark
- Chapter 21: Jesus in the Gospels of
Luke and John
- Chapter 22: Acts of the Apostles
- Chapter 23: Paul and his
- Chapters 24-25: Romans, 1 and 2
Corinthians, and Galatians
- Chapter 26: Ephesians, Philippians,
and Colossians
- Chapter 27: 1 and 2
- Chapter 28: 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus,
and Philemon
- Chapter 29-30: Hebrews, James,
Peter, and Jude
- Chapter 31: The Letters of John
- Chapter 32: The Book of Revelation
- Supplementary crossword puzzles
- Three dozen women in God's story
Introduction to Christian Thought
Ministry, Church, and Society
Missions promotion
Modern Missionary Movement
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
- Missions history together with a world
evangelism history puzzle for the Modern Missionary Movement course
World Religions
Word scramble puzzles
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Biblical Literature
World Religions
Word search puzzles
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Biblical Literature
Strategies of missions practices
"I know that . . . no mystery puzzles you" -- Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar
words to Daniel (Daniel 4:9, Holman Christian Standard Bible)
"It was fun and informative to complete the puzzles. I appreciate the time you spent
creating puzzles as an interesting method of learning. -- Lynda B., Nazarene Bible College
-- Howard Culbertson,
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