Bible Crossword Puzzle: Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

Based on material in chapter 7 of Discovering the Bible by Alex Varughese

Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the textbook?

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2 The god of a Canaanite fertility religion
4 A judge of Israel who defeated a far larger Midianite army with only 300 men (pared down from the 32,000 soldiers who originally showed up for the battle)
6 The book that presents the stories of entering, possessing and distributing the land as a solemn act of worship
7 A Jericho resident who recognized God's power at work among the Israelites and therefore assisted two spies sent to her city
1 A physically powerful man who was raised as a godly Nazarite but whose life illustrates how leaders can falter badly.
3 A woman prophetess-judge whose leadership brought deliverance from oppression to Israel
5 A book covering 350 years of Israel's "Dark Ages." It takes its name from the warrior heroes who were the central characters in its stories.
7  A biographical sketch of a Moabite lady who was the great-grandmother of King David

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Brief descriptions of the Bible books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth


One significant lesson that emerges from the Old Testament books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth is the theme of faithfulness and obedience to God amidst changing circumstances.

In the book of Joshua, we see the Israelites entering the Promised Land under Joshua's leadership, following God's commands to conquer the land. The overarching message here is about the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God's instructions, even when facing daunting challenges./p>

In Judges, the cycle of apostasy, oppression, repentance, and deliverance is highlighted. The Israelites repeatedly turn away from God, leading to their oppression by foreign powers. Yet, when they cry out to God in repentance, He raises up judges to deliver them. This book teaches us the consequences of disobedience but also the importance of repentance and God's faithfulness in delivering His people.

Lastly, the book of Ruth portrays the faithfulness of individuals amidst difficult circumstances. Ruth's loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and her commitment to God's people ultimately leads to blessings and redemption. Ruth's story emphasizes the significance of loyalty, kindness, and trust in God's providence, even in the midst of uncertainty and hardship./p>

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