Resources: Christian missions and world evangelism

A Church for every people and the Gospel for every person

Open Educational Resource (OER) site

Southern Nazarene University -- fulfilling the Great Commission
Howard Culbertson, emeritus professor of missions and world evangelism

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Want to learn more about Christian missions? Check out the pages on this site. Missionary case studies, internet links, world missions course materials, missionary-sending organizations, and more.

Introductory missions book

Discovering Missions

by Charles Gailey and Howard Culbertson

Biblical basis of missions, mission history, short-term missions, the missionary call, culture, globalization of the church and of the missionary force, mobilizing a local church for world missions, and a peek into the future

Order from The Foundry or from online discount booksellers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Free teaching resources: If you use Discovering Missions as a course textbook, get free teaching resources (PowerPoints, case studies, crossword puzzles, exam questions, video suggestions) on Google Drive. Or, email me and I will send you all that material on a CD.

Video: "Making disciples in all nations" (13 minutes)

Who am I?

More than three decades ago Barbara and I came back to the USA from Haiti for what we thought would be a one-year "home assignment" or furlough. Southern Nazarene University knew that I had just finished a D.Min. in cross-cultural Christian missions from Denver Seminary. So, SNU asked if I would serve as the "Garner Chair of Missions" professor for that year, teaching classes on world evangelism and Christian missions while I also traveled to local churches promoting a global vision. That was in 1988.

Well, 25 years later when I retired, I was still there, teaching missiology or Christian missions, caring for the Missionary Kids who were SNU students, and directing world missions outreach projects, including Work & Witness projects. I spent most of the 90s as district Nazarene Missions International (NMI) president for the Nazarene churches of Northwest Oklahoma. My focus has been, and is the global harvest. I am still teaching online classes for Nazarene Bible College (USA) and European Nazarene College. I taught online for Northwest Nazarene University for a dozen or more years and I've even taught a couple of online classes for Nazarene Theological Seminary (USA).

This website has materials and resources from my missions and world evangelism classes as well as from my promotional and mobilization work with Nazarene Missions International. There are also pages for General Education classes that I also taught:

"Missiology? What does that mean?"
Missiology is the study of cross-cultural, global missionary outreach. It looks at every aspect of missionary work.

NILI Ecuador YouTube video about my experience in a semester-abroad program where students learned Spanish

"Thanks for posting all this material from your courses." — retired professor who visited this site

Top Ten Pages on This Site

The Top Ten pages drawing visitors to this website as reported by Google in a recent period are:

  1. Data on Bible chapters
  2. Signs of the End Times
  3. Bible jokes and Bible trivia
  4. The Ten Commandments
  5. Is it Okay for Christians to Cuss?
  6. Is Satan Real?
  7. Word Search: People Mentioned Most Ofen in the Bible
  8. William Borden and World Missions
  9. Sample Mission Trip Fundraising Letters
  10. Zaccahaeus' Encounter with Jesus

The Top Ten pages drawing visitors to this website by Microsoft Bing in a recent period are:

  1. Information on Bible Chapters
  2. Silent Night: Story of a Beloved Christmas Carol
  3. BibleJokes, Puns and Trivia
  4. Classic World Missions Songs and Hymns
  5. William "Bill" Borden: No Reserves. No Retreat. No Regrets
  6. Missionary Heroes That Were Black
  7. Monthly Nazarene Missions International Emphases
  8. Nazarene Alabaster Offering for World Missions
  9. Christian World Missions Timeline
  10. Nazrene Missions International -- The Local Church Involved in Great Commission Fulfillment

Quotations from sacred scripture: Unless otherwise noted, all passages from the Bible quoted on this site are from the New International Version