Faith Promise for World Missions
- Faith Promise participants commit to giving a specific
amount of money beyond their regular tithes and offerings for the cause of Gospel missions activity
around the world.
- Faith Promise is an agreement with God to be
involved in fulfilling the Great Commission around the world through prayerful giving.
- Faith Promise offers an opportunity to give sacrificially in an
attitude of radical generosity and trust in God's provision for one's needs.
- Faith Promise draws attention to trust in God's provision for us by encouraging people to step out
in faith and support world missionary activity beyond what they might initially think
Systematic giving for world evangelism
PowerPoint: Missions Giving
Through Faith Promise
Questions and answers: Raising money for missions
"The number one factor that leads to God's blessing and revival is radical
generosity!" -- Bill Johnson
Is it important that we give regularly by the week or month?
For most of us . . . yes. Most wage earners find it easier
to give weekly or monthly rather than in occasional large lump sums. Regular giving also helps
us remember to pray for world evangelism. [ more on prayer ]
Are Faith Promises pledges?
No. A Faith Promise is not
a pledge. Faith Promise is also not a tithe; it is an offering of thanks. It is an agreement with God to participate in Kingdom
work worldwide through giving beyond the tithe. The amount is determined after earnest prayer.
Question: If Faith Promise is systematic giving to missions that become part of a person's weekly or
monthy financial budget, where is the sense of joyful sacrifice?
The joy is in seeing the needs supplied, hearing what is happening through the Church
around the world, and in realizing that we have entered into a partnership with God that will have
effects for eternity.
C.S. Lewis said it well: "The only safe rule is to give more than we can
Sample Faith Promise commitment card
Here's a sample of wording for a response card (sometimes called pledge cards) that
can be used during a local church Faith Promise missionary convention. This particular card
was printed front and back on a 4¼ x 5½ card.
(Printed on the front of card)
My Faith Promise for world missions
In sacred trust and total dependence, I choose to give by faith so the world
may know God's grace, experience His love, and surrender to His Lordship. I am trusting God to
help me to:
- _____ Pray daily for world missions
- _____Fast one meal per week for world evangelism
- _____Give financially to support Nazarene World Missions efforts.
I understand that my Faith Promise commitment (the amount I'm promising to give) is for
the 2021-22 church year.
Please fill out this card and write the total yearly amount you plan to give in the space
Total to be given in one year ________(see chart)
Check method of contribution: ___ Weekly ___
Monthly ___ Lump sum payment
Name: ___________________________________________________
(Printed on the back of card)
What regular, systematic giving will accomplish
A weekly
gift of . . .
$ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
60 70 |
equals yearly $260
520 780 1,040 1,300 1,560 1,820 2,080 2,340
2,600 2,860 3,380 3,640 |
A monthly gift of . . . $ 10
20 25 35 45 50 60 70 75 80 85
95 100
equals yearly $120 240
300 420 540 600 720 840 900 960 1,020
1,140 1,200 |
Print this card
This card is available in PDF
Sample of another card
Check out this card used by The
Fellowship at Western Oaks
Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma City.
Oswald Smith, pastor of
People's Church in Toronto, Canada, publicized the phrase "Faith Promise" to describe his asking the people of his
congregation to make an annual financial and prayer commitment or pledge to world evangelism.
The idea was born from his own experience of feeling that God was asking him to give more
than he thought he could.
Front of sample Faith Promise commitment card
Back of sample Faith Promise commitment card
How does a congregation come up with a goal for Faith Promise giving?
Your total Faith Promise goal depends on what items you put into your church's Faith
Promise budget.
Some churches set Faith Promise budgets with different levels to inspire people to give
sacrificially. The bottom level is the bare minimum that will be needed. The second level will
make it possible for the congregation to give to specific needs and projects. Then, the highest level will help
fund some mission trips and other things. Here is what a three-level Faith Promise budget from
one church looked like:
Faith Promise
Some goal possibilities for this year
Level: Takin' care of responsibilities
$8800 Fulfilling our World Evangelism Fund
commitment to fund outreach, discipleship and leadership training ministries in 165
Level: An offering of praise
The above plus . . .
$600 Faith Promise weekend expenses, including speaker
$350 District NMI budget
$350 Missionary speakers on home assignment who speak in our
$300 World Evangelism Broadcast offering
$275 3% Overpayment of World Evangelism Fund (goes to open new
$1000 Offering which district asks us to give to missionary speaker at
fall district tour
Level: Isn't God awesome?
All the above plus . . .
$3000 Local Hispanic outreach ($1,000 per month for three
$1000 Support for church members going on mission trips (Work and
Witness, Youth in Mission, MissionCorps)
What will your part be?
More examples of churches' Faith Promise budgets: Example 1
| Example
"The present global financial situation is a good opportunity for us to
examine our ways, to repent of our greed and wastefulness, and to reassess our stewardship
practices. However, it is also an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate faith and trust in
God's radical generosity. We do this by giving freely, not withholding or hoarding. God delights
in a cheerful giver because He is a cheerful giver. As we trust Him, we become like Him!" --
Daniel Psaute, Nazarene missionary
World Missions Faith Promise FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions on Faith Promise, a system of giving to global evangelism
"They gave of themselves as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. . . .
See that you also excel in this grace of giving. . . . Your plenty will supply what they need"-- 2 Corinthians 8:3, 7, 14
Common questions
- 1. What is Faith Promise?
Faith Promise is a way of systematically supporting world evangelism efforts. Rather
than waiting to respond to individual appeals as they come along, believers ask the Lord how
much they should give to missions over the next year. They then commit to that annual total as a
"Faith Promise." In this way, making a Faith Promise commitment turns our giving to global missions into
something strategic rather than a sporadic, spur-of-the-moment happening.
- 2. Is there a scriptural basis for Faith Promise missions giving?
Faith Promise giving makes us channels of blessing. In His covenant with Abraham,
God said that through Abraham's descendants, "all peoples of the earth would be blessed."
(Genesis 12:3) Faith Promise giving is a way of handing on the blessing.
- Faith Promise giving is more than one can afford (2 Corinthians 8:2-3, 2 Corinthians
9:6-15) [ Wartime stewardship ]
Creative frugality ]
- Faith Promise giving reflects our personal commitments (2 Corinthians 8:5)
- Though Faith Promise giving is optional, it does clearly demonstrate our love (Philippians
2:1-4; Luke 6:38, Romans 12:9-10)
- 3. Who should give to Faith Promise?
Everyone! Children and youth may have less money
than adults, but training them in systematic giving and faith living is crucial.
- 4. What's the relationship between Faith Promise and paying a tithe?
Faith Promise giving is over and above the tithe.
Tithing is a clear scriptural principle dating back to the earliest pages of Genesis. Tithing acknowledges God's ownership over me and all that I have.
In practical terms, tithe money runs the local church and its
ministries. Faith Promise is a way for us to give specifically to reaching the unreached of the
world. Faith Promise tangibly expresses my desire for the whole world to know the Good
- 5. How do I get the funds to fulfill my Faith Promise?
God may increase your income.
God may decrease your expenses.
God may lead you to sacrifice. [ Wartime stewardship ]
- 6. Do I give my Faith Promise before I get it?
A Faith Promise is a faith commitment. Promise only what you believe God wants to
give through you. Then trust God to be faithful in supplying your needs (Philippians 4:19).
Your Faith Promise involvement says that you believe:
- World evangelism is vital to accomplishing the mission of the church
- The gospel can change lives
- Giving, although important, is secondary to faith and praying
- God will help pay the amount promised
- 7. How do I decide how much my Faith Promise should be?
- Study the scriptures.
- Total up your giving to world evangelism for last year.
- Increase that total by a reasonable percentage.
- Divide the total by 52, or 26, or 12 (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly) contributions)
according to how often you get paid. [ Giving
chart ]
- Prayerfully again consider the amount you can commit to give. (II Corinthians
9:7). Do not be surprised at what God lays on your heart. Just be obedient.
- Fill out a Faith Promise Card, indicating your Faith and Promise [ see sample card ]
- 8. How do I give the money for my Faith Promise?
Give regularly if you can. Missionaries need regular
support. Some Faith Promises, however, depend on annual, one-time income. These can be paid
when those monies are received.
- 9. Is this a pledge, and will I be notified of my progress?
This is a promise to God, not a pledge to the church.
Your Faith Promise amount is between you and God. No one will notify you or keep track of
your progress toward your commitment.
- 10. Who can make a Faith Promise?
Anyone who wants to trust God and who wants to be
used by God to get the Good News to the unreached can make a Faith Promise commitment
(Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:24-25). Youth and children are asked to participate in Faith
Promise giving.
- 11. How long does my Faith Promise commitment last?
Generally, Faith Promise commitments are made once
a year during a missions conference or convention. The weekly or monthly or annual
commitments extend for one year from that time.
- 12. Is Faith Promise a pledge I commit to pay even if my income goes down during the
Faith Promises differ from other kinds of giving, such
as pledges. Pledges are largely horizontal since they are made for a church or some other worthy
cause. Pledges are often the basis on which a church takes out a loan to do a construction
project. Faith Promise giving is more vertical since it is made between the believer and the
- 13. Why do I have to sign my name if this is a commitment I'm making to God?
Signing your name is optional. However, indicating your name and amount allows
to express your Faith and your Promise. It is a way of saying to God, "This is me, Lord. Count on
- 14. What is the advantage of Faith Promise giving?
One major advantage in giving to missions on a per
week or per month basis is that you can give far more to missions that way than you can by
giving one or two big sacrificial gifts per year (at least that's the experience of our family).
Faith Promise sets you up to give to missions in amounts that reflect what you'd like to do but
probably could not in just one or two big annual offerings.
- 15. Is Faith Promise the only way I can participate in missions giving?
Not everyone chooses to give weekly or monthly through Faith Promise. Therefore, many conbgregations offer other mission giving opportunities throughout the year. [ see suggested monthly emphases ]
Those participating in Faith Promise giving may choose to give additional offerings at these times in response to the
Lord's direction.
- 16. Can you suggest a theme for our Faith Promise convention?
Choose a song title
Choose a scripture theme
Choose from what others have used
- 17. Are there scriptural foundations for Faith Promise?
Faith Promise is the "how" of fulfilling a key part of my responsibility for world evangelism. When I talk to congregations, it's not about how Faith Promise is
commanded in Scripture, but how God's people are to be His instruments to take the gospel to the unreached corners of the earth. Check out this
listing of passages.
So, the question is: How do I respond? Do I respond with that small change that's
currently in my pocket? Do I respond with what I think I can "afford" on
a particular Sunday? When my wife and I were first married, the church we were in raised most
of its world evangelism contributions in two big offerings: Easter and Thanksgiving. My wife
and I would suddenly realize the Easter offering was two weeks away, and we would grab our
checkbook. Since, like most families, we spend whatever comes in each month, there never was
much there. Even when it seemed like we gave sacrificially and made out a check for every
single penny in our account, the amount was never all that much. When our church moved to the
Faith Promise system of missions giving and began urging us to give on a weekly or monthly
basis (however we got paid), we started ratcheting our giving up to the level of giving where we
really wanted to be. In fact, we now just simply double-tithe: 10% to the local church and 10%
to world evangelism. That level of missions giving would have been unthinkable for us if we
tried to give it all in a couple of big offerings a year.
For us, Faith Promise has simply been a way of doing what we feel God wants us to do. Scripture
tells us in various ways that our Lord and Savior wants us to be a giving people. He also wants us, as spiritual
children of Abraham, to be involved in that Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 12 of seeing that
"all nations will be blessed." Our involvement in Faith Promise grows from a very pragmatic way for
us to respond to God's desire that people in all nations (or people groups) come to know Him.
"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to
you." Luke 6:38
A productive investment of world missions money
Pierre Madsen went to St. Michel de l'Attalaye fresh out of Haiti's Nazarene Bible College.
Pierre had gone to that Haitian town with the challenge of planting a new church.
To fund the church planting project, the Haiti North Central District offered Pierre $100
per month. This monthly subsidy from the World Evangelism Fund would last a maximum of
three years. That meant that within three years, Pierre had to find a way to support himself, his
family, and the new congregation.
It would not be easy. As Pierre rode in the back of a truck into St. Michel for the first time,
he knew that he and his new wife would face some lonely days. The district superintendent had
told him that, as far as he knew. Pierre and his wife would be the first Nazarenes to live in that
valley. Pierre would not have the advantage of a core of longtime Nazarenes transferring
from nearby congregations to help him. He would start from "scratch" with only three years
of minimal financial help.
Haiti's extreme poverty would make reaching total self-support in 36 months a difficult goal
to reach. As Pierre and his wife went to St. Michel de l'Attalaye, they were clearly taking a
step of faith.
Six years went by. Then, one day, I saw Pierre walking across the Haiti Nazarene Bible
College campus. He had come to the capital city to complete paperwork for a government license
for his church's elementary school. I realized who he was and walked over to where he was talking
with some students.
"How's it going, Pierre?" I asked.
"Oh," he said rather matter-of-factly, "OK."
He paused. Then, a smile lit up his face. "Well," he said, "Actually, it's going well! Our
elementary school is about to get a government license. Exciting as that is, it's only part of what
the Holy Spirit has been doing. Not long ago," he said, "a registered nurse found the
Lord at our altar. With her help, we started a small medical dispensary. So we're saving souls and
also healing bodies. Then, the biggest news of all is that the Lord has opened the door for us to start five
other churches in the surrounding mountains. God has so used us to transform lives and situations
in that valley that people have begun to call it 'Nazarene Valley.' "
"What a bargain," I thought as Pierre finished his story. Six churches, a school, and
a dispensary -- all for a three-year investment of $100 per month. That particular World
Evangelism Fund investment paid some impressive dividends.
Because you gave!
Ideas for a faith promise
sermon or even a sermon series on missions
Faith Promise bulletin insert by Oswald Smith
-- Howard Culbertson,
Need decorating stuff for a missions dinner or event?
Liven up your missions conference events. How about some Chinese fortune cookies with
scripture verses inside or paper place-mats which a particular nation theme?
More Faith Promise event resources for you
These might also be helpful to you