52 brief devotionals from the Bible
- Links to 52 weekly Bible-based devotional articles for
- The devotionals draw on passages in Exodus, Joshua, Job,
Psalms, Isaiah, Habakkuk, Micah, Luke, 1 Corinthians, Philippics, 1 John, and Revelation.
- This year-long series of articles was written while the author served as a missionary in
Thoughts to live by for each week of the year
Inspirational devotionals published in Standard
Does God speak to us through His Word? Is the Old Testament relevant today? What lessons does Luke's Gospel have for us? What can we learn from Psalms? What does the book of Job teach us? These and other similar questions are looked at in 52 brief devotional
These short, reflective articles were written to push for personal spiritual growth. The idea was to help people grow in their relationship with God. The article aim to increase faith, inspire contemplation, and solidify an intimate connection with Jesus Christ.
The Scriptural basis of each article came from the Bible passages used in the Faith Connections adult Sunday school curriculum. The articles were published in The
Standard, a weekly take-home piece published by what is now called The Foundry. These were written while Barbara and I were serving as missionaries in Italy.
- Are we preparing the way for the Lord Luke 3:15-18 -- an experience during a missionary's home
- Satan's empty bag of tricks, Luke 4:13-20
- The power of the Savior's word, Luke 4:31-36, 40-43; 5:1-6
- A
live-and-share philosophy of life, Luke 5:17, 24, 27-39; 6:11 -- Being an authentic
Christ-follower in a world of diversity
- Discipleship doesn't come cheap,
Luke 6:40 -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer's rejection of "cheap grace"
- God has
visited His people, Luke 7:22
- Where
is your faith?, Luke 8:25
- Who do
you say He is? Luke 9:18-20
- Perfect love, Luke
- "Lord,
teach us to pray," Luke 11:1-13
- First
things first, Luke 12:13-34
- Does
the Colonel have something we don't have? Luke 14:12-24
- Wet
blanket (or joyless) religion, Luke 15:21-32
- From
mere religious teaching to real redemptive power, Luke 24:5b-6a
- Don't
throw your life away, Luke 17:33
- And a
wee little man was he," Luke 19:1-10
- An
atmosphere of commercialism, John 1:11
- The Antichrist, Luke
- Too
sure of ourselves, 1 Corinthians 10:12
- Salvation
unlimited, 1 John 4:10
- "Among all nations . . . with
power," Luke 24:49
- Who
cares 1 John 4:7
- "To
everyone who is thirsty", Isaiah 55
- An
active faith, not fatalism, Psalm 121:1-2
- Measuring up, Micah 6:8
- Get the
glory down, Psalm 103:8 -- Phineas F. Bresee's exhortation to early Nazarenes
- Single-minded concern for the
Kingdom, Philippians 4:19
- Trust the instruments, Joshua 1:5-9
- Fountain of Youth, Isaiah 40:31
- A love
that destroys, 1 Corinthians 13
- He is my shepherd, Psalm 23
- Fountain
of joy, Habakkuk 2, 3 -- Deep-seated joy in the midst of bad circumstances
- An appropriate humility Job
- We shall be changed, 1 Corinthians 15
- "Non più morte, non più duolo" Revelation 21:4
- Where they did not belong, Exodus
- What does God have in mind for your kids? Exodus 2:1-15
- "I am Who I am," Exodus 3:1-10, 13-15 -- Moses at the burning bush
- God's man under pressure, Exodus 5:1-14
- Unworthily Exodus 12:1-14
- I sing because I'm free, Exodus 14:10-16, 22-31
- Another CIA plot Exodus 10:1-9, 20-25
- Is God shooting at us Exodus 20:1-11
- Watch thief, Exodus 33:12-23
- Swimming upstream,
Exodus 20:12-20
- These
hands I give to you, Exodus 24:3-18 -- Short-term mission trip experiences like Nazrene Mission Teams (formerly Work
& Witness)
- Dancing around a golden calf, Exodus 25:1-9; 31:1-6 -- Ministry at The Lamb's Club in Times Square
- Emptiness versus God's
presence, Exodus 32:1-14
- Blessed . . . Not so . . ., Psalm 1
-- Looking back over the lives of two brothers
- Telling tales, Psalms 14:1-3; 15;
- Sweet little baby Jesus, Psalms
22:1-5, 23; 24:7-10
- Leaning on the everlasting arms, Psalm 37:1-11 -- Alfredo Del Rosso and Earl Lee
-- Howard Culbertson,
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Afterword: How brief devotional articles can help us
Devotional articles rooted in the teachings and narratives of the Bible can serve as spiritual guides. Building onthe wisdom, narratives, and teachings of the Bible, devotional articles can inspire and uplift us emotionally and spiritually.
Devotional articles can provide insights, reflections, and practical applications of biblical passages. Bible-based devotional articles like these that appeared in Standard can strengthen our relationship with God. They can deepen our understanding of scripture and provide the strength and wisdom to daily live out our faith.