"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" -- 2 Corinthians 5:17
Sometimes, people think of soul-winning as solely the decision-making moment or point of conversion. They neglect the "before" and "after" steps of what the call to become a believer in Christ means for most people. Those "before" steps may be brought about by what had been called pre-evangelism.
In his book Communicating Christ cross-culturally (Zondervan, pages 446-452), Missiologist David Hesselgrave points to several stages that generally occur in authentic Christian conversion. Believers wanting to win others to Christ should understand that they are trying to help people through a process that Hesselgrave outlines with alliteration:
So, when a person acknowledges having embraced Christ as Savior, that may be remembered as a specific point in time. However, the path leading to that point may have been long. A praying mother, a godly professor, a Christian book, a dramatic play, a loving friend, or a personal crisis may have played a part in that person deciding to repent and accept Christ's lordship. (1 Corinthians 3:5-10; John 4:34-38)
-- Howard Culbertson,
Christian conversion is a process that involves more than just the moment of decision or commitment. It involves a series of events, experiences, and inner transformations. These both precede and follow the decisive moment of conversion.
Before cementing a decision, people may go through a period of spiritual seeking, questioning, and examination. They may encounter God's grace through various means. These can include personal experiences, relationships, and exposure to Christian teachings. These experiences get them to a point of readiness to make a commitment to Christ.
Also, after what might be considered the moment of conversion, the pilgrimage continues as believers grow in their relationship with God. This involves ongoing learning, spiritual formation, and discipleship. It's a process of deepening understanding and developing character. It means becoming more like Christ with the passing of time.
C -- Choosing to follow Jesus with all your heart.
O -- Opening your life to His truth and grace.
N -- New life begins as you leave sin behind.
V -- Victory is found in His love and power.
E -- Eternal hope replaces fear and doubt.
R -- Redeemed by His sacrifice on the cross.
S -- Salvation: A gift, freely given.
I -- Inviting His Spirit to guide your way.
O -- Obedience to His word transforms you.
N -- Never turning back, walking in faith.