Hindu/Christian interfaith marriage

Case study: Can people of two very different religions be successfully married?

Here's an actual letter I received from a young Hindu wanting advice and guidance regarding his wish to marry a Christian. Read it, Then decide how you would answer this man's letter.

Some general case study guidelines are available to aid in your reflection and discussion.

Note: It is not uncommon to hear people use phrases like "the Baptist religion" and "the Nazarene religion." That is incorrect. Both are denominations or groups within the Christian religion.

This case study is not designed to talk about whether a Baptist should marry a Presbyterian. It is meant to help discussions involving a marriage between a Christian and someone of a completely different religious system like Hinduism, Islam,, Sikhism, or Buddhism.

Hi there

I am in a dilemma. I am a Hindu and am trying to decide whether to marry a Christian girl from the Assembly of God denomination (she converted from Hinduism 3 years ago). We are very much in love with each other.

While my parents expect her to follow my religion after marriage, I am of the view that she can follow her Christian religion, but that she should partake in my Hindu religious activities as well. I respect Christianity, but we must have a Hindu marriage. When looking at a marriage partner who will be my other half (two bodies, one soul), it's very reasonable for me to ask her to participate in my religious obligations (which are not many). Wouldn't that be a reasonable expectation of married life? She can still go to Christian worship services and other church activities, and I will accompany her whenever possible.

She has come back to me saying that all the above will be a sin in Christianity and that she will be punished if she participates in the activities of my religion. Because we love each other, it seems like the heart does not agree with the mind.

My priest has advised me to participate in her activities where possible. I respect her choice of religion because, for me, there is only one god. It's just that we all have our own ways of faith. The scriptures of all faiths, including the Christian Bible, are indispensable holy tools that are at our disposal to provide everlasting energy for our life pilgramage. The ultimate goal of Hinduism is, of course, the attainment of self-consciousness/realization. This is in line with the spiritual truth that our atman is part of the all-prevailing Brahman. Our own pilgrimage, however, needs to be undertaken individually. For this, I will have to go through a cycle of seven births and deaths.

I also realize that other factors like children should be considered.

I like this girl and will find your advice helpful.

It would also help if you could provide me with the details of people who have been in a similar situation. At the same time, it would also help if you could point me to a "best practices" manual for Hindu/Christian marriages which would give us guidelines and steps to follow.

Kind Regards


  1. How would you respond to Rajesh?
  2. What Hindu beliefs and worldview assumptions are reflected in the young man's letter?
  3. Are there basic Christian beliefs that he may be misunderstanding?
  4. What are some best-case and worst-case scenarios that may result in a marriage like this one?
  5. How do you evaluate the approach of taking a "love conquers all" attitude?
  6. What Bible verses or passages would be helpful in this situation?
  7. How would you counsel this young man?

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Some background material

Christianity and Hinduism are different religions. There may be some points of overlap or shared values, but there are key areas where they disagree. Here are some examples:

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