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Recruit a budding poet in your congregation to write global outreach words to a tune people know. Here are examples of world evangelism lyrics set to the music of some classic gospel songs. These can be used in special missionary services and events.
"Sing to the Lord a new song." -- Psalm 149:1
1. Give this message to the world: Holiness, Holiness.
On God's banner high, unfurled: Holiness, Holiness.
It brings life abundantly,
Joy and peace and happiness.
Lift it up so all may see: Holiness, Holiness.
2. Take this message to all men: Holiness, Holiness.
Purity without, within. Holiness, Holiness.
It gives freedom from all fear,
Carnal mind, and sinfulness.
Shout it out so all may hear: Holiness, Holiness.
3. Spread this message far and wide. Holiness, Holiness,
That we may be sanctified: Holiness, Holiness.
And while here on earth below,
We may have God's very best.
Proclaim it now so all may know: Holiness, Holiness.
-- words by Wes Eby
1. Let's lift up Christ at home and abroad
So all the world may see He came to take our sin,
And give new life within by death on Calvary,
By death on Calvary, by death, by death on Calvary.
2. Let's lift up Christ at home and abroad
So all the world may know He died our souls to save,
Then He rose from the grave and lives forevermore,
and lives forevermore, and lives, and lives forevermore
3. Let's lift up Christ at home and abroad
So all may understand He is our coming King,
And that is why we bring His gospel to each land,
His gospel to each land, His gospel, His gospel to each land.
-- words by Wes Eby
1. Let's join hands to lift up Jesus
To the lost throughout the earth.
They must learn that Jesus loves them,
That they have eternal worth.
Let's join hands to lift up Jesus
To all those who need His love.
We must work for Christ united
Till we reach our home above.
2. Let's join hands to lift up Jesus;
Souls are waiting to be told
That He came to bring deliv'rance
From the grip of Satan's hold.
Millions still know not our Savior
And may never, never know;
We must give to them the gospel;
Let's join hands and make it so.
-- words by Wes Eby
1. Let's lift up Christ at home, abroad,
So ev'ryone may know that God Has sent His Son,
His life to give,
That from henceforth we all may live.
Let's lift up Christ at home, abroad,
So all may know the Son of God;
So all may know the Son of God.
2. Let's lift up Christ here in this place
So all may learn of saving grace;
And of the fullness of His Love,
And that a home awaits above.
3. Let's lift up Christ throughout our land.
Obeying now our Lord's command,
That we should go while it is day
And help the lost to find the Way.
4. Let's lift up Christ throughout the earth
So all may know of His new birth,
And that His Spirit comes within
To make us pure and free from sin.
-- words by Wes Eby
1. Bridging cultures, bridging cultures;
So the whole wide world may know
Jesus came to bring salvation
Just because He loves us so;
That He died on Calv'ry's mountain
To redeem all men from sin;
That He gives us peace and pardon
When we let Him live within.
Bridging cultures, bridging cultures;
So the whole wide world may know;
This our task the Lord did give us
While He lived on earth below.
Jesus said to make disciples
Of all men of ev'ry land.
So we go into all nations,
Thus obeying Christ's command.
-- words by Wes Eby
What a glorious global family
God is forming 'round the earth.
Of one blood we were created;
Through Christ's death, we have rebirth.
Some from every tribe and nation
Will bow down at Jesus' feet.
We must hasten then to tell them...
'Til the family is complete.
1. On the resurrection morning as we rise to meet our Lord,
When His glory and His vict'ry we shall share,
With unnumbered blood-washed millions
We'll go shouting to the skies,
As His bride ascends to meet Him in the air.
When the roll is called up yonder,
We'll be filled with awe and wonder,
As we see the gathered number,
Some from every tribe and nation shall be there.
2. Up from India's blighted cities, other lands in darkest gloom,
Comes a host that's been redeemed by
Jesus' blood;
Those who went to tell the story,
Those who prayed and gave their all,
Will be with them bringing trophies
home to God.
3. When from China's countless millions and the islands of the sea,
Comes the mighty host that's saved from endless woe,
Will we ever think of partings, will we ever count the cost,
As we with our jewels to the Savior go?
4. Let us hasten with the message which He said was meant for all
To the east, the west, and all the world
Of one blood He made all nations,
We must win them all for Him,
Precious jewels to adorn our Savior's crown.
1. Go ye into ev'ry nation,
Preaching and baptizing, too.
This is Jesus Christ's commission,
Given unto me and you,
Holiness is the message
We're to take to people far and wide.
Holiness is the message
That all may be saved and sanctified.
2. We're to take this glorious gospel
To the folds of ev'ry race.
When we obey Christ's commission,
They can learn of saving grace.
3. Let us then be true and faithful
To our Savior's last command.
Loving, caring, giving, sharing,
And supporting all we can.
-- words by Wes Eby
Now, from the altar of our hearts
Let flames of love arise,
Assist us, Lord, to offer up
Our lives a sacrifice!
Millions have yet to hear of Thee,
Oh, come, our hearts inspire,
Till we shall give Thee all our good,
Make this our true desire.
Let reapers now be multiplied,
Oh, send them forth today;
Thou hast declared the fields are white,
Let many now obey.
Oh, Father, stir us as we go,
Spirit, our hearts now fill;
And make our yielded lives to glow
With zeal to do Thy will.
-- Ray Strawser
![]() | Want to try some familiar choruses in other languages? [ more ] |
-- compiled by Howard Culbertson,