World religions word scramble 2

A tool for learning about world religions

From material on Islam and traditional religions in Chapters 3 and 5, Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan

Challenge: Even if you do not have the book, can you unscramble these words and ensure they are matched up with the right clues?


Obligations of confession, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage are central Islamic worship practices.

The largest of the "denominations" or groups into which Muslims divide themselves.

In Islamic belief, a group of evil spirits that are led by the devil. These are relatively weak entities that can nonetheless cause trouble and even tempt the believer into compromising his or her obedience to Allah.

A medium for spiritual powers who often allows himself or herself to be possessed by the spirits

A label or title which means "submission to God"

Ritual impurity which renders something untouchable

An animal or some other life form to which members of a clan feel they are biologically related.

In traditional religions, a sense of a mysterious spiritual energy that is in all things

A cube-shaped shrine in Mecca that was originally a pagan worship center but is now a Muslim holy site

A term used for people who are dead but are nevertheless considered to be a continuing, living presence in the community (it does not necessarily mean genetically related)

    -- Howard Culbertson,

How to Approach the Study of Other Religions

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