Crossword puzzle: World's living religions

A puzzle based on material from the World Religions course textbook and the field trips taken by the class

Challenge: Can you solve this puzzle even if you do not have the textbook and did not go on any of the field trips?

crossword puzzle

3 Religious books of Hinduism
4 The number of "noble truths" in Buddhism
5 A Chinese system of thought which emphasizes freedom from desire, effortless action, and simplicity. In its philosophical form, it is rational, contemplative, and nonsectarian, while in its religious form. it is magical, cultic, esoteric, and sectarian
7 A hierarchical social ordering of people (with no options for upward mobility) that is an essential part of the Hindu worldview
10 In religions on the Indian sub-continent, the term applied to a holy person (man or woman) acknowledged to be in deep union or communion with a deity
11 The major religious tradition of India that is a syncretistic body of religious, philosophical, and social doctrines
12 A group that traces its origins to Joseph Smith in the middle 1800s. It says that God is a self-made, finite deity with a material body.
13 An umbrella term for indigenous religions that are sometimes called "primal religions"
17 The number of times a day that Muslims are supposed to pray
18 A set of psychosomatic theories and techniques for doing meditation in both Hinduism and Buddhism
19 What Hindus and Buddhists call their house of worship
1 Principles of conduct based on the teachings of a Chinese man who saw human beings as rational and moral creatures who owe obligations to society and the state
2 A monotheistic religion that began with a prophet on the Arabian peninsula. Its followers often see religion and state as complementary expressions of the same, single reality
6 An eclectic religion of India founded in the 16th century through the teachings of ten gurus
8 The monotheistic religion of a Semitic middle-eastern people who have the Talmud as one of their authoritative documents
9 Suffering is inseparable from existence but inward extinction of the self and the senses culminates in a state of illumination called nirvana
14 The house of worship for Muslims
15 A cosmological theory expressing the interdependence of opposite movements in nature, society, and human beings. The concept appears in Confucianism and Taoism as well as in Chinese folk religions.
16 A common practice in almost all religions, this is one of the "Five Pillars" of Islam.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

How to Approach the Study of Other Religions

Studying other religions as an evangelical Christian musts be done with a delicate balance of conviction, respect, and openness. Here are some attitudes to consider:

  1. Respect: Approach the study of other religions with genuine respect for their beliefs, practices, and traditions. Recognize that people from different faith backgrounds hold their beliefs as deeply as you hold yours.
  2. Humility: Maintain humility in your own beliefs and acknowledge that there may be aspects of truth and wisdom in other religions.
  3. Curiosity: Approach the study of other religions with a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn. Be open to understanding different perspectives and worldviews.
  4. Critical Thinking: While maintaining respect and openness, also employ critical thinking skills. Evaluate other religious beliefs and practices in light of your own faith convictions. Be discerning about what aligns with your understanding of truth.
  5. Dialogue, Not Confrontation: Seek opportunities for dialogue and engagement with followers of other religions, rather than engaging in debates. Building bridges of understanding can lead to mutual respect and enriched perspectives.
  6. Faithfulness: Remain faithful to your own beliefs and convictions while engaging in the study of other religions. Allow your exploration to deepen your understanding of your own faith and strengthen your relationship with God.
  7. Love and Compassion: Approach the study of other religions with a spirit of love and compassion. Recognize the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their religious beliefs.
  8. Prayerfulness: Maintain a spirit of prayerfulness throughout your study of other religions. Seek God's guidance and wisdom as you navigate the complexities of interfaith dialogue and understanding.

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