Word scramble 1: World Religions

Based on material about the study of religions and about Hinduism in chapters 1 and 7 of Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan

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A tool for learning about world religions

Challenge: Even if you do not have the book, can you unscramble these words and make sure they are matched up with the right clues?

1. rlieinog

A system of beliefs and practices that provides values to give life meaning and coherence by directing a person toward transcendence
2. iorytvaeloun

The approach to understanding the origins of religion that assumes religion has an essentially human origin and that it has followed a path of development from "primitive" to complex.
3. vsecjbetiu

An approach to the origins of religion that says human beings have an instinctive interest in religion and that the seat of human religion is actually below conscious beliefs
4. nnarlmgshoooemiiti

The approach to the origins of religion that [psots the beginnings of religion in God and which then sees a decay over time into magic and ritual
5. itlrua

A series of repeated actions that are performed in order to bring about a desired result
6. reeafiossapsgt

The celebrations of various stages of life as people pass through them
7. aveds

The early sacred writings of Hinduism that are considered divinely inspired and authoritative. The term itself means "knowledge."
8. seatc

The Hindu system that divides people into four rigidly-maintained social strata.
9. iiwadl

A Hindu festival of lights held in the autumn to honor a goddess
10. ramak

In Hinduism, the concept of reincarnation is driven by this cause-and-effect "law."
11. ajpu

The daily Hindu worship ritual that ends with people having their foreheads marked with ashes and flower paste

    -- Howard Culbertson,

"This is a really great way to learn the basics in each chapter." -- Heather C., Nazarene Bible College student


The global religious landscape is very diverse. It encompasses a multitude of faith traditions, belief systems, and practices. Major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism continue to shape the spiritual lives of billions. Each religion has its own unique teachings, rituals, and cultural expressions. Alongside these major traditions, there is a tapestry of indigenous, folk, and syncretic belief systems. The belief systems all reflectd the varied cultural, historical, and geographical contexts in which they have evolved.

How to Approach the Study of Other Religions

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