Stirring sayings about world evangelism
- Slogans about world evangelism can inspire and motivate
the Church.
- Twelve mini-essays that speak about the Great Commission and
the importance of getting the Gospel to the leastd-reached and unreached areas of the world.
- The essays speak of God's missionary nature, the urgency of world evangelism, and the scope
of global missions.
Slogans to awaken the Church
"Wake up!" -- Revelation 3:2
A dozen mini-essays on missions slogans and sayings from Engage magazine,
a monthly online world missions publication
- Christ's
Great Commission: An option or a command? -- J. Hudson Taylor, missionary to China
- Since
God is a missionary god, we are a missionary people -- Eddy Ho, former dean of Malaysia Bible Seminary
- We
are debtors: Pay it forward -- P.F. Bresee, a founder of the Church of the Nazarene
- What breaks your heart? -- Bob Pierce, found of World Vision
- Lost people matter to God, and so they should matter to us -- Keith Wright, Nazarene pastor and district superintendent
- The Church MUST send or it will end" -- Mendell Taylor, church historian
- Getting it there in time -- Carl F.H. Henry, evangelical theologian
- Missions is the basis of the Bible -- Ralph Winter, missiologist
- Christ is the spirit of missions -- Henry Martyn, missionary
- Everybody everywhere -- Edward Lawlor, pastor and evangelist
- Do we really understand the nature of salvation? -- Ted Engstrom, former head of Youth for Christ and World Vision International
- Nothing left but the covers -- Nina Gunter, missions mobilizer and Nazarene General Superintendent
-- Howard Culbertson,
Afterword: What Good Are Slogans?
A well-worded slogan can energize people by appealing to their emotions, values, and aspirations. Elements of a good slogan include:
- Emotional Appeal: Slogans that trigger emotions like excitement, hope, inspiration, empathy, or a sense of urgency can cause us to take action.
- Relevance: A slogan should be relevant to the audience and the context in which it is used. That happens when it speaks to people's concerns, interests, and needs.
- Memorability: Good slogans are catchy and easy to remember. They are likely to stick in our minds and influence our behavior over time.
- Call to Action: A good slogan often includes a call to action that causes people to do something specific. That may be joining a movement, giving money, or praying and lobbying for change.
- Positive Association: Slogans that transmit positive messages or associations encourage people to believe their involvement in a cause can make a difference.
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