Loving all people -- even foreigners
- Deuteronomy 10:19 is one of the 120 Old Testament passages that should move us to be involved in world missions.
- Loving foreigners (people different from us) is something God's people have not always done well.
- People wrongly assume the Old Testament promotes us/them and us-against-the-world attitudes.
- Concern for foreigners and exhortations to care for outsiders appear in multiple Old Testament passages, one of which is Deuteronomy 10:19
- God's command in Deuteronomy 10 to "love foreigners" provides a strong impetus for world evangelism efforts.
World Missions: The Heart of God
What does the Bible say about aliens and foreigners?
Commentary on Deuteronomy 10
"You are to love those who are foreigners" -- Deuteronomy 10:19
Concern for foreigners and exhortations to care for outsiders crop up occasionally in Old
Testament writings. Such expressions of concern appear in books like Exodus, Leviticus,
Deuteronomy, 1 Kings, and Micah. One such passage in Deuteronomy says, "You should
love foreigners" (Deuteronomy 10:19, God's Word Translation). What is the meaning of that verse for us today?
Deuteronomy, a compilation of Moses' last messages, retells key events of the Israelites'
post-Exodus wanderings in the Sinai. Moses was a third of the way
through his storytelling when he passed on God's command to show love to foreigners.
That command has huge ramifications for the cause of world evangelism. Think for a
moment about our unsaved friends and family members. Everyone I know has loved ones living
outside the Kingdom. Don't we yearn that they come to know the Lord? Aren't they often in our
prayers? Think about that. We love our friends and family members. God expects us to love
foreigners as well. If we do genuinely love foreigners, won't we desire that they, too, know about Jesus?
Some might argue that such a broad application of Moses' command goes against the rest of
the Old Testament. That objection may come from assuming the Old Testament mindset is one
of us-against-the-world. Repeated Old Testament warnings against adopting foreign religions
and idols may fuel that assumption. Those warnings have to be taken seriously. They were not,
however, given to create a "fortress mentality" that manifests itself in disdain for foreigners.
Admittedly, when Moses said "foreigners," his listeners may have thought principally of the
Israelites' close neighbors, some of whom were God-fearers who worshiped Yahweh. That scenario has obvious applications in a world where foreign immigrants crowd into neighborhoods bustling with evangelical Christians. However, isn't it also possible that the Holy Spirit envisioned Deuteronomy 10:19 as a command to us to embrace the whole world without regard to national or ethnic origins?
Seeing Deuteronomy 10:19 as an indicator that God's people should love everyone else in the
world reflects what we know from Scripture about God Himself. For example, 1 John 4:8
declares that "God is love" (1 John 4:8), and it is no stretch to say the exhortation to love
foreigners flows out of God's loving wish to bless all peoples (Genesis 12:3).
The Deuteronomy command to love foreigners is very much in line with the "for God so loved the world" phrase of John 3:16. That idea of loving all peoples even brings to mind the words of the classic children's song:
"Red and yellow, black and white
"All are precious in His sight."
Sadly, God's people have not always been good at loving foreigners. Jonah, for instance, stubbornly refused to love the foreign Ninevites. In the late 1700s, church leaders told aspiring missionary
William Carey not to be concerned about people who had never heard the Gospel. That, they said, was God's concern, not ours.
Such cavalier disregard for other people groups signals a failure to embrace Deuteronomy
10:19. Since that verse does reflect God's love for all people groups, is it not incumbent
upon us to wholeheartedly embody the passion of God's heart by truly loving foreigners?
-- Howard Culbertson,
This mini-essay on a world missions Bible passage is one of more than three dozen
articles in the "Heart of God" series
published in Engage, a monthly online magazine. That series looked at what the Bible says about world missions.
Reflection Questions
- Do you think the command to love foreigners in Deuteronomy 10 might be relevant to
the Bible's call for us to get the Gospel to everyone? If so, how?
- The Old Testament warns against adopting foreign religions and idols. Is there a
danger that we will think these warnings mean we cannot love foreigners? What are some ways
we can show Christlike love to people whose worldview and religion are different from ours?
- How can we avoid falling into a "fortress mentality" where it is "us against them"? How can we follow the principles of Deuteronomy 10:19 and John 3:16 to love all people regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or religion? Are there practical steps we can take to show love to foreigners in our communities and elsewhere in the world?
- The essay mentions examples of God's people failing to love foreigners, such as Jonah and
the church leaders who discouraged William Carey from missionary work. Why do you think this
happens? What can we learn from these examples? How can we avoid making the same mistakes?
- What might Deuteronomy 10:19 say to us about loving those who share our nationality, but whose cultural or racial identification is different from ours?
The meaning of Deuteronomy 10:19: Resident aliens, immigrants, sojourners, outsiders, and pilgrims
Examples of how English translations render the wording of Deuteronomy 10:19:
- "Aliens" -- Evangelical Heritage Version, Lexham English Bible
- "Foreigners" -- New International Version, The Living Bible
- "Immigrants" -- Common English Bible
- "Outsiders" -- New International Reader's Version, Tree of Life Version
- "Pilgrims" -- Wycliffe Bible
- "Resident aliens" -- Christian Standard Bible, Expanded Bible/
- "Sojourners" -- English Standard Version, Revised Standard Version
- "Stranger" -- American Standard Version, Amplified Bible
Five "takeaways" from Deuteronomy 10:19
"What does it mean for us to 'love those who are foreigners'?"
- Show love to outsiders: Deuteronomy 10:19 commands God's people to love those who are foreigners. Clearly, God's love and concern extended beyond the Israelite community to include all people around them.
- Love without limits: "Love foreigners" suggests that our love should not be limited to those we encounter daily. Our love must extend to all human beings everywhere.
- Exude caring compassion: Love is more than words; it involves action. Our response to the command to love outsiders should cause caring compassion toward them.
- Evangelize the whole world: If we genuinely love other people, we will desire that they, too, know about Jesus. So, the command to "love foreigners" should result in a passion for world evangelism.
- Reflect God's character: God is love. He desires to bless all people groups. Deuteronomy 10:19 nakes it our obligation to be a channel of God's love and compassion for all people groups, regardless of skin color, nationality, religion, cultural identity or geographic location.
Historical and Cultural Background of Deuteronomy 10:19
Understanding the historical and cultural context of Deuteronomy 10:19 can provide us insight into its significance.
- Historical Context: When Deuteronomy was written, the Israelites had already experienced slavery in Egypt and were travelling through the wilderness toward Canaan. Deuteronomy is a series of speeches given by Moses to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land.
- Cultural Context:
- Ancient Near Eastern Hospitality: In the ancient Near East, hospitality toward strangers was considered a sacred duty. This concept is evident in many cultures and religious traditions of the time, including those of the Israelites. Hospitality to strangers was more than a moral obligation. It also demonstrates one's righteousness and adherence to religious principles.
- Experience of Oppression: During their years in Egypt, the Israelites had been enslaved and subjected to harsh treatment. God reminbds them of that when He commands them to love foreigners.
- Theological Ramifications:
- Identification with the Stranger: Deuteronomy 10:19 calls for empathy and solidarity with those who may be in a similar situation that the Israelites had been in at the end of their time in Egypt.
- Covenant Relationship: The command to love the stranger is framed within the broader context of the covenant relationship between God and the Israelites. Again and again, Deuteronomy emphasizes on obedience to God's commandments as a response to His faithfulness in delivering the Israelitess from bondage. Loving the stranger is presented as a way of reflecting God's character and fulfilling the ethical demands of the covenant.
Bottom Line: Deuteronomy 10:19 point us to the fact that empathy, hospitality, and solidarity with the marginalized are rooted in past expereicnes of oppression and as well as in the covenant relationship offered by God.
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