Praying hands for world missions

"The man or woman at home who prays often has as much to do with the effectiveness of the missionary on the field, and consequently, with the results of his or her labors, as the missionary." -- R. A. Torrey

How to pray for missionaries — Prayer and world missions

"Pray for us." -- Hebrews 13:18

Making your "concerts of prayer" fruitful: Praying for world evangelism's front-line workers

Want to know how to pray for those working to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission among those yet unreached?

drawing of a hand with fingers outstretched

Use your fingers as memory aids when you pray for missions. Here's how your five fingers can be prayer reminders:

  1. Thumb
    Since your thumb is nearest to you, begin by praying for the missionaries you feel closest to. They are the easiest ones to remember. C.S. Lewis said praying for those we love is a "sweet duty."
  2. Index or pointing finder
    Let your "pointing finger" remind you to pray for missionaries who teach, instruct, and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and evangelists. They need support and wisdom to point others in the right direction.
  3. Middle finger
    Our tallest finger reminds us of church leaders. We can never pray too much for them. Pray for those who supervise global missionary outreach.
  4. Ring finger
    As any piano teacher will testify, the ring finger is our weakest finger. This weaker finger reminds us to pray for missionaries who are discouraged, in pain, or going through troubled times. [ read more ]
  5. Little finger
    Our little finger is the smallest finger. That is where we should place our individual wants and desires in relation to world evangelism needs. Let your pinkie remind you to pray for the people of the world who have the greatest need to find Jesus.

       --Author unknown

contributed by Bev Borbe, former general president of Nazarene Missions International

Intercessory prayer support is a key thing that believers in local churches can do to support world evangelism. "All movements of the Spirit in China, within our experience, may be traced to prayer," said Jonathan Goforth, missionary

Seven things all missionaries need . . . and for which people neglect to pray:

  1. Victory over mental stagnation
  2. Freshness in prayer and in Bible teaching
  3. Guidance in how to present the Gospel
  4. Deliverance from the temptation to pride
  5. Wisdom in relationships with other missionaries
  6. Strength to overcome temptations brought on by loneliness
  7. A saving sense of humor [ read more ]

Adapted from WorldTeam's brochure, "Praying for missionaries."

From a missionary: Specifics to pray for

When traveling . . .

Health and safety objectives

Spiritual watch-care objectives

Teamwork objectives

Bible verses to meditate on at prayer time

Portions adapted from an article by Gail Seiver in World Christian, Vol. 14, Number 4.

BLESS -- an acrostic to guide your prayer for a missionary or a people group

B -- Body
Prayer for physical health.
L - Labor.
Prayer for their ministry work.
E - Emotions.
Prayer for emotional health and well-being of the missionary or people group.
S - Social.
Prayer for their social relationships, their families, and extended families. Pray that God will keep marriages together.
S - Spiritual.
Prayer for their spiritual health.

contributed by CMA missionary Lisa Miriam Rohrick

More Acorstics on this site

Will you join the 714 Club? -- an invitation

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will answer their prayers and heal their land."
--2 Chronicles 7:14

People everywhere are invited to join the 714 Club. The Club takes its name from 2 Chronicles 7:14. There are no meetings to attend and no dues to pay. There's only one rule: Club members agree to pray for Africa each day at 7:14 in the morning and again at 7:14 in the evening.

What should you pray for?

  1. Pray for the Africa Region Church of the Nazarene as it evangelizes that great continent, preaching and teaching scriptural holiness so that new Christians will be discipled.
  2. Pray that God will give a vision for directions to be taken in the future.
  3. Pray that God will give boldness and foresight to field strategy coordinators.
  4. Pray for missionaries as they carry out their specific ministries.
  5. Pray for the district superintendents across the African continent.
  6. Pray for the Bible college leaders, faculty, and other educational staff as they train men and women for ministry.
  7. Pray that God will give each pastor, missionary, and layperson across the Africa region strength and power to carry out the ministries in which He is calling churches to engage.

  — a plea by J. Fred Huff, known in Africa as Dumisani Ndhlovu (the elephant that praises God), former Nazarene regional director for Africa, a region where the Church of the Nazarene is now present in every country and also has ministries within several of the cultural groups that missiologists consider to be unreached because of the small percentage of Christians within them.

For more on why we should pray for missions, go to the listing of Bible passages that illustrate how important world evangelism is to God

When cross-cultural missionaries become discouraged

What causes missionaries to feel discouragement?

Overload. Tension. Loneliness. Harassment.

"'I have had enough, Lord,' [Elijah] said, "I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too." -- 1 Kings 19:4, 10

A missionary can be tempted to feel defeated because of one or more of the following situations:

Discouraged missionaries are very vulnerable to temptation. Discouragement is a reason missionaries drop out and return home from assignments. Successful coping with discouraging times can lower the missionary attrition or drop-out rate.

"I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by your word." --Psalm 119:25, The New Living Translation

Adapted from "20 Points on Praying for Missionaries" by WEC International

    -- Howard Culbertson,

"I may not end up being a goer, but I can still play a role in reaching the world for Christ by being a sender." -- Heather H., Nazarene Bible College student

Afterword: What to Pray For

Our prayers for cross-cultural Christian missionaries help them fulfill their divine call. Ptayers help birth church-planting movements "where the church is not yet." Here are ten suggestions to help you pray meaningfully for missionaries:

  1. Pray for physical safety and protection from harm for missionaries as they deal with unfamiliar and possibly risky situations.
  2. Pray for missionaries' health and well-being. Ask that their strength and stamina be continually renewed.
  3. Ask for God to give wisdom and understanding to missionaries so they can respect the cultural norms and values of the people they serve. Pray that they will communicate the gospel in a culturally sensitive and relevant way.
  4. Missionaries are often sent to places where they must learn a new language. Pray for their language acquisition process so that they may be able to communicate clearly with people.
  5. Pray for spiritual strength and resilience for the missionaries. Living and ministering cross-culturally can be emotionally and spiritually challenging. Pray that the Holy Spirit will refresh missionaries.
  6. Pray that the missionaries can build trust and rapport through relationships they develop with local people.
  7. Pray for the impact of their work. Pray that hearts will be opened to receive the message of Christ and that people will be transformed.
  8. Pray for unity and harmony among missionary teams, as well as with local churches and organizations with whom they collaborate. Pray also for financial provision and support.
  9. Missionary work can be challenging and discouraging. Pray for perseverance and endurance.
  10. Pray that missionaries will sense God's guidance and direction in all aspects of their life and ministry. Pray that they may be truly led by the Holy Spirit.

More for you on prayer

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