Key items in the syllabus -- Introduction to Missions
"Then all the peoples of the earth will hear of Your fame and will reverence
You" -- from Solomon's prayer of dedication for the Temple in 2 Chronicles 6:33,
The Living Bible
The objective of doing this word search puzzle is to increase comprehension of
course requirements. Can you solve it by finding all the words connected to the clues

- Something that must be included in every weekly textbook reading report
- The title of one of the periodicals from which an article must be read and reported on
- The kind of grade that late work will earn
- The name of the online magazine for which your missionary interview can be written
- The title of one of the full-length feature films which can be used to fulfill an
- A collection of ancient documents in which selected readings will be done for about eight
- The minimum number of hours needed to fulfill the "hands-on global missions promotion"
- The kind of picture one assignment wants you to "draw" of what a particular local church is
doing to publicize, mobilize for, and support world evangelism
- Points can be earned for this on every day that the class is scheduled to meet
-- Howard Culbertson,
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