Challenge: Even if you do not have the textbook, can you unscramble the words that match each description?
1. 'Ballhauha ________________ | The principal founder of Baha'i |
2. aNkan ________________ | The man who is considered the founder of Sikhism |
3. Bhaia' ________________ | An offshoot of Islam that is considered the youngest world religion |
4. eTldeepGlomn ________________ | The central worship center (gurdwara) of Sikhism |
5. imSskhi ________________ | A religion of 10 gurus which began as an attempt to create harmony between Islam and Hinduism |
6. iotShn ________________ | The Japanese national religion; the word means "the way of the gods" |
7. kzmaaiik ________________ | A word that means "winds of the kami." t was used of pilots who carried out suicide missions in World War II |
8. msinMo ________________ | The belief in only one ultimate reality (that is, all reality is ultimately composed of and reducible to only one substance) |
9. siJamni ________________ | The legends about the founder of this religion very much resembles the stories about Gautama Buddha's life |
10. sraoFleeiwvtlf ________________ | A day observed in Japan as the birthday of the Buddha; it is also the day when the rice kami descend from the mountains |
11. trioi ________________ | Two vertical posts covered by two parallel horizontal beams that form the gate into the grounds of a Shinto shrine |
12. urgu ________________ | In Sikhism a person who teaches with divine infallibility. That person is considered the very embodiment of God |
-- Howard Culbertson,
How to Approach the Study of Other Religions