Inspiring world missions slogans, mottos, and quotes

"Some are trapped in boxes of pea-sized Christianity, full of myths about missions that rob them of incentive to care about the unreached" --David Bryant in In the Gap

Powerful World Christian sayings: Famous quotes about Christian missions

Fulfilling Christ's Great Commission

"From everywhere to everyone." -- Samuel Escobar

Do you need a reason for being involved in global mission? Do you need inspiration, ideas, or a rallying cry for a sermon or message on world missions? Are you involved in teaching or learning about global outreach? Would you like to sense the burden and hear the cry of a cross-cultural missionary's heart? Need some wall plaques or banners with mottos for a Faith Promise event? Do you need a slogan for a special missions Sunday? Quotations from missionary giants like William Carey and Hudson Taylor have served to inspire passion for and involvement in the Christian global missionary movement.

Why missions? World evangelism has advanced under the banner of inspiring missionary slogans, mottos, and quotes like these on this page:

Quotes on Missionary Work

Note: The quotes appear in alphabetical order according to the author's last name.

"A church that is not a missionary church is contradicting itself and quenching the Spirit." – Lausanne Covenant

Reflections on a dozen challenging world missions slogans and mottos | Slogans on PowerPoint slides

Christian quotes about missions

"Do these quotes not put the weight of the world's salvation on your heart? No, not one of us will be able to reach all ends of the earth. However, many of us can." -- Karen Allore, children's pastor

    -- compiled by Howard Culbertson,

1Who was the first to use the phrase Great Commission? It may have been Dutch missionary Justinian von Welz (1621-1688). Nearly 200 years later, Hudson Taylor really popularized the use of the phrase "Great Commission" to describe Matthew 28:19-20.

Reflection questions

  1. What are some of the best reasons and motivations given in these quotes for engaging in world missions?
  2. Which of these quotes might best challenge and inspire Christians today to action?
  3. Which of these quotes best emphasize the responsibility and urgency of sharing the gospel with those still totally unreached by the Gospel message?
  4. What do these quotes have to say about the need for personal sacrifice in fulfilling the Great Commission? Which of speak speak most clearly about the need for prayer and obedience?

What does God's Word say about missions?

arrow pointing rightChrist's Great Commission in Matthew 28 is just the tip of the iceberg. The Bible is chock-full of missionary material!

" Our goal: Depopulate hell. Our strategy: Go to the four corners of the Earth and raise as many churches as possible so to give all the nations the opportunity to hear the Gospel message." -- Veronica Roesly, Nazarene Bible College Student

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