The Old Testament, a.k.a. the Hebrew Bible

Questions raised and answered in the Old Testament

We say the Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible) is "God's Word." We believe that God reveals Himself through these ancient writings. So, the conversation about the Hebrew Bible needs to move beyond "How many books are in the Old Testament?' to the important questions raised and answered by the 39 documents (24 in the Jewish canon because some of those divided in the Christian canon, such as 1 and 2 Samuel, are considered by the Jewish canon to be just one book).

What is the purpose of the Old Testament? What message might it have for us today? Well, here are some questions raised and answered by the Old Testament:

From The Bible - God's Word for the Biblically-Inept by Larry Richards. © Starburst Publishers. Used under the educational provisions of U.S. copyright laws' "fair use" clauses.

"Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens" -- Psalm 119:89

Why are the Old Testament books in the order that they appear in the Bible?

The Old Testament book groupings
(Sometimes called the "Hebrew Bible")

"The gospel of God — the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures." – Romans 1:1-2

Queen Esther lived years after the prophet Jeremiah. Why is her story placed before Jeremiah's prophecies?

What is the logic behind the order in which the Old Testament books or documents appear in printed Bibles? Why does the book of Psalms appear in printed Bibles after the book by Nehemiah, although King David, who authored many of the Psalms, lived hundreds of years before Nehemiah, who lived after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians?

As the graphic below makes clear, the Old Testament writings or books are arranged in the Bible by subject or genre rather than chronologically (although within the subject/genre groupings, there is considerable chronological order). Note: Many scholars separate out the first five books (the Law or the Pentateuch) as a separate genre or type from the historical books. Some also use the label "Poetic and Wisdom" for the Wisdom section.

Three main groups: Seven sub-groups

chart of groups of Old Testament books

Static version of this graphic

More questions to help understand the Bible

Questions to help you dig deeper

Does God speak to us through the Bible?

nextThough about 40 different human authors wrote Scripture, it is God who wishes us to hear speaking through it. How do we know when it is His voice? [ more ]

    -- Howard Culbertson,

Afterword: What Does a Thumbnail Sketch of the Old Testament Look Like?

The Old Testament is the first part of the Christian Bible. Originally written in Hebrew, it is a foundational text for both Judaism and Christianity. For traditional Jews, those 39 documents constitute their sacred scripture. For this reason, the Old Testament is often called the Hebrew Bible. The Old Testament writings contain the history, laws, teachings, prophecies, and poetry of the Israelites. These documents or "books" were written over a period of several centuries by various authors.

Blog posts on Old Testament passages

Where they did not belong, Exodus 1:1-14    What does God have in mind for your kids Exodus 2:1-15     "I am Who I am," Exodus 3:1-10, 13-15     God's man under pressure, Exodus 5:1-14     Unworthily? Exodus 12:1-14     I sing because I'm free, Exodus 14:10-16, 22-31     Another CIA plot? Exodus 10:1-9, 20-25     Is God shooting at us? (In a good way) Exodus 20:1-11    Watch thief, Exodus 33:12-23    Swimming upstream, Exodus 20:12-20    These hands I give to you, Exodus 24:3-18     Dancing around a golden calf, Exodus 25:1-9; 31:1-6     Emptiness versus God's presence, Exodus 32:1-14    Trust the instruments, Joshua 1:9    Unlimited resources, 2 Chronicles 25:8    An appropriate humility -- Job    Blessed . . . Not so . . ., Psalm 1     Psalm 9:11 -- "Proclaim among the nations"     Telling tales, Psalms 14:1-3; 15; 16:8-11     Psalm 18:46 -- Among the nations     Psalm 22 -- Missions declaration from the cross     Swet little baby Jesus, Psalms 22:1-5, 23; 24:7-10     He is my shepherd, Psalm 23     Leaning on the everlasting arms, Psalm 37:1-11     Psalm 48:10 -- Missions exist because worship doesn't     Psalm 65:5 -- God, the global hope     Psalm 68:32 -- Recruiting for the choir     Psalm 87:6 -- Register of the peoples of earth     Getting the glory down, Psalm 103:8    Psalm 105:1 -- "Make known among the nations"     Psalm 113:3 -- "From the rising of the sun"        An active faith not fatalism, Psalm 121:1-2     Fountain of youth, Isaiah 40:31    God's splendor displayed, Isaiah 49:3     "To everyone who is who is thirsty,"Isaiah 55    A pastor's work, Ezekiel 34:11-16     The disease of prejudice -- Jonah 4:11     Measuring up, Micah 6:8    Fountain of joy, Habakkuk 2, 3

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