Statistics: The 21st century world

What's important to know about the population of the world?

Christian leaders can benefit from understanding key facts about world population data to inform their perspectives, strategies, and actions. Here are some important points:

  1. Population Growth: Understanding the current rate of population growth is crucial. As of recent data, the world population is growing at a rate of about 1.1% per year, with the total population nearing 8 billion. This growth has significant implications for resource distribution, environmental sustainability, and social dynamics.
  2. Regional Demographics: Knowing the demographic trends in different regions is essential for planning outreach, missions, and humanitarian efforts. For instance, understanding population growth rates, age distributions, and religious affiliations in specific areas can inform where resources and efforts are most needed.
  3. Urbanization: The world is becoming increasingly urbanized, with more people living in cities than ever before. This trend has implications for community engagement, social services, and the spread of ideas and beliefs. Christian leaders can consider how to effectively engage with urban populations and address their unique needs.
  4. Religious Diversity: Awareness of the global religious landscape is important for Christian leaders. While Christianity is the world's largest religion with about 30% of the world identifying as Christian. At 25%, Islam is in second place. There are also significant populations of adherents to other faiths, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Understanding the distribution of religious groups can help shape interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and mission outreach strategies.
  5. Migration Patterns: Migration patterns influence the demographic makeup of communities and nations. Christian leaders can consider how migration affects their congregations and how they can support migrants, refugees, and displaced populations. Understanding migration trends can also provides insights into global social and economic dynamics.
  6. Ethnic Diversity: Recognizing the diversity of ethnicities and cultures within the global population is essential for fostering inclusivity and understanding. Christian leaders can strive to promote unity and reconciliation across cultural and ethnic divides, acknowledging the inherent dignity and worth of all people.
  7. Youth Population: The global youth population is significant and growing and that has implications for education, employment, and social stability. Christian leaders can prioritize youth outreach and engagement, recognizing the importance of investing in the next generation and addressing their unique challenges and aspirations.

By staying informed about these aspects of world population data, Christian leaders can better understand the contexts in which they work, discern opportunities for ministry and service, and cultivate relationships across diverse communities.

How many unreached countries are there? Where are missions resources going?

"Worship in all the earth is the end goal, and joining God in His mission that all may know Him is what global evangelism is all about." -- DeAnn T., Nazarene Bible College student

7.8 billion -- Global population1
256 births per minute
120 deaths per minute
2.84 billion -- population of unreached people groups 2
Five largest countries1
1.428 billion -- India
1.425 billion -- China
339.9 million -- USA
277.5 million -- Indonesia
241.4 million -- Pakistan
Statistics on world religions3
2.6 billion Christians
2 billion Muslims
1.2 billion Hindus
658 million nonreligious
506 million Buddhists
458 million Chinese folk-religionists
269 ethnoreligionists

Note: The above numbers do not reflect "true believers" or committed followers and practitioners of the various religious traditions. The numbers simply reflect how people have self-identified.
Major branches of Christianity3
1.3 billion Roman Catholics
800 million Protestants
378 million independents
271 million Orthodox
88 million Anglicans
Christians by continent3
475 million -- Africa
354 million -- Asia
559 million -- Europe
543 million -- Latin America
231 million -- Northern America
24 million -- Oceania
ABCs of Global Missions
World A
Unreached people — 24% of the world's population; one-half of 1% of dollars given to churches and Christian organizations is spent here
World B
Evangelized non-Christians — 43% of the world's population; 5% of dollars given to churches and Christian organizations is spent here
World C
Professing Christians — 33% of the world's population; 94.5% of all dollars given to chuches and Christian organizations is spent here
Evangelization by Worlds A, B, and C
By individuals
World C -- 1,999,564,000
World B -- 2,426,110,000
World A -- 1,629,375,000
By countries
World C countries -- 141
   Population -- 1,694,733,000
World B countries -- 59
   Population -- 3,755,012,000
World A "unreached" countries -- 38
   Population -- 605,304,000
Global Christian finance (in U.S. dollars)5
Estimated personal income of church members: $15.5 trillion
Giving to Christian causes: $280 billion
Ecclesiastical crime (embezzlement and other): $16 billion
Given to global foreign missions: $16 billion
Christian workers
Indigeneous workers (all denominations): 12 million3
Number of women in full-time ministry worldwide: 4.4 million6
Foreign/expatriate missionaries: 443,0006
Scripture distribution (all sources)
Bibles per year: 100 million7
Languages with at least a portion of Scripture: 2,2386
Christian evangelism
Evangelism hours per year: 162 billion3
Disciple-opportunities per capita per year: 1663

Chart showing the status of Bible translation availability

"We still have a long way to go in reaching unreached people groups but the progress missionaries have made over the past two centuries is an encouraging sign that it can be completed. -- Robert Brown, Nazarene Bible College student

Statistical data sources

What can you do?

NextWhat can you do to reach those still unreached? [ more ]

    -- Howard Culbertson,

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