All the world in one village of 100 people

How can I better visualize the world as it is today?

Picture of the world population today

Raw population statistics can overwhelm us. Here's one way of visualizing the world and its economics, housing, health care, religious affiliation, and education: Shrink the earth's population to one village of exactly 100 people who mirror the racial, economic, religious, and other ratios of the entire globe.

Applying existing ratios, here's what that village would look like:

Data was compiled from documents published by Britannica Book of the Year, Habitat for Humanity, International Herald Tribune, the U.S. Census Bureau, the United Nations, UNESCO, and UNICEF. Research by Rekha Balu, Christine Engelken, and Jennifer Grosso.

This list is not presented to cause guilt. It is simply a way of helping us see the picture of reality.

    -- Howard Culbertson,

More on Our Diverse Village

Reflection Questions

  1. How does the demographic distribution of this "global village" challenge current approaches to world evangelism, particularly in regions where the majority are non-Christian or face economic and educational hardships?
  2. What strategies might churches and mission organizations need to adopt to reach and evangelize the 80% of the global population that is non-white and the 67% that identify as non-Christian?
  3. How can church planting efforts approach the stark economic disparities illustrated in this village, where 20 people control almost 90% of the wealth? How do we plant sustainable communities of Christ-followers in a world of which this village is a mirror?
  4. Only two out of 100 villagers have a college education, and only a few have access to a computer. What adjustments should be made to traditional evangelism and discipleship methods in light of the educational and technological realities of the global population?

Avoid being a missionary!

arrow pointing to the rightDoes the thought of being a cross-cultural missionary scare you? There are ways to avoid becoming one.

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